[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I already said this. My point is that there isn’t any ability or defensive counter, it’s literally just “kill them”. And come on, people aren’t defenseless getting rez. And the team gets immunity while rezzed, so honestly it’s just a matter whether or not the enemy team has ultimates to do; but the heroes getting rezzed can also have ultimates saved up so it’s not as simply as “bait rez then use ults” because they’re doing the same thing by “wait to die then use ults”.

But that was nothing unfixable. Like many gave so good suggestions to make it counterble, while still being fair/fun for everyone.
I do think as well that it had too less counter play which is more physical and less theoretical. But i also think the core design of Mass Res had no real flaws. The gameplay only had that.

I see where you’re coming from with that. It just tells me again that they went to fast with the rework.


But don’t you know? Mercy’s new way of using rez is SO SKILLED. It’s so little risk with such a HIGH reward. :rofl:


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“Mass Rez has no counter play.” surely you jest?

There was TONS of counter play; if you didn’t take advantage of the 2 seconds of immobility the enemy was stuck in after being rez’d? That’s YOUR teams fault. Not to mention you had 2 seconds before Mercy was even able to get off the rez in the first place (even longer if she was one of the horrid Hide and Rez Mercy’s.).

Often times my team didn’t even need Ult’s to reclear out the 3 or 4 guys who got rez’d. And I was in frickin Gold at the time of Mass Rez. So what’s your excuse?


Sorry if you thought that way. I read your posts after a lot more, and I was tired. Also, some of your points made no sense for me at all, and since you were repeating them I couldn’t believe you were serious.

Well, the point is that if you have to follow a strategy, no matter how simple or complicated, and now that strategy doesn’t exist, then yes, it’s less skilled and/or challenging in comparison. With mass rez you had to think a lot as Mercy and keep yourself alive (ignore the hide and rez exploit, that’s not how she was played well). With valkirie it’s just hide and hold a button while you don’t need to priorizate anything, you have a better challenge if you don’t press that Q because at least you have to priorizate and be skilled with your healing/boosting.

Sadly, you are mistaken in your first phrase or half mistaken. A lot of people didn’t know or didn’t want to take care of the enemy Mercy, even at pro level. I can tell you I had a lot of games where the enemy ignored me unless I was in front of their noses, if not, they shoot the tank. This happens in every single PvP game, for example, WoW. Will you focus the squishy priest who is healing the whole party? Or you will try to kill that immortal blood knight who is in front of him? You would be surprise to know how many will choose the second option.

Well, that’s a personal opinion and you are entitled to have it, but I could consider very tedious the “someone ulted, now I have to do this” thought. That’s how the game works. There is something or someone prioritary? You need to take care of it. For example, with Mercy, why you had to kill her the first? Because of the rez? Not always, because she only had it once in a while, she could have used it, and then she wouldn’t have it ready immediately. Because of her healing? Okay, but that means that she is a support and if you don’t focus a support you are doing something wrong.

Yes, maybe she needed an E ability. A lot of people thinks so. After that, you could remove some power from her mass rez without making it frustrating to use, as current rez is. The point is, Mercy never needed a rework back to two designs that were removed exactly because of the reasons people are arguing now. Valkirie and current rez’s mechanic were proved as bad designs even before game’s release, and they should never have returned. They were better lost in Mercy’s past.

Finally, once again, you have your opinion, okay, I could say I find tedious to tell my teammates “Pharah there, watch the skies” or similar things. That’s how the characters work and having one nerfed to irrelevance, as xQc said, is not good.

You didn’t get the idea. You were arguing that mass rez created an strategy you had to follow for playing around Mercy that you disliked, and games need strategy. Without strategy, this game would possibly be turned into something so stupid as the game I described. No strategy, just press any key to win.

Well, that’s why a lot of people is complaining now. Mercy is not fun anymore because she is not challenging anymore. Her basics are still fine, but her E button is suicide and forces you to hide, and valkirie is probably the least challenging ult to use, you just hide, hold a button and that’s all. You are doing the same as you can do with your basics with skill but now with no skill nor effort.

As I said, removing strategy is not a good thing. For example, more “tedious” strategies. Never engage Reinhardt face to face, better flank him. Never be in front of the enemy Bastion. Never go alone through a place with turrets. Always destroy the tp. Always kill the supports the first. If you have counters, always kill them the first. All of these are basics, and I’m sorry, but I can’t take you seriously if you are saying that you want strategy removed from the game because you find it tedious.

Since you asked me what it means, I’ll give you a simple link that explains that perfectly.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7lKTpddHWM&t=478s

7:57-8:11. Mass rez countered/undone!

As you can see, that team didn’t need so many resources for dealing with Mercy. First Zarya grav her team. Normal fire until they are all dead. Resurrect is baited. The bad Mercy who was hidding, waiting for that huge rez comes, rez them… and immediately dies because Junkrat used his ult, killing 6 man. The team used their resources smartly, so they won.

It was too simple. Why do you think Mercy was almost no played at pro rank? Because her ult was too easy to counter by skilled people, and having no E ability for added utility, she only had her basics.

Well, tbh I don’t think Mercy needed always to be the first kill at all. As I have explained, you could bait her rez or just kill first others like the other support and then her. There was a huge mind game from the Mercy around when to use the rez. If you forced her to use it in a desperate situation instead of the moment she wanted, then you probably would have won a great advantage.

Here a bunch of problems.
1- Valkirie and current rez’s mechanic already existed before mass rez and they were proved as bad designs exactly because of the reasons people are arguing. Going back to Mercy’s worst past was never an option, so I don’t know why we are back in it.
2- We could say rez was OP if she had an E ability and probably then we could have an agreement. We could say that that was a desing’s issue. Okay, but then the only thing she needed was a new E ability that fit with her, not rez, that forces her to disengage and hide and doesn’t fit with her main concept as a mobile support and breaks her own game. The only thing she needed was to receive a real E ability that feels like her E ability, not her ult, and then sacrifice some of her ult’s power.

And Mercy is a combination of two bad designs which were eliminated before game’s release for good exactly because of the reasons people are arguing now everywhere.

Mercy needs a rework. Awful past should have remained in the past.

Sorry but you are lying. Mercy’s official pickrates during seasons 2 and 3 were below 5% with Pharah in her highests since forever and Lucio and Ana had around 85%. Mercy had her mass rez. Explain us how that’s not being a trol pick.

No, she doesn’t exactly waits. However, she leave the fight and sneak around searching a wall behind what use the rez. That’s hiding and rezzing. Before the rework, in all my playtime (since before Ana’s release) I never saw a single Mercy waiting for her team to die and rezzing it. Never. In fact, I never saw a Mercy who wasn’t taking part in the fight unlike now. Now she is forced to disengage with valkirie and to stop doing her job and search a good place to hide with her rez.

Of course not, I never said that. Indeed I never had a 5 man rez with Mercy, despite al my time with her. Only two 4 man rezzes, and no one of them by hiding. I never needed to break my own game and search places to hide all the time for my rezzes. Now that’s mandatory.

Well, that’s because you are only looking what is written in the game’s lore, which is almost nothing. If you looked out you would know a lot of things more. For example, Soldier and Reaper (then aka Reyes) fought each other and both ended deadly injured. None of them died. Why? That’s not explained but you have some clues. Inside the game Mercy seems to have sinergy with Soldier, and she seems to check him, so it’s very possible she saved him, the same as she did before with Genji. However, Reaper probably was “saved” by Moira. Of course, these are only theories, but the fight between those guys is official (confirmed by Blizz), but you won’t find it watching the lore written in the game.

Hiding = going out of the fight stopping yor job as a support and rezzing someone, no matters if it’s one or 5.

Taking cover = Going out of LoS only to avoid punctual damage like an ult, something everyone should do.

Old Mercy could choose. Current one must hide. That simple. I never had to hide before the rework because I was always keeping my teammates alive playing in the mid of the fight, something that was perfectly doable but required some skill because you were the focus (and that was great for the character’s skill ceiling). I never had the need to stop doing my job and search a wall for rezzing someone. Now it’s mandatory.

I’ll explain you. You need to prioritize with your basics because they are single target. Also, you need to be close to your target and keep yourself alive, so you must be engaging and very dynamic. Valkirie allows you to fly far far away of the action, hiding into the skybox out of everyone’s range or even LoS while targetting one character but healing/boosting your entire team without having to bother about absolutely anything, because you are hiding and your basics are now aoe.

Yes, valkirie makes Mercy’s basics incredibly braindead and removes all skill, decision making and challenge from them. And yes, you are hiding because you are always out of range or out of LoS. That’s hiding, not taking cover. Mass rez was about taking cover, and then rezzing someone, unlike this. Even the best Mercy players agree with the fact that valkirie has lowered Mercy’s skill ceiling to her floor.

Aaaand that was how I lost the game where I achieved my second and last huge rez. So simple as this: my team was splitted so we were chased one by one. No ults required.

Funny fact, I lost my only two games where I achieved a huge rez. The first one because I only won the payload’s point (it was King’s Cross), and the second I have already explained it.


https:// imgflip. com/i/2ahd5m (Remove the spaces when putting that in the address bar. Reserving links for the ranking system is so pointless.)

Good cause or not, I firmly believe half the reason for the charity event is to get us to be quiet about the rework. They know the rework is a flawed mess, they know many experienced players have given way more reasonable rework ideas and even soft nerfs to 1.0, and they know they can’t go back without setting off the anti-Mercy/anti-Mass Rez crowd. I don’t mean to sound paranoid, which is not good chemistry for this thread as it is, but knowing what other publishers have done in the past, I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to try something like this just to get us to roll over and accept defeat.


Hello peoples!

Am I the only one worried that now that we’re in what appears to be a 3-support meta, Mercy is gonna be nerfed yet again without any chance that they’ll even consider returning a scaled-down version of Rez to ult? :confused:

I think most of us would agree that the only moment we could accept defeat is when we won’t care as much as now about those changes and if that happens Overwatch will be already more then dead, that meaning we could agree on looking upon something else…


We should probably drop her healing per second back down to 50 to be more in line with other healers like Zen, Ana, Lucio, Brigitte etc.


Mercy does not need a nerf. She’s finally balanced.


“We feel like Mercy is in a good place right now” - jeff I think


Changing her base kit is a no go.

This is gonna be good.


grabs popcorn this is going to be good


When it was 50 HP/S they said that she wasn’t in line with other healers.

(Also seriously this just makes Valkyrie unnecessarily weaker, ignoring the massive nerf this is to her base kit)


No. She’s fine. Please stop these threads. Let’s focus on getting the necessary nerfs on Brigitte first, and then buffing Ana.

Then let’s fix the Reinhardt and Sombra bugs.

Also, reworked Symmetra and Torbjorn.

Bastion could use some love as well.



JUST maybe

Actually give Ana a healing passive buff so she can use her grenade without having to worry that she threw away her only way to keep herself alive

With the Ammo buff; and actually being able to help your team Ana’s numbers would go up

Mercy doesn’t need a nerf; Moira is great, she just doesn’t work too well against a meta with 3 different barriers. Ana is in the worst spot

Lucio is only off meta because of all the armour and Hanzo’s damage. Zen is needed to help break that Armour and Lucio doesn’t offer attack value

She does outshine other supports though. Perhaps healing buffs to other supports are needed?

Literally just Ana needs a (directly related to)healing buff.
Moria outputs enough, and Brig/Zen/Lucio aren’t picked for healing.

Mercy nerf in 2018 oh boy

Also, this seems like an bait post to me.:thinking: