I’m mercy main and really don’t understand why are we still getting this threads.
You’re exaggerating
It’s hard to get more than 5-6 rezzes a game, when I used to average 12-17 rezzes with mercy 1.0
That doesn’t really answer how it’s fair, just that you hate Mercy discussions. Thank you.
Also if you hate Mercy discussions then don’t get involved in them, nobody’s forcing you to. You can mute the thread.
I don’t mind that rez is gone, but I do mind that they replaced it with such a boring and bad ult.
I’ve played a lot of Mercy in my days - I was also deeply troubled by the rework, to the point where I stopped playing her for months and got a new main. I care a lot about Mercy. That’s is why I’m encouraging you to let it go.
Sometimes you have to realize when something was in a way that’s not getting reverted, and this is a prime example of such a case - it’s not about how powerful or not the rez was, it’s about how Blizzard felt the ability was utilized. Right or wrong, common or not common, they felt that the way the rez was done only encouraged people to stay out of the fight. It won’t matter what anyone says at this points because all possible points have been made and it has not swayed them. Continuing hoping for a revert is an exercise in futility that will only make you stay in a mode of anger and disappointment. I’ve seen people go through all the stages - shock, anger, bargaining, grief… but many seem to struggle to reach the last step which is acceptance.
And I think many don’t realize how harmful it is to keep reiterating these threads, because it makes everyone playing her seem entitled and unable to adapt. Despite everything Mercy still has a good pick-rate, she is very usable, and unlike the future Symmetra her core play-style is still the same.
So yes, I will keep encouraging people to let it go - because it’s the only way forward. If you can’t accept what Mercy has become then… well, there’s really no point in continuing playing. You would probably find more joy playing something else if it’s such a detriment to your fun. We can only move forward with Mercy by not looking back.
This probably sounds harsh, but I’m saying this with the best of intentions of helping you all move forward as well. Accepting what’s happened and working with what I’ve got has made me a better player and made me a lot happier.
Is this a troll post…?
There doesnt need to be a 1 button counterplay to a teams strategy of saving ultimates for one last fight.
Res on cooldown is balanced since its a risky play.
Mercy is more fun now than she ever was, but thats opinion based.
I feel if they bring it back it should be a custom setting. Like you can do it in a custom game but in actual games, it’s the current valk mercy
I wasn’t my intention to lecture you (and great that you’ve read psychology, I have a degree too and it’s the one I’ve had most use of in my day-to-day life), I was speaking in general terms although I did do it in my reply to you.
At the end of the day you do as you wish, just remember that it’s only a game and that getting too involved with this “fight” as some see it might not be very conductive to your peace of mind. That’s what I think is most important.
Take care!
To be honest with this new hanzo + zarya meta that actually not a bad idea.
Or at least fix that boring af mercy ult.
Sure the ultimate may not have as much impact now but I’m not giving up my ability to dash past allies to escape enemies. Also, you have a new ability and outside of your ultimate nothing’s been nerfed. (concerning your original abilities)
Heal Beam = buffed
Buff Beam = same
Pistol = same
Dash = buffed
New ability = buff
Reworked ult = buff (increased survivability) and nerf (arguably less impact)
See because mercy is TECHNICALLY balanced and since jeff openly swept all feedback on how bad current mercy really is and only cares about pickrates combined with blizzards refusal to admit mistakes they wont revert.
Thanks for the feeedback ZeroCascadian!
This has many problems. If you make Res instant in Val, even if res is not on her E anymore, she would be more or less a must pick again. The next problem is the frustration of single Res, which is already very big for the enemy, would be only bigger, because it would again have no counter play.
Valkyrie would also have another design problem with instant Res in it. You wouldn’t use Val for anything, but the res. Res would flow with her kit again because it wouldn’t disturb her gameplay, but Val is forced in that case and nothing would change about that players hate it.
This is the “core design problem of Val” I’m always talking about. It’s only balanced if it improves almost nothing of her kit, it really only can make work for the Mercy player easier. More power, no matter how, would make it OP.
It’s also the reason why a transformation Ult is no fit for Mercy.
I think Rosalhymn is referring to my idea. I came up with that including a way to reintroduce Mass Res in a new way.
I was thinking about that a lot. The idea combines everything Mercy players liked about the old Mercy, the new Mercy and how counter play against that would feel better. I will rewrite it again later but if you like to see the base of it use the link.
It’s not done and still needs work, but i think this is one of the best ways to go with her. For everyone.
That is true. However, other supports bring a lot of damage and/or utility at the same, while only compromising 2000 or so healing in the process. Mercy doesn’t bring any of that damage/utility.
That sounds like you having bad teammates to me. Calling out support ults is something that you’re always supposed to do, regardless of character.
She had potentially the best ult. Mass Rez had a high margin of error whereas it was either a game-changer or a death sentence.
And yet, I recall so many players in GM complaining about Mercys making “bad Rezzes” for stat padding and POTG.
As I said, her ult had a large margin of error. It was potentially the best one in the game, but it was also the only one that could actually stagger the team. Getting value out of Rez either took incredible team coordination (to prevent teammates spreading out or delayed deaths) or incredible foresight from Mercy.
Also, Self Destruct doesn’t require D.Va’s team to be dead in order for her to use it. Which is a huge freaking deal.
Or screw up the enemy positioning so that they won’t be in range for Mass Rez.
Or prevent Mercy from healing so that she can’t build the Ult in the first place.
Or get an early pick so that Mercy can at most Rez four of her teammates instead of five.
Or ice wall off the area so that Mercy can’t swoop in the exact spot she needs to Rez.
Or use the delay of the Rez to put yourself in the perfect position to kill one or more of her team the second the Rez ends.
Just to name a few. There were TONS of ways to deal with Mass Rez. Every Mercy player has horror stories of the thousand different ways their Mass Rez failed or the enemy tricked them into making things worse. But nah, let’s just say it was unstoppable because people are caught in shallow thinking.
Oh, hi Medic.
Guess you were right xd
I heard that literally all the time when I still played. Because… you know… the people I ended up being matched with understood that Sound Barrier, Transcendence, and Resurrect were all different methods of doing the same thing. As Succubus above me said, you had bad teammates if they were not doing the same. Or maybe you just weren’t listening.
i dont really agree
you had to make tactical choices
tempo rez? or wait for more people to maybe die. rez now? or keep ult for next teamfight? are they pushing too hard? rez! Good we can fight them off again!
The flow of battle was much more variable then it is now.
Now if you have rez: . Is it safe? use it.
if not dont use it or most likely die if you do.
Better to keep your numbers up and get the cooldown going then not using it
Do you have valkyrie? are the enemy pushing a bit too much? use it if you can win the fight,dont use it if ults are flying around you most likely cant save anyone from burstdamage
With old rez sometimes i didnt even rez all game,as it was an ace in the sleeve. But if you can heal your team well up it wasnt needed,but it felt powerful to have.
And again i’m not saying she should be reverted 100% to what she was. But i do believe her gameplay was more engaging cause her choices were harder. These days you can just reza without thinking about the next fight too much,you’re guaranteed to have it in 30 seconds no matter what you do.
I just want her base kit that is pretty okay to be complemented with something actuallt engaging. Not something that just does things for you. Chain beams are boring.