You got me there, my teammates weren’t that great😂
But still, my point is, I have never really been prevented a win by sound barrier or transcendence. Sure it happens sometimes, but in my experience playing, I have never been worried about sound Lucios ult ruining mine. It happened so rarely and it was so easy to interupt.
And I usually fight through it.
Yes there were ways to stop Mercy from using res well, but whenever I played her, it really wasn’t hard to raise 4 or 5 people. And sometimes, even rasing two people with their ult ready can win you the game.
That is what made Mercy pretty fun, choosing who to raise and when, but it was too powerful of an ability for one team to have. You could say the Enemy team might have sound barrier to keep the team alive, but Mercy has the best healing output and can easily keep her team alive by herself.
And a lot of rounds when both teams had Mercys, it mostly came down to who can use res better.
And it encouraged Mercys to hide when it was ready, kind of like Mcree. I know you didn’t use hide and res, but it was there, and it was annoying.
In my opinion, mass res needed some major tweaks, but not an entire rework.
I’m just going to say that your personal experience officially seems to be atypical of just about every player I’ve ever known or heard of.
I’ve personally seen, lost to, or won games with Sound Barrier or Transcendence (or Coalescence) constantly. Hell, one of the greatest clips of OWL history is a Moira player almost single-handedly swinging a fight in her team’s favor.
Also, every Mercy main I know of has repeatedly stated that 4/5 man Rezzes were extremely rare phenomenons. Including Titanium, along with other GM-level Mercys. The fact that you were able to just pull them off no problem is just…
I won’t say “unbelievable” but it’s definitely an anomaly.
Mercy was, and still is, the easiest support to play.
Yet, she had the ult that the entire game was centered around. Again, it became a hunt Mercy simulator. The ability to bring even two people back instantly while being invincible is already powerful.
It also started to become one of the only reasons she was used, and that isn’t what Mercy is for. I got very tired of being asked to play Mercy just because the other team had one.
I think we can both agree though, Mercy didn’t need an entire rework, she need some changes and tweaks.
Blizzard didn’t make the right choice in my opinion on the whole Mercy 2.0 thing.
There’s a reason that Mercy was considered unviable at most ranks above Diamond. Yes, she has very easy abilities to use relative to mechanical demand, but those abilities are also have a huge number of counters, as I mentioned above. Everybody remembers the Rezzes that went right, but almost never the ones that went horribly wrong.
Agreed, the only time I was actually able to get a 5 man at GM level, the enemy team was trying to bait it. So when I did rez we just got team wiped (again) and just wasted even more of our time trying to escort the payload.
I saw a REALLY nice YouTube video where a Sombra “Hacked” Mercy, who was about to do a 5 man “Huge Rez”. It prevented Mercy from Rezing for a few moments, but wore off so Sombra pulled out “EMP”, negating Mercy AGAIN! By this time Sombra’s team was back from King’s Row attack Spawn and mopped the floor with Mercy. So there WERE counters to Mercy, they (DPS/Tank mains who complained there were no counters to Mercy Rez) just didn’t either pick the right Hero or were too caught up with themselves to bother saving 1 Ult to counter Mercy, much less just kill her.
Dva can’t eat a dragon if it’s shot from too far away, and any Dva worth their salt will wait for the Reinhardt to be in a position where he can’t shield everyone before initiating an ult combo
You DO know that they hired 2 Mercy Mains to play in the League don’t you?
Mercy is STILL, thanks to Ana being more broken than Mercy, the best Healer in the game. Moira is a close second, due to her Healing resources running out if she doesn’t damage anyone.
All other healers are OFF HEALERS, who either do more DPS than healing or have other abilities (Lucio’s amp it up).
So IS Mercy a “Must Pick”, not really. HOWEVER, if you want consistent Healing you either go Mercy, Ana (which has trouble with shields), or Moria.
Teammates not staying with the Reinhardt =/= Bad Reinhardt. There’s any number of reasons why he might not be in the perfect position to block the ult. Maybe his team isn’t working around him, maybe the enemy has melted his shield, or maybe the enemy drew him away with another ult
Sure, but that wasn’t my point. If the team fails to defend then they should lose.
If it is so easy to pull off, your team should also do it on attack, right?
My point is that there isn’t anything unbalanced about it. Ultimates kill, but there are ways to defend.
That’s the point I was trying to explain you so many times. The word “Resurrect” means, of course, bringing back a dead character to life. However, according to lore, Resurrect (the ability or ultimate) doesn’t really resurrect people, it simply heals someone who is upon to die. That’s why durign that event you have limited time for using rez to that character, and that’s why her rez works only for people before that respawn time. As I said, resurrect is based on her nanotechnology, she uses nanobots for that, and that’s what everyone could use during Uprising event. The only difference was that Mercy’s rez was better than the others (specially one year ago, now it was a bit meh).
2CP. Easy way to win. Everyone charges their ults. Ult storm. Uncounterable. Instant win. Point taken. Then repeat this into the next one. Gg ez.
Having a free, unskilled and braindead way to win games is not healthy for the game and that’s what the 6x ults strategy is. Before this rework stupid players and stupid plays could be fairly punished. Now you can win with zero skill in some scenarios like 2CP. Fyi, Overwatch is a game of counters, and removing the only one for the worst possible game style is not good.
In addition, it’s 100% impossible to counter 6 ults at the same time. There is nothing you can do against that. With mass rez at least it was only one ult, so you could just wait for it to be used, then use your ults properly.
Mercy’s official pickrates during seasons 2 and 3: below 5%. Pharah having her highest pickrates since forever. Lucio and Ana around 85% pickrate both. Mercy having her OP mass rez. Yes, it was so OP that she was considered a trol pick.
Now, Mercy during dive meta. Higher pickrate increasing. Most used heroes in that meta: Genji, Tracer and Winston. Ana being useless because she needed to aim those mosquitos and the stupid monkey. Main supports being only Ana and Mercy. Options? You pick Mercy because she doesn’t need to aim those annoying fellows and you can’t pick other main support because Ana needs to aim; or you pick Zenyatta and Lucio together.
And now, Mercy after her rework. Considered OP beyond imagination by everybody, and unfun to play as by a lot of Mercy players. So OP =/= fun.
Argument debunked. Next!
Watch her official statistics during differents seasons before her rework and read my last response. Yes, she was better than now, and removing counters is not how you balance a game of counters.
It was perfectly fair because it punished stupid players who didn’t know how to focus a single character instead of trying to kill the most. You had a Mercy two steps aside from her team but everyone too closed but her? Come on, let’s go killing everyone but let’s ignore the Mercy! Oops, why I have been countered? That’s not fair! Nerf, daddy!!!
Now seriously, mass rez was the only different thing in Mercy’s kit, the only thing that made her not a healbot. Now that you are better not using that and playing selfish she is only a healbot.
You need to watch op Mercy’s official statistics during seasons 2 and 3 too.
Interesting because mass rez is well known as a counter for ults.
Not exactly. A lot of dpss don’t know how to focus and I can tell you I only made two huge rezzes in my play time (since before Ana’s release). That was a Pharah who killed my whole team… while I was running in the middle of the street trying to keep people alive in the mid of everyone’s LoS, even the enemy Zenyatta who was kilometres far from me! That was a horrible play and I could fairly punish it. I only rezzed 4 guys because Soldier took too much time to die and I was being focused by the enemy Zen, so I rezzed the rest and helped to kill the Pharah.
Or not. You could bait her rez and then kill everyone, or keep her hacked, or harassed or killing people not at the same time or making her work more difficult in some way… there were a lot of different options. The only one you couldn’t do was blindly killing everyone but her because then you played stupidly and you were going to be fairly punished. If you want to do something, you need to take care of your counters, that simple. For example, you won’t fly with Pharah in the open when you have an enemy Widow watching you unless you know you can kill her before she kills you.
First of all, you can win a 2CP scenario blowing 6 ults at the same time and repeating after taking the first point. It doesn’t matters that the enemy team has their ults ready for that. Also, watch Mercy’s official statistics from seasons 2 and 3. If you really think that mass rez was so strong, then explain us why her pickrate during those seasons was below 5%, even with Pharah in her highests, but Lucio and Ana around 85%.
You are considering here that Mercy always rezzed 5 man, when that was a very uncommon case. Usually Mercy rezzed 2-3 people, so you didn’t need to wipe her team again, you only needed to not waste your resources and of course, focus her, but that is exactly the same why you try to kill first the supports and the tanks. They are the most important part of a team.
The enemy can keep the fight without Soldier or Genji for example. However, if you kill Mercy, Lucio or Reinhardt for example, they will start having problems.
You are parroting the stereotype all the time and man, it’s boring. No, mass rez was better and healthier for Mercy and the game than valkirie. That’s why valkirie got completely removed and replaced by mass rez during game’s development and mass rez being made instant during game’s alpha. What we have now are two bad designs from Mercy’s past that should never have come back.
Mass rez never encouraged anyone to let people to die, that was her SR system, as even Taimu the pro player and Mercy hater admitted. You played that way? Okay, maybe you played awful, but you received a giant SR boost, so you climbed ranks easily. And that’s all about hide and rez. If you were trying to play Mercy well, the only good way to play her was being engaging and using her rez wisely without hiding. Sad you only know about how to exploit her old broken SR system.
Current rez really encourages suicidal play because it’s an undo button each 30 seconds and encourages primadonnas because it’s single, and finally, it forces every Mercy to hide and sneak around for a too low rewarding VS extremely risky rez. That design was removed during game’s alpha/beta for good. It should never have come back.
Everyone knows mass rez countered ults. Saying other thing is just stupid at this point.
Interesting you are talking about the game’s health, when valkirie got removed exactly for that reason during game’s development, and current rez’s mechanic had the same fate during game’s alpha/beta exactly for that reason.
I’m sorry, but the only fanatic who is spitting hate towards someone it’s you saying those things.
No, sorry, Mercy had before a bad rep because of the few hide and rez exploiters. Now they have bad rep because some selfish people thinks Mercy has no right to be fixed when she is bad design because she is somehow balanced. People complaining (and this implies t500s like EeveeA too) want her being good design, but they want her fixed AT THE SAME TIME Blizz works on other characters.
That’s 100% false. Before the rework a lot of people congratulated the Mercy, even if she was the enemy, and the number of votes was a great proof of that (I once had 11 votes). Yes, some idiots yelled at you, but then the solution was simple. Ignore them and keep enjoying. What did they knew about how you should be playing Mercy? Also, I never saw a single Mercy telling anyone to die on point, so surely that was the few minority that exploited her SR system, something that needed to be fixed, but never with a rework back to her two worst designs ever.
Yes, old Mercy was surely more fun than current Mercy who is just “Do I have rez? Okay, where can I hide? Do I have valk? Okay, where can I hide and hold M1/M2? Hey, look, my team is doing everything while I’m far far away doing nothing relevant! Oh, I have potg! WTF?”.
Valk is just an unengaging amp it up, an ez mode pro simulator, and current rez is better when not used. According to Ark’s statistics and words, she is better played selfishly, and that’s terrible design.
Because people didn’t go behind a corner for rez until this current version that has made that strategy mandatory?
No, sorry, according to even the best world Mercys, this current design has no skill ceiling because it’s free to master. Valkirie removes all skill from her base kit and current rez is just hide and rez, which takes no skill. Old Mercy was a constant mind game, and if you took only one wrong decision, you could lose an entire fight or even the game. And now, tbh, you can’t emote but you can have a drink or whatever you want to do with one hand while you use valk, because is too easy to use, you just hide into the skybox or behind a wall and hold M1, how fun. /s
Nobody discuss that point, and probably, if you read people posting you should have realised that everyone wants that being kept for any new iteration of Mercy, no matter what.
Well, you are entitled to have your opinion but a huge part of Mercy’s player base, t500s like EeveeA included, disagree with you. She is a combination of two bad designs (valk and rez with huge cast time and huge slow down) that were removed even before game’s release for good and they should never have come back. She needs changes exactly because of the reasons why she got changed in the past.
“Insanity is commiting the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results.”
That being said, agree that she doesn’t needs buffs or nerfs. Also, I doubt she will be reverted at this point. However, a new rework is needed, and this time in the right direction. This nightmare should have stayed in the past where it belongs.
Nope. People are saying they should fix her at the same time they work on the other heroes, but she wasn’t broken before this god awful rework. Now she may be balanced, but she is a combination of two bad designs that were removed long ago because they weren’t healthy for Mercy nor for the game.
Nice description of current rez.
Corrected your statement, now it’s true.
That’s the same thing as saying “Then boycott Mercy”. Do you really think people are going to do that even if it seems logical? Sorry, but too much people unconditionally love the character and will play her even if she is literally turned into a slug.
Don’t know, you can ask that to Vale, EeveeA or any other pro Mercy in the game who outnumbers your statistics… Oh, and don’t forget to tell them to stop playing Mercy if they dislike her, they will surely laught at you…
Valk = No prioritization with healing/boosting + hiding into the skybox/behind a corner = No skill
Current rez = hide and rez = no skill from you
That simple. Valkirie and current rez’s mechanic were removed long ago for game’s good and health, it’s funny how you systematically ignore that despite you so showed off statistics.
Sorry, but valkirie is about abandoning the fights and keep holding M1/M2 from the far, so you are not engaging at all. If you were in the mid of the fight like people used to be with mass rez, then you would be playing engaging, but it seems somepeople can’t remember that point because it’s convenient for them to play an ez mode pro simulator for dummies.
Well, you said it. She undoes mistakes. Rewarding bad game is not healthy, and being an undo button for stupid mistakes rewards bad game as you can commit mistakes and not be punished for them.
Well, that could be easily fixed playing her engaging and giving her a new E ability, now sending her to her unhealthiest past which got removed even before game’s release.
Sadly, that hasn’t changed at all. Now you are flamed if you don’t rez that suicide bad player or if you don’t rez the team’s primadonna. And be aware that there can be more than one single primadonna, so you will be flamed anyway.
Doubt it a lot. I was a Mercy main and that’s how I played before the rework. The main problem I have now is that this current design forces the Mercy to disengage and hide, and her valkirie even allows you to forget about your skills and solo heal your team with zero skill from you.
Yes, she needed an E ability, but it NEVER had to be rez. Now she is balanced but bad design, as she dies during rez all the time no matter your skills, and it contradicts the main concept of Mercy as a mobile support.
And no, her ult is just her basics but without any skill taken from you. If you are good, you are capable to replicate valk’s effects on your time prioritizing targets. It’s not needed because it’s only an ez mode pro simulator.
Valk and current rez’s mechanic are two bad designs that were removed even before game’s release.
Old Mercy >>>>>>>> Current Mercy (in design terms)
Yes, she was. And valkirie got removed and replaced by mass rez exactly because of the reasons people are arguing now. Then they gave her original mass rez with huge cast time and stationary mode (very similar to this current rez but in an aoe). Guess what? It got reworked and made instant exactly because of the reasons people are arguing now. It seems Blizz didn’t learn this important lesson:
“Insanity is commiting the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results” (suppossedly) Einstein
However, it’s sad how somepeople seems to have forgotten that past.
Don’t know, the same as a single ult countering two or even more ults like Zen can? Tbh I think it was fair, specially if you could kill the Mercy while ulting but you refused to do it because you wanted your juicy huge kill. That was a stupid play and it deserved punishment.
Mass rez could have been tweaked too easily in order to avoid the hide and rez thing, which was considered by a large amount of people only a SR exploit. Just take mass rez, select one or a combination of these examples (not saying they are the best), and tell me if none of them would have worked (by now, no one has been able to do it):
1- LoS: no rez through walls
2- Little cast time (1-1.5 sec, what she takes with her reverted voice line): counterplay added, specially if Mercy is the only target alive.
3- SR fixing: as even Taimu admitted, hide and rez was not a Mercy’s kit problem but a SR system’s problem. So nerfing to the ground SR per rez and buffing SR per heal/boost would make hide and rez not rewarding anymore. No more reward, no more climbing, so no more hide and rez.
4- Decay system with a high cap to avoid both hide and rez and hide until rez is gone: this way an engaging and agressive Mercy would have her ult ready at the time she needed it, but a hiding one would be forced to deal with a 6VS1 with her pistol, which she would surely loose.
Mercy’s official pickrates during seasons 2 and 3 with Pharah in her highests since forever: below 5%. Lucio and Ana around 85%. Yes, mass rez was op. /s
Oh, or you are talking about dive meta? That dive meta when Ana was pointless thanks to Genji, Tracer and Winston being everywhere and needed to aim them, failing every single shoot? That dive meta when the main supports were only Mercy and Ana, so Mercy was the only one available because she doesn’t need to aim? Are you talking about that dive meta? Sorry, because if not, then there was nothing else before the rework that made her truely mandatory.
Now you must hide all the time, and that’s a huge problem. You go either out of everyone’s LoS or out of everyone’s range, very far from the fight in both cases, during valk. Also, during rez, you go out of everyone’s LoS leaving the real fight. Before the rework, Mercy mostly took cover during enemy’s ults, but she was there. That’s all.
Tbh, you don’t need valk for that. Even before the rework Mercy had a reputation as the only support capable of solo heal her team. She needed skill for that, and valkirie removes it all because you don’t need to prioritise anything. You just go to a safe point (out of everyone’s range or LoS, aka hiding and/or disengaging) and keep targeting the character in the middle of your team.
Exactly. A lot of Mercy players here dislike her despite they keep playing her.
Yeah… I don’t know how time I’m taking for this post but I can wonder if the devs really have so much time for that (and I didn’t read every single post btw, I’m not crazy).
TLDR: Two hours writing this… Each day since the rework was announced doing this… and Blizz still doesn’t pay me…
I can’t tell if you’re agreeing with me or disagreeing. Not sure what you mean by “they hired 2 mercy mains in OWL” it seems like EVERY team has a dedicated mercy player and that’s because she is simply the best main healer. I do believe she is too strong or the other main healers are too weak. I just want to see more variety in main healers being played especially in the OWL. Which is why they are buffing Ana. Yay! Now maybe mercy will have some competition on main healing.
It compensated for the lack of power throughout the rest of her kit. As I said a while earlier, Mercy’s only impact prior to the rework excluding her ultimate was 60 HPS or a 30% damage increase or 100 DPS.
Meanwhile, other supports could easily top that and then some with their base kits. Mercy’s mobility and ultimate were the only edges she had over her counterparts.
When we asked for an E ability it was literally for the sake of having something more to do during a fight without ultimates. Something that will help give slight advantages to our team.
In compensation nerfs to the functionality of Resurrect could be compensated in order to achieve a “more fair” to play against ultimate.