[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Blizzard seem to ignore common rule: for teamwork to exist, something has to enforce it. And that “something” usually is support ultimate, which single teammate(usually) can’t negate.

Your idea will require buffs to Valkyrie’s flight speed, and players will again complain, that Mercy is too hard to catch.

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because they are completely different things?
blizzard explained the mass rez removal, what more do you want?
players were using it to hide&rez. blizzard didn’t like that this strategy was common let alone effective and removed it. end of story. time to move on.

Another “something” would be extra HUD options like a team status bar and “healer vision” being a universal hero option.

I remember reading somewhere that they DELIBERATELY didn’t put this in the game for some garbles reason like “players should gitgud with gamesense and communicate through voice/text chat”… except that a huge portiton of the playerbase are casuals who don’t have the time or motivation to to hone their gamesense, and chat is either deserted or toxic. Blizz trying to force players to have fun their way isn’t working at all.

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Those are tools for teamwork, but you need teamwork to be vital to success at some parts. When one lucky ultimate can wipe teams, with other players acting as bait, there is little reason to work together.

Communications are much better through voice commands: players speak different languages, mics can be poor quality, you may be too shy to speak with it, etc. But, for some reason, voice commands in Overwatch are not very helpful.

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When I sniped Mercy out of the air I was really proud of myself lol… but at same time as a Mercy player you have to wonder what has Mercy turned into lol


I can understand that feeling. She doesn’t feel great or look great either. She’s for now just useful and viable. I’ve kept with her. She is why I gave Overwatch a go at all since all the other heros are just doing murder in different ways. Sure the others can be enjoyable for me, but Mercy remains the one that is most enjoyable for me still.

The Core Kit is the enjoyable part that remains which luckily is what you play most of the time.

Resurrect and Valkyrie are where this enjoyment mostly goes away due to both abilities requiring little thought and effort to make work which devaluenates any sense of achivement in their use.

Valkyrie being a patchwork of passives sold as enhancements that autopilot what you could have done just as well on your own except for free flight.

Meanwhile Rez is more about will I die using it then anything else and is an ability of dimishing returns. Its a punishing ability that is a greater test of everyone else’s skill not your own.

Anyway I’ll probably be writing this with further detail in response to some of the posts that I have yet to reply to.


So ana and lucio are getting buffs , for ana im happy to see that cuz so many times when i tried to heal a team mate ,another one with full hp jumped in and the critical one died , about lucio idk cuz im not a lucio player but what about mercy , her rez is only special in defence points and critical situations , if she survives and rezzes that guy and even stays alive which is some times impossible , she needs a rework .

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Ana does not really needs it, and of course none of her abilities put her in Mercy’s situation not by a long shot, but I agree she needs some work, she has been nerfed too much.

Bastion is as simple as that he is actually considered trash. He does not always need exactly babysitting, but his current kit works better behind Rein’s shield. However, he can’t be interrupted and punished with a long cd like Mercy’s rez, once again, he is not as punishing as her, he is there and he is a turret like Torbjorn’s but… aiming. He can place himself in other places covering vital fire lines without babysitting too. Finally, do you know about Assassin’s Bastion videos? He can work without babysitting and cause great devastation. Other thing is that babysitting is a very effective way to play him, comboing him with Rein and usually Mercy. If you ask me, maybe they should consider making him less of a immobile turret if they want to change that. Don’t know, he reminds me a lot to Sgt. Hammer from Heroes of the Storm, but she can move in turret mode (if you pick that talent) or change faster with one ability. Anyway, this is a Mercy thread, and I’m going out of tophic. I’ll let it there.

Honestly, we’ve needed another main healer well before Moira even showed up. People rely too much on constant, life-saving healing to drop a main healer.

And, as you said, Mercy has consistent, reliable healing. With Ana where she is, it only makes sense that Mercy would be chosen. Honestly, where is the other main healer?


The chain beams are the absolute worst. I want them banned forever.

Your rez idea sounds interesting though. Rez needs restricted to her ult no matter which way anyone slices it.


They don’t have to do the same speed as before. But I don’t see an issue with a DPS having to trade an ult to counter hers since support ults can work the same way.

Although I have to say that I’m quite tired of trying to cater to people who complain about difficulty in killing Mercy. I agree that counterplay measures need to exist, but the rest is up to the players.


*cough * 400+ new posts over one day *cough *


Might as well change junkrat, mccree, and reaper’s ultimates because they do that too… but no right? It’s perfectedly acceptable for them to do it because they’re “dps”.


no, junkrat, mccree, and reapers ults do not promote them hiding and resurrecting the whole team. they don’t want healers intentionally not healing people and hiding. they would rather reward healers that heal.

blizzard has issue with hide&rez. not dps ults. this is what they’re intending.

if you don’t like how they want the game to be played, i’m sure you can find a new game that may suit your tastes.


The Resurrection did indeed do just that which was great for a character like Mercy to provide as an experience.

Valkyrie doesn’t do that since it is just a common ability with a long duration and a charged cooldown. Its best power is chained damage boost which is just a “poor man’s” Orb of Discord that does not incentivize target prioritization.

Dare I say

That Valkyrie would not be unbalanced as a cooldown ability of 3 seconds duration and 12 seconds cooldown or 5 seconds duration and 15 seconds cooldown.
That Resurrect even if it were only one would fit better as the Ultimate even if there were only select changes and none of it would change the power either.


Moira was suppose to be that substitute but the thing is her healing is limited. The Team has to be aggressive and make their push before she runs out of Heals.

Can you explain me why the current resurrect encourages this playstyle ?

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But they DO promote them leaving the fight to hide and wipe the enemy.

It’s hypocritical to say that Resurrect was the ONLY ult promoting the hide strategy.

Mercy’s ult did benefit from it, but the difference is there was someone to counter her ult. There isn’t someone alive to counter a hiding Mccree, Reaper, Pharah, Junkrat, Tracer, etc. if they are successful.



I think 3 max for Resurrect would be perfect. LOS, no invuln, 15m radius, 1 - 1.5 sec cast time.

If there are more than 3, just do it randomly.

Resurrect is an ult, not a normal ability.

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I’ve just had a further reply from Minute Media/DBLTAP a few hours ago, from a different person, even though I didn’t follow up the first reply I had.

Don’t know if that’s progress or not, but yeah.

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