I don’t think u can limit he amount of Resurrects without doing the same to the other ultimates in the game. Like imagine only allowing Zenyatta to heal 3 people. Or Zarya was only allowed to graviton 3 people. It wouldn’t make any sense and it would be unfair.
You understood something very wrong in that case. She was not healing in that time. that was the problem. DPSs don’t deal dmg in that time, it’s arguably the same. But okay for them without any reason.
it doesn’t. thats why mass rez was removed.
im beginning to think you’ve never played junkrat, mcree or reaper.
because if you’re hiding in a team fight, you lost the team fight.
It definitely does, since Mercy cannot do anything during 1,75s.
Moreover, it is impossible to get a resurrect in the middle of a teamfight, the best way to use it is to stand behind a corner, exactly as Valkyrie.
I have played them, and against them. In comp. They hide all the time. Especially during team fights because they can catch you off guard.
Want to know the funniest part of “hide and rez” Mercy? Half the time I got off 3+ I was out in the open when they started ulting, then I chose to walk away.
I’m just tryna come up with compromises. I feel like I’m trying to balance an ability for League of Legends to please DPS mains.
Funny thing: once ultimate was gone moment you press Q, hide & ult became preferable style. It’s just too frustrating to lose your ultimate to random CC effect, which wasn’t aimed at you.
Fix hide & ult for one hero, but make it a good option for everyone else.
i’m not sure what’s going on in silver but you aren’t playing mercy correctly
then you should be winning all of these games(?)
In one game, Reaper his 4 times and got quad kills with his ult each time.
We won because he kept hiding.
I played with Mercy mains who hid all the time. Guess what? We lost. Almost every time. Even when they did a 4 or 5 man at the end.
Hiding makes an ult more potent, doesn’t mean you’ll win.
mass rez was not instant-win
if it was we would have had the mercy meta already in season 1 and 2
The mercy meta only existed after the rework.
It needs to be turned into a preemptive ultimate with the perks of Resurrection tide into it. That’s a better idea.
For subjective reasons and scapegoating the problems of the Performance Based SR system which was also changed anyway.
When your arguments are reduced to flaming people about their rank, it becomes pretty obvious that you don’t want to have any conversation.
Toxicity will not give you any credit here.
If insulting people is the only thing you can do, I please you to leave. You are no longer welcome in this thread.
Ultimate gives all nearby players(including Mercy this time) one instant resurrect? Resurrect expires after 8 seconds, if player didn’t die.
Welcome to my post 1000!
I think that is befitting that it in regards to this “burning house topic” of Mercy’s Resurrect ability.
“Hide n’ Rez” was described as any Rez that occurred whereby the Mercy is not in LOS.
Therefore Mercy still does “Hide n’ Rez” because Rezzes are most successfully done in hiding behind walls, behind barriers, behind peoples’ backs < (that one actually can have risk), behind payloads, and behind peoples’ tunnel-vision.
I’d like to see if the @ feature that spousely notifys people actually works. As far as I’m aware I have yet to be @ -ed, so I don’t know how well it works. Also, I could @ maybe 1000+ people, but that would take a while to do.
I’m thinking more of an ultimate that prevents death for a short amount of time and providing a heal afterwards. While also Resurrecting fallen allies caught in the AOE ring
First, the @-[name] doesn’t notify me.
Secondly, about “hide n’ rez”, I think most people would describe it as Mercy voluntarily leaving the fight even before the fight happened.
But technically and strictly speaking, it still exists. Resurrect has changed and is no longer instant, but you definitely can, and should hide when you want to rez.
Saying Mercy shouldn’t hide when rezzing is like saying McCree should go frontline when ulting.
you’re being quite defensive, it was not meant as an insult though interesting that you took it that way.
I meant to suggest that at silver, the game is played differently than other levels. and by its own, inherent definition, silver is played at a lower level. i’m not saying that what happens in silver isn’t happening. i’m saying that strategies used by the bottom 19% of overwatch players may not be the best strategies.
it’s no insult to say that mens rec league soccer strategies aren’t great soccer strategies. and if silver mercy’s are making a bad decision, there’s no harm in admitting it’s a bad decision.
i’m not sure why anyone would be insulted by a video game rank; it doesn’t define you as a person.
there are millions of players that play at a much higher level than i do. i see no harm in admitting that.