I could easily say the same for the complaints about mass rez being subjective.
Don’t agree with what? And what’s “this”?
People who think we want her changed to make her OP again or people who think we don’t find her viable or find her weak (which is you, apparently) irk me because those are both falsities that people shouldn’t even attempt to peddle.
Yes, and? Those are drowned out by the people who think she isn’t fun to play. At least in this thread. Not to mentioned, those comments are countered. Hard.
Doesn’t surprise me. Especially when people say she is MORE fun now when she does even less.
And it’s like the people who think Mercy is fine because she’s being used all of the time in OWL (which has somehow become the end-all-be-all reference for balance??), completely ignoring the fact that Ana needs help. Mercy is as much a victim of circumstance now as she was before the rework when Blizz decided they needed to change her.
actually this is fine, cause the honest truth is no one knows. That is why i suggested that maybe its best we trust Blizz as this is one of the reasons they gave when all this started unfolding. I don’t think they would make a claim they can’t backup.
i already said that it may not be representative. Just that things like these keep coming up.
If you were to make a bet with your own money, would you really say that Hog Mains did not lie playing Hog 1.0 or Bastion mains don’t want Ironclad back, they may realise its OP but no one will complain my friend. I for was here on the forums (old ones) when Ana started to get her nerfs until the final ones. I complained left right and center created threads all of it, but i knew what it meant that given my skill level i had been eliminated from playing my best hero in comp.
So what do you suggest be done then? It is your opinion Mercy 1.0 was fine some will tell you she wasn’t and that she is in her most balanced state now.
The point i get now is that players are saying is that they are not enjoying current Mercy and want something done and this is why i made the comment about what you would be wiling to do, then there is the revert squad and well… i donno.
Are you playing this game? Before hide and rez was a choice. Now it’s a must do since you will always die if you dare to go for a rez without hiding. Just try it. You will see how easy is to kill a rezzing Mercy in the open. Hiding now is mandatory.
Don’t be hypocritical. If taking cover before was hiding, now it’s hiding, and even more. You have to leave your team, stop healing, stop doing your work and sneak around for that rez. You are hiding. Taking cover was what old Mercy did when ults were coming and yes, now that strategy is dead because you can’t take cover. You must sneak around and hide from everyone.
Okay, so you are talking again about the old rez? That one when Mercy took cover from an exploding mech and then going to rez after being all the match in the mid of the fight? Yes, that strategy died. Now Mercy must go away from her team and search a nice wall behind she can rez someone. If that’s not hiding, you should check your dictionary.
Oh, and Mercy hides too during her entire valk. You can choose between disengaging and hiding in the skybox out of everyone’s range or hiding behind a corner.
Easy to say without thinking for a second what you are saying, huh? Just try some of these. Only one, a combination… you can choose. I challenge you to tell us if mass rez couldn’t work with some of these. Take into consideration that these are only options and something would have to be added in compensation like a new and real E ability, not the current undo button for stupid players.
1- LoS (no rez through walls)
2- Little cast time (1-1,5 seconds, the time she takes with her reverted voice line, which makes no sense with valk; added counterplay)
3- SR fixing. Since everyone, even the pro player Taimu, admitted that hide and rez was not a matter of Mercy’s kit, but a matter of her SR system which encouraged such a bad strategy, just fix it. No more reward for hide and rez, no more hide and rez. You try it? You got stuck in bottom bronze. You want to climb? You now have to play her right, as many people did.
4- Decay system with high cap for avoiding both hide and rez and hide until rez is gone. This way a hiding Mercy will have to deal with a 1 vs 6 with her pistol, surely dying, while an engaging one will have her ult ready when she needs it.
Finally, did you know that both Valkirie and rez with slow down and long cast time were old Mercy’s designs that were proved so bad for her that Blizz had to completely remove them?
I have edited your statement. Now it’s correct. However, such a lesser thing didn’t need a rework. Mercy was very very far in the bottom list for receiving any changes, she only needed a few QoL changes instead of going back to two terrible designs which were removed for good.
Probably somepeople liked original valkirie. It was removed for being bad design.
Probably somepeople liked original mass rez with long cast time and stationary mode. All those restrictions were removed because it was proved that it was bad design because Mercy always died during rez.
Now we have bad design valkirie and bad design rez with long cast time and huge slow down. Yes, somepeople will find it fun because now Mercy is free to play. You don’t need any skills for using valk and solo heal your team while hiding.
Nice fallacy.
Yeah, valk is by definition just an unengaging Lucio’s amp it up. That simple. In fact, amp it up enhances better Lucio’s kit than valkirie, it only extends her kit, making her braindead to play.
Edited your post, now it makes sense.
You are talking about hiding behind a corner I guess? Or just hiding in the skybox?
Nope, it only extends it, making it braindead to use.
Nope, it’s a chore you have to do, and you will die less (according to Ark’s statistics in comparison with every other pro player in OWL) if you simply ignore it. It’s a bad design that never had to return to the game.
This is the worst lie you could tell, and it shows that you have no idea about how mass rez was used. You only know about the hide and rez bs which was used by a small minority of players for SR boosting. Current rez has only one decision: “Is there anywhere I can hide?”, while mass rez had a lot of them like “is it time to use it now or can I wait a bit more?” “are my dead teammates really important for the victory” “will I be able to charge my ult again before the next emergency?” You had to think all the time each time you saw a white skull in your screen. If you played hide and rez or think that’s the only way she was played… then I’m sorry for you, but you are delusional and sadly blind. You should better see some pro Mercy’s videos on internet. There were tons of guides about how to use mass rez for a good reason. However, there is not a single one for valkirie. Why? Because it’s braindead.
That can be used with current rez you know? You are using fallacies again.
Yeah, I remember we had a lot of them. Autistic people warning that current Mercy was unplayable for them, Vale himself saying that the rework was in the wrong direction,… I can’t remember everybody, but the total amount of people who came to the original megathread was enormous, I don’t remember anyone from those days who still complains. They either gave up or were there only one day, like Vale.
Her basics have changed a bit too. Her GA is better now thanks to the bunny hop bug. It was an accident but they succeeded with it, so they added it. However, now Mercy has an E ability that disrupts her game. She must stop healing and hide and rez. That means that now her playstyle has been changed a lot with the addition of hide and rez to her basic playstyle. Her ult however is just like Lucio’s amp it up but unengaging, she must hide during it too, wheter in the skybox or behind a corner. Those were two old designs that were proved bad and unhealthy in the past, and were removed for good. She has changed a lot.
You clearly have no idea about Mercy. She was far more engaging than a lot of dpss in this game for example. Depth? Okay, she maybe needed an E ability, but that’s all.
I’ll break this down for you.
1- Watch at seasons 2 and 3 official statistics about Mercy, the “OP hero”. Pickrate between 5%-0% with Pharah in her highest pickrates in forever. Lucio and Ana around 85% pickrate. Yes, Mercy with mass rez was so op…
2- Does LoS adds no counterplay? Does cast time adds no counterplay? Does being blocked with barriers adds no counterplay? I’m giving you examples.
Please, next time think a bit before writing a nonsense.
At least before the rework you had something different you wanted to use, not better ignore it and be careful of not missclicking.
I’m sorry, but only a few like her, Mercy’s pickrate is inflated with people who dislike her current state, and there are more complains about her than ever before. Also, explain us how having to leave your team and hide to rez or flying out of everyone’s LoS or range and holding M1 can be considered more engaging than being in the mid of the fight flying from teammate to teammate and using tempo rez wisely. Explain us, please, by now it sounds like telling us that ants are bigger than elephants.
Here is where I stopped reading. Please, it’s time to stop with that lie.
I don’t know how the blink, blink, blink, bomb, back, boom strategy can be bad. It’s an almost guaranteed kill if you have your ult, since nobody will see you coming. You only need to select an squishy character with no immunity like Mercy, Soldier or Moira.
About Widow’s ult, I think it could be worked on, but at least it gives you some utility like preventing a surprise attack or comboing with other ults like rip tire for great devastation. Valkirie gives you… well, it gives you an unengaging amp it up and that’s all.
Valkirie was bad design since game’s development and current rez was bad design singe game’s alpha/beta. Why give Mercy two bad designs again at the same time? Why commit the same mistakes again? If mass rez needed some changes, they never should have implied going back to a nightmare of past.
Well… I think saying “only SOME Mercys used hide and rez” is less a generalization than “EVERY SINGLE Mercy hid and rez”, huh?
Also, valkirie and current rez are old bad designs from Mercy’s past, aka game’s development and alpha/beta. They should have never come back. Mercy only needed QoL changes, not a return to a nightmare.
You can ask EeveeA, Vale and every single pro Mercy in the game. They have problems with this current bad design Mercy too. In fact, you can look at EeveeA’s post right here:
h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/suggestions-for-mercy-from-someone-with-too-much-time-on-her/72020/739
Mercy is the most nerfed hero in the game’s history by far. In addition, she has been sent to a combination of two bad designs, and a lot of people, even t500s like EeveeA are complaining about her because of her current design. She is in the worst spot she has ever been.
Yes because you coud be in the mid of the fight ALL THE TIME, unlike now, that you MUST HIDE both with E and Q.
No one will discuss that GA has been a success, but I must remind you that it started being an accident, it was not planned with the rework, it was a bug. The rework had not the intention of giving her that.
That’s false, and as a t500s you should know it. You can watch EeveeA as an example if you want. Mass rez was better used with tempo rezzes than with hide and rez. That strategy was only used, as even Taimu admitted, for great SR boosting.
Valkirie is just an unengaging amp it up which can be countered the same way amp it up can be countered. You can focus fire and ignore it. Indeed, you don’t need to kill the Mercy because she will hide in the skybox or behind a wall all the time.
Mercy’s identity is a triangle of single target healing, mobility and resurrect, being the two firsts her focus and the last one her signature. What is the problem with the rework then? E and Q.
E rez breaks all her mobility, turning her into an almost stationary dummy. It makes her unable of healing or moving, so it messes her entire focus and messes her signature since it is undesirable to use unless you can hide.
Valkirie simply doesn’t belong to Mercy as it is right now. It only makes her braindead to play and removes all skill from her basic kit, forcing you to disengage to reach all your teammates and not be killed by a hitscan.
Please, tell this to EeveeA. I’m sure she will understand you and will move on. /s
And that’s why they made it mandatory with her new E, going back to a nerfed version of original mass rez which was changed for good.
First of all, heavily is not the word because then, Lucio would be a god. Secondly, as EeveeA has stated, everyone gets annoyed when Mercy receive potg now because it is incredibly arkward watching how she is not doing anything really special. It usually feels like stealing a potg that should go for another person.
It usually works that way when your team has an advantage, so it is a consolidation ability, and it takes no skill to use it. Also, you must disengage if you want to reach all your teammates.
Current rez can only work in these situations now:
1- 100% safety: No fight incoming, no threats. The dead teammate could come by his own.
2- Hiding: You stop doing your work as a support and sneak around searching a place out of everyone’s LoS where you can rez. Just in case, you’ll cross your fingers hoping that Tracer doesn’t appears.
3- Being babysitted: This one explain itself. It takes skill… from your team. However, there is not a single character who needs constant babysitting, that’s not a good thing.
I hope they will make another rework to her that pleases everyone. Sadly, E rez can’t work, and it is more a pain in the … to use it than other thing, it promotes bad game from everyone, and Blizz won’t remove rez because it’s half of Mercy’s set. If they change it, the only way they can try it is bringing it back to an ultimate somehow, I simply can’t see any way this current rez can work. It is a bad design from the past, and it should have never returned.
Well, that could work… if it was an ultimate. Being an ability on cd is not working at all. It’s the most punishing ability and it contradicts Mercy’s main concept as a mobile support. Also, I wouldn’t say that all heroes are team reliant. I’m sick of watching dpss playing solo even at pro level.
As a suggestion a lot of people have made, rez (Q) could be nerfed and as compensation, affect alive characters, giving them a burst healing. Of course, that would mean replacing her current E rez by something better. Just an idea.
TLDR (at last): Now I’m going to say something really stupid. Can you please stop merging random posts into this void chamber each night? Not every single post with the Mercy word must be considered feedback, lol.
While that statement may be incorrect as of now, saying that a majority wants it is far closer to the truth than saying “everyone”. A majority requires that most players did or want what is following; a conclusion that could reasonably be reached based upon our sample (the forums). “All the Mercy mains” or “Everyone” requires that not one player is doing the opposite. If someone is doing the opposite, the statement is flatly contradicted.
This is a fact.
I have never seen that argument. I have seen and said on numerous occasions that it was blown way out of proportion because the streamers realized that a common enemy garners a hell of a lot of support regardless as to how reasonable having said enemy is, but I have yet to see someone who actually believes what they are saying when they repeat what you just said.
Could you elaborate on that? Current Resurrect is about as difficult to use as crossing a neighborhood street as far as mental requirement. I don’t see how it could possibly have a more engaging mind game than before.
Inflated pick rates if when Heroes become non-viable and pushes more picks on another hero.
Mercy is at 9% Pickrate in the overall Competitive picks again, reasons for the 2% rise in the last few months could be due to the fact…
Moira isn’t a viable solo healer or a solid replacement for Mercy as a Consistent Healer.
No matter the Meta, Mercy is still a strong choice
Her kit may be clunky, but her Healing has remained unchanged therefore she still remains as the strongest choice for primary healer.
Brigitte is arguably a Sub Healer, a secondary like Zen and Lucio. As a result the main healer would have to fill in as Moira, Mercy and Ana. Ana requires aim and she cannot heal through shield. Moira has limited healing and Brigitte can’t upkeep healing after Moira’s resource has been burned so Mercy is the strongest choice which once again inflates her pick rates.
Is this thread STILL going? They’ve given up on creating new ones every other month then? We should just start spamming the main forums with Revert Mercy threads again, they can’t ban us all.
People are talking about how unfair it is for their ults to be nullified by five man rezzes. How come nobody ever thinks that a four or five or six man elimination is OP? I saw people get those way more than five man rezzes, how long until we see Dva and Junkrat and Pharah nerfs to make their ults stone cold unplayable? Or is DPS the only playstyle yall supporting?
Its interesting that Blizzard reverted to their previously deemed poor designs that were changed because it didn’t feel good to play.
Which by the way they have said in their Developer Updates. That players will ineviatably find glitchs, bugs, workarounds, and design flaws since players in total will log 1000s of hours more than internal testing will ever get the chance to explore.
Playing Mercy now is a game of “How many stupid resurrects can I get off while the enemy tunnel visions my dps and tanks?” rather than “What ults does the enemy have? Can we win if I rez or is that feeding?”, and that’s just rez. Valk takes about as many brain cells as a boiled potato to use, and I’m pretty sure boiled potatoes don’t have brain cells.
When I end up killing people with a D.Va bomb I honestly feel sorry for the opposing team because nothing can over turn that now. I got a quintuple kill once and that was really brutal.
Well, I definintely want rez to be an ult-exclusive thing again so I can feel good about earning it. And I want to be able to make savior plays again, but I know that it’s important to have counterplay in all ults.
How about taking rez off E (and replacing it with something different), and reworking Valkyire?
Like, you’d get one single-target instarez when you activate Valk, but you can earn more rezzes if you “overcharge” your ult meter once Valkyrie becomes available (basically charging your ult again after you’ve already earned it).
Earning extra rezzes to use in valk would require less charging than Valkyrie itself, but it only stacks up to five and you lose all your remaining charges at the end of Valkyire. (this is all assuming that the duration is lowered to under ten seconds)
I’d also want to ditch the chain beams in exchange for more powerful regular beams.
I like the idea of flying around and rezzing teammates like an actual Valkyire, trying to outmaneuver the enemy trying to stop me.
Edit: maybe the rezzes shouldn’t be instant, but instead have an extremely short cast time (.5 seconds or less) for the sake of preventing anyone from bringing back “hide n rez”. Remember, Mercy would be bringing back teammates one at a time. The more teammates are dead, the longer it will take to get everyone back up.