[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

No, that was the previous sentence. Two different sentences do not share the same point. If I was implying you, I would have said “people like you” I said people, generalizing.

you’re getting swung off topic my dude,

Rezzing, successfully juking enemy flankers all game, using Valk and heavily swinging the teamfight in my team’s favor.

15 seconds of Chain damage boost is incredibly underrated. It can ensure a teamwipe quite easily if your team is grouped up (it requires teamwork and grouping up like all other support ults)

No, I definitely see it as my own skill. My rezzes are properly timed, and I often use creative LoS breaks/falling/etc. to ensure I get it off succesfully. But yes, rezzing also promotes teamwork, which is good IMO.

All her on-fire proves is that the Devs messed up by nerfing her On Fire from Rez when the rework first came out and she could insta rez every 30 seconds and 4 times during Valk. They never changed it to fit with her new rezzes.

I’d like to say one thing:

I can’t say whether Mercy or fun or not fun for someone else, that is entirely subjective. I understand if you don’t enjoy her. But calling her broken, unbalanced, underpowered, etc. is simply statistically untrue.

If Mercy gets another rework in the future, I hope it pleases everyone. But for the love of god, I hope they never bring back Mass Rez. It promoted such broken gameplay, even if many Mercy players didn’t abuse it.

When to use any of your skills, you need your teammates to dance around you…you may as well replace Mercy with bot. :disappointed_relieved:

Every hero is team reliant, it’s a team game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: An ability as powerful as rez especially requires teamwork,

That’s biggest lie I ever saw here: not all heroes are team reliant. Don’t confuse what game is supposed to be, with what it actually is.


Who are heroes who are not at all team reliant?

Almost any hero can win game without teammates, as long as enemies ignore them. Except Mercy.

If you mistake flanker earning team wipe for teamwork, It’s tunnel vision for enemies.


Uh…lol…I’m not even gonna bother responding to that

except that to use that 'clever positioning" requires your team to have died in a good spot. so STILL not a test of your skill but of someone else in their worst moment.

Do you honestly think that Orisa players go “HELL YEAH I DID THAT” when their supercharger grants high DPS to people and wins a push? I know I didn’t when I played her unless I got a huge portion of that DPS in with my own gun. how about an Ana with Nano enabling something? no her moments of “hell yeah” come from her sleep dart and her burst heal mainly.
that’s what I mean by a moment to shine, Damage boost is powerful but it’s not impactful (impactful as I use it being power concentrated into a burst of 8 seconds max)

and I’d like to say something
I have called this rework a failure because it does not live up to any of the promises made in the initial developer update, it dosen’t make plays for Mercy and it dosen’t FEEL nearly as powerful as Mercy 1.0. I have told people to stop calling her underpowered myself and when I actually talk about what we need to do to fix the hero I stress very heavily the fact that we need to give nerfs.

3 very specific nerfs
Chain Beams
Duration of Valk
Passive Self Heal in Valk

Oh and Rez as a static cooldown E. burn not just the ability but the very concept of it with as much gamer fire as possible and replace it with some method of getting Rez only once or twice per valk


Ok, well what is your ideal Mercy rework? I’m all ears, and I’m genuinely intrigued to know.

Team Reliant and Team Dependant are two different things, I don’t think Cleopatra is explaining that
Team Reliant is an Ana sleeping someone,
if no one plays around the ability it is a stun that at least stopped something.
if people do play around it it’s either a guranteed kill or a enemy at least removed for six seconds.

Dependant is
Use an ability and it either goes off and gets it’s value or you die which is what rez is.


Also I do like the idea of swapping Valk and Rez: Putting Valk as an E ability and Rez as her ult again, althought I feel like it would be so hard to balance Rez as an ult.

It can either be fluid and fun like old Mass Rez, but lack counterplay like Old Mass rez, or it can have things like a Cast Time and LoS check which make it seem too sluggish/unfun for an ultimate. I feel like there would be a very fine line.

I’ve got several ideas but the one I think would be the most simple is as follows.

First we replace current rez with a brand new ability I call it Angel’s Call
Angels Call has a 10 second cooldown and targets the guardian angel target
if used on a living target it provides a 50% damage resistance buff for 2 seconds
If used on a dead target it will speed up their respawn timer (still spawn in spawn room but it can shave let’s say a maximum of 3 seconds off the rez timer if used exactly upon death while the spawn timers are at 10 seconds)

Now as For Valkyrie, all movement abiltiies remain the same (GA and the flight speed)
Duration is now 8 seconds
The chain beams have been nerfed so as to only provide 15 HPS and 10% damage boost
However the primary beam has been buffed to provide between 120 HPS to 200 HPS and 40% to 50% Damage boost
Angel’s Call will also recieve a buff so now it’s pure invulnerability if living and rezzurect if dead
We MAY also give an extra charge to Angel’s Call (this is one I’d have to see in action before making a call on however)

Alternatively we can lower the beam numbers form where they were so we could merge the beams together (so for exmaple it’s 100 HPS AND 40 Damage boost)
so we could let Mercy dual wield the pistol and Staff while in valkyrie connected to the separate buttons.

Two ideas.
put simply move power out of the passive parts of the kit and put it into the more active parts.


I actually really like that, i have wanted her E ability to be some sort of long range heal or damage resistance buff for a while, and I like the idea of shortening Valk and increasing the power. But also I think we have to be careful with the damage boost as to not make Nano feel obsolete.

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Oh I agree completely
I’d need to have access to the developer tools to hone this idea any more however since I admit there are several aspects that would most assuredly need testing and number tweaking (I even gave what I think are ranges to be explored)

However nano boost has it’s own share of problems and I myself have also been trying to advocate the idea of making nano more versatile by making it effect different heroes differently (the big example is rein no longer getting the damage but his shield gets infinite health for the duration and he’s immune to CC)

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Yes please!!!

Something like this, yes. Issue of resurrect is that it’s value depends from teammate: it can end useless, even if you succeed, because teammate was clueless. Having both abilities depending from teammates to work leaves very little room for Mercy player to work with on their own.

good to hear I’m not always sounding like a ravving lunatic.
Guess I just get passionate about this whole thing, actually going into game design and all.


I wouldn’t say that. it’s just that one person isn’t usually enough for a “heck yes” kinda moment in my experience especially given the circumstances required to get the rez off.
The old rez however annoying did this perfectly and I think if we want to find a solution we need to look at what made 1.0 fun and what made the first OP versions of Valkyrie somewhat enjoyable (besides the OP part as I’m sure there was something in there that can be implimented into a more balanced build)