Why would you hardly compare them? Both received several nerfs over their lifetime (Dva before her rework, during it’s PTR stage, and after, and Mercy as well). Both are now exceptionally balanced and strong in the game.
So you think Mercy isn’t balanced? Is she underpowered then?
Yeah but D.Va’s was about her being a 1v6 god due to high survivability. Mercy has gone from a healer who could change the tide of battle to a pixie on some kind of substance to a heal bot that can pull a Mary Poppins for 15 seconds.
If your definition of ‘fine’ is being a heal bot that does nothing more than hold M1 and occasionally M2 (or which ever buttons you have them assigned to) and flies around; then I question what else you consider ‘fine’.
Personally, while I was more than ok with the D.Va downgrade as it didn’t impact her game play too heavily save for making her more of a team player than a solo Rambo; I am not ok with Mercy being bolted to the ground and advertised as a stuffed turkey for every flanker and sharp shooter to take turns at beating.
Wait…so “holding M1, and occasionally M2 and flies around” and press Q to mass rez if you let your team die was incredibly more engaging? Lmao.
This has always been mercy’s gameplay, except now GA makes it much more fun.
Except Mercy can easily deal with flankers now that GA was buffed/reworked and her ult increases her survivability? Old Mercy suffered against Dive extremely more than current Mercy.
If you let your team die for a ‘phat 5 man rez’, you were a terrible Mercy and only abused her SR boosting. If you happened to be tempo rez’ing and the remainder of your team died and you got a 5 man, that’s a different story.
Old Mercy was a LOT more engaging. Because a good Mercy played around the battle, not behind it. Most Mercy’s today look like umbilical cords sticking out of some door trying to heal or boost someone. Old Mercy was about flying from person to person to deliver medical attention and occasionally fighting your own battle when your team mate went down from a flanker (or dying if you weren’t fast enough to get your pistol out).
GA has ALWAYS been a part of her kit, you’re speaking as though Valk introduced GA. GA IS FUN and always has been, Valk only added the old bug of being able to bunny hop while flying to a team mate.
Old Mercy suffered against dive because there were few counters to it, especially in the support class. Brigitte is the answer to this and the flanker problem. Besides, your Valk does nothing if there’s a crack shot HS on the other team or a good D.Va. If either one of those sees you flying around, you’re going to either die or go into hiding.
Now doesn’t that sound like fun?
Valk does nothing more than make her a target for flying counters. (Also, Mercy doesn’t usually ‘deal with flankers’, most time she runs from them to avoid death. That’s not ‘dealing with them’.)
No, you weren’t. Mass Rez worked well if you hid, you weren’t “a bad mercy” for effectively using her ult. Many high ranked Mercys hid-and-rezzed if the situation called for it. Refusing to hide and wait out the enemy grav would have been an instant loss. It’s just the way her ult worked, nothing to do with the skill of the person playing her. Yes, tempo rezzing was good, and so was hide-and-rez depending on the situation. And the problem is, most Mercy players hid and rezzed. The community noticed this, the Devs did too (They play this game daily you know…), and so it got changed. And no, it wasn’t just for “SR boosts”, it was an effective strategy to win games.
…so current Mercy doesn’t do this?? Am I playing her wrong? lol
You do realize that that Bug was later turned into a permanent feature and is still in the game, right? GA now how so much more versatility and control, you can fly backwards and straight up, etc. Now GA is actually a much more fun and strong source of mobility.
What?? Headshots can kill through Zenyatta’s Transcendence and Moira’s Coalescence too. Burst damage like a sniper headshot or pulse bomb ignores healing lol. And Valkyrie easily outheals Dva so Idk what you’re going on about with having to hide from Dva when you valk.
False and false. Firstly, just because you can fly in Valk doesn’t mean you have to go to the Skybox. EeveeA even says this in her latest Mercy tips video. If you’re fighting against a Mcree with highnoon, just stay close to the ground when you ult…it’s common sense my friend.
As for flankers, Mercy’s main job is literally to peel for her secondary support (usually Zen) or other teammates against them. She can outheal even Tracer, she negates Winston completely, and Dva/Genji don’t stand a chance unless other people are all focusing your teammate.
Comparing Mercy 2.0 to D’va 3.0
Mercy 2.0 went through 1 nerf on the PTR and then 4 sets of nerfs some of which outright changed key aspects of the rework like the bonus rezes. This leaves a very dizeable backlash that has been sustained over 3 monthes and is still going
D’va 3.0 had 1 damage nerf on PTR and 2 minor nerfs after the fact that didn’t actually change anything but were merely number fixes to lower her damage slightly and now there is only a very VERY small number of people who play her that don’t like her.
See the difference? it’s clear one was much more well done then the other
I literally said they both had nerfs and are both strong and balanced now. Why are you so concerned with the exact # of nerfs? The # doesn’t matter, the result does.
The result is that one had a rework that is recieving no vocal dislike among people who play the hero and only required minor tuning
2.0 Mercy had to be gutted of all the raw power in the kit and after a 6 month period of nothing but nerfs we have a backlash that has not settled down which indicates it’s something not quite just people unable to adapt (D’va’s adapted and the initial backlash died down pretty fast)
Hiding and taking cover to survive are two different things:
Hiding: effectively staying out of most confrontation to avoid death
Cover: getting out of the way to avoid the train coming straight at you
Hiding as Mercy right after getting your Rez charged was not the way she was supposed to be played. Hide and Rez became a thing when they decided she needed survivability and gave her invulnerability when using rez. Mercy did not need such a strong buff to aid in Resurrect. She needed an E ability, that’s about it.
And the rest of that first paragraph already makes me not want to take you seriously. Did you ever even PLAY Mercy? Without the SR boosting and without the hiding? Because based on that second half of your paragraph; I gleam that you either don’t play her/never did and you watch ‘streamers’ who abused the SR gain from mega rezzing OR you were one of the hide and rez Mercy’s.
You still fly from person to person, that much hasn’t changed, except now you’re pretty much just sticking with a Pharah or a Widow while your other healer picks up the slack (I mean, that’s what the OWL players do, so that MUST be the way she’s supposed to be played considering everyone keeps harping about the League and how they play her and what pick rate they have with her and her stats and you see where I’m going with this or nah?).
You completely avoided the point of that part of my reply. You insinuated that Valkyrie brought about GA, when all it did was IMPROVE it after people discovered a BUG that allowed them to bunny hop.
Are you really using burst damage in comparison to Transcendence??? Of course burst damage is going to kill someone in Trans, you can’t out heal 300 instant damage. Perhaps she can out heal D.Va, but you think D.Va’s going to be the only one shooting at Mercy? You’re daft if you say yes. (BTW, D.Va can contest and knock a Pharah out of the sky. I had such a thing happen to me today while on Blizzard World. She came at me from behind while I was fighting her Hanzo and killed me at full health. Seeing as Mercy and Pharah have the same health, I doubt Mercy will survive very long if a D.Va comes flying at her.)
If you’re flying around and a McCree who has you in his sights pops Dead Eye, you have literally less than a second to get behind something or die. Flying anywhere between 10 meters and lower means you are fair game to anyone with that kind of range, including Reaper. Flying anything higher than 12 and you’re susceptible to Dead Eye, Self Destruct, Tac Visor, and any snipers or HS with decent aim.
Also, Tracer’s pistols can melt tanks, where are you getting that Mercy can out heal that??? One clip does the equivalent of 240 damage and can kill a 200 hp hero if their accuracy is at least 40%.
About the only thing you got right out of all of that seems to be Mercy out healing Winston’s damage.
Mercy’s raw power is her healing, damage boost, and mobility. None of those were gutted.
Actually, no, it does show you guys are unwilling to adapt. So many other Mercy players have moved on and are extremely succesful with current Mercy and enjoy her. Instead of spending time on the forums you could be, you know, improving with Mercy, mastering her new kit, idk.
I mean, what is it you aren’t able to adapt to? She’s strong right now, the only thing you could complain about is fun, which is subjective, and if you aren’t enjoying a hero:
don’t play them
Exactly! Which is why Blizzard removed it! Glad we agree!
Um, what? I have 400 hours on Mercy, I’ve played her since the launch of this game, I pretty much one trick her every season of comp for many hours and ended 4421 sr and top 230 on the leaderboard in North America last season? So yes, I do play her, I have for two years. With Mercy 1.0, I almost always used Solo rez/tempo rez, but I still saw all the other hide-and-rezzing happening around me.
Actually in OWL the Mercy never leaves her Zenyatta and often accompanies her main tank as well. Pocketing one person the entire game is not optimal, and it never was. I don’t know why are you are claiming her basic gameplay changed with this rework? Why is it that “NOW you are stuck with a widow or pharah”? You weren’t before?
Did you forget that Mercy gains freeflight and 20HPS constant regen during Valkyrie?
I feel like you’re just always dying to Mcree ults and salty at it. I personally don’t die to them so idk what you’re going on about. Just avoid his LOS when he ults and never be 100 feet in the air while Valking, there’s literally no reason too.
That’s assuming the Tracer is landing every shot/headshot with perfect accuracy. But yes, Mercy heals 60HPS. She can outheal a roadhog hook combo if you’re healing from the time hog hooks them. She can outheal Mei’s freeze and headshot combo if youre healing them while she’s freezing them, etc. She can outheal Tracer’s damage as well, especially if your other teammate is, you know, fighting back against the Tracer?
Gonna stop you right there.
It’s not that we haven’t adapted. It’s that we did and we don’t care for this horrible rework. Do not assume our dislike for this new Mercy is out of ignorance and an unwillingness to learn and adapt.
We have.
We don’t like it.
We have a right to voice our concerns and dislike.
Ultimately, this thread in particular was meant to discuss how we could better Mercy. However, seeing as Blizzard seems keen on trying to sweep this mistake under the rug and hope everyone forgets about it (or whatever they’re trying to do, I’m not even sure anymore), they’ve taken to throwing anything that #'s Mercy into here, whether it’s criticism or just a friendly conversation that happened to mention Mercy.
This has brought a lot of people like you to this thread. People who think we’re blind and don’t see your ‘truth’. People who just want to belittle us for loving a character they consider ‘low skill’.
I can play most of the 27 heroes available, but I’m not allowed to stand up for one I like the most?
They gutted things that were integral to the design, did you see how much time Jeff spent harping about the rez design and how it was changing? it was very much integral to this rework and everything was gutted
because someone at blizzard had the bright idea to take an ability that is obviously an ultimate level value and make it a static E ability.
as for your arguments about adapting.
I maintained my rank with Mercy between being underpowered and overpowered, and when I decide to go into Quick play and do what I call the OG Mercy challenge you bet your backside I shred with her. no my problem is yes the unfun aspect
and see unlike the D’va rework which the d’va mains almost universally accept with a few outliers that aren’t vocal or numerous enough to raise a storm Mercy even 3 monthes after the dust settles still has a vocal fanbase that hate the rework and want to go back to a time the hero was underpowered.
Let that sink in for a second Mercy 1.0 was by all metrics closer to underpowered yet that’s what we consider fun. because it felt impactful and the on fire rate shows it.
LOL where did I say Mercy is low skill? LOLLLL I main her, stop trying to stereotype me as a DPS main who calls everything low skill, thanks xD
I love Mercy too…I have 400 hours on her, I’m ranked the #4 Mercy player on PC on overbuff. She’s my PC screensaver and my phone wallpaper.
I never said YOU called her low skill, I said; and I quote: “PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BELITTLE US FOR LOVING A CHARACTER THEY CONSIDER ‘LOW SKILL’.”
Stop and read, you won’t post comments like that then.
I’ll never know how people like you still enjoy this garbage, guess some people don’t mind being the sidekick.
You said "This has brought a lot of people like you to this thread. People who think we’re blind and don’t see your ‘truth’. People who just want to belittle us for loving a character they consider ‘low skill’"
Implying that I am one of those people
I enjoy Mercy because her mobility is fantastically fun and engaging, her character concept and skins and voicelines are beautiful and amazing, I loved playing MMO’s my entire life and Mercy is literally a priest hero from MMO’s like WoW and ESO. Her gameplay is fast paced and fluid, it is exhillerating dodging the enemy and outplaying flankers. It feels great getting the team’s praise for bringing them back from the brink of death. So no, I don’t mind “Being the sidekick” because I always feel like I am having my own impact and my own time to shine.
what time to shine on your own does this build provide?
a moment where Mercy through no direct impact from someone else (I.E this didn’t require babysitting levels of protection or the absolute perfect followup to make this kind of moment)
Every other hero in this game has this moment I’m talking about this “HELL YEAH” or the enemy go “OH HELL”
Mercy does NOT have the healing numbers to consistently get last second healing, even her ult can bring someone back up if they’re fargone like the other healing ults.
Mercy CANNOT enable a teamwipe or some other power like Rein or Zarya
Mercy CANNOT get a rez off at a pivitol time without it feeling like a test of everyone elses skill not the Mercy’s
and that last one is assuming a single rez is enough to get that heroic moment like stopping that teamwipe ult with Ana or saving the team as Zenyatta or Moira as they ult is
Her on fire rates prove it, Mercy has no UMPH, no Bang for the buck, no moment that’s really hers