How about make Valkyrie actually useful and remove the cast-time and slow-down if you pop it. No point crowing about how “omg mobile” Mercy is when her single-use-single-targer Rez kills her mobility and makes her have to hide to use it.
I dunno bout that. Seems almost pointless since the chances of people to benefit from it being around is quite low due to rezzed targets being full health
She doesn’t need a buff, even one that’s situational at best
How about buff mcree.
That she needs to be reworked AGAIN. Buffing her in this state would just make her OP, hence why after the rework she proceeded to get a volley of nerfs thrown her way.
When a character design requires constant nerfing, that should tell you it’s a bad design and should be chucked back in the garbage bin where it was left and found.
That’s why there is Nano boost sensitivity in Ana’s settings and Mercy has both Guardian Angel AND Beam sensitivity options.
I mean it’s a nice idea but considering that the biggest problem is that the rez as it is right now will never feel impactful in a good way. you either get babysat and it’s a test of everyone elses skill or you do it at a safe time and get the ability for free
or the enemy are oblivious to the Mercy, or you’re hiding
No, it means they were OP and needed nerfs. How many times has Dva been nerfed? And she’s in a perfect spot now. Same with Mercy. Sometimes it just takes a while to balance a hero.
This is why I’m happy you can rez somewhat at a distance…I’ve tried to rez too many times only to get snipe by a Widowmaker or Hanzo outta nowhere(but mostly by Widowmaker).
It’s kinda why I like rez now though. It’s a game changer, but not easy to do. I can understand the hesitance to use it cause there’s a 50% chance you’re dead unless rein is by you…but I also have a tendency to do stupid/crazy crap a lot…which actually works sometimes…but I would advise to not be like me…I love doing stupid/crazy crap more then I should.
D’va got 2 minor nerfs after her rework to gain the missiles
Mercy got 4 SETS of nerfs 1 of which featured four nerfs on their own.
I’d hardly compare the two.
I think Brigitte is balanced and has counters, she is fun to play as and her stun isn’t as bad as people think either. I hate her because she enforces the inflated Mercy pickrates that create the illusion of balance of the dumpster fire that is current Mercy.
“Inflated” pickrates ? how are they inflated ?
Being the only other viable main healer next to moira means you only have two choices thus mercy’s pickrate is artificially high.
i’m tired of all these lame stealth mercy topics
they don’t even try to be clever anymore
I mean,I really don’t see your point here ,we have three main healers and two have extremely high pickrates ,therfore the both of them are good.
If one of them wasn’t ,they’d have low pickrates like ana ,nothing is inflated.
Also ,Brigitte has nothing to do with this ,did you really need to do a clickbait title ?
You do realize OP that Blizz close any misleading threads. Just warning you in advance…
Well I am agree with you about that she is not op. But I can’t see a problem on pair Mercy or Moira with her. Brigitte can’t heal alone, so she needs pair with a healer, and they are good. As well Lucio.
On the opposite, Ana is a very good option to counter a Brigitte thanks to the grenade
Really? I’ve liked healing on a team that uses triple support, using Bri and basically any other combo, preferably Lucio and Zen.
In the words of our lord Jeff ; Mercy is doing well and not getting any changes. : )
Mercy seems fine. Especially with her chain heal and chain damage boost. That is like more powerful bridgette/lucio heals from range and chain damage boost which is like a mini orisa ult.