But…there is no problem? Mercy is one of the strongest healers than Zen, even stronger than Moira in many cases.
I’m starting to think these people that still think Mercy has massive problems haven’t adapted to the changes and just struggle to make an impact in games
If they spent more time playing her and less time saying she’s got problems they might start to learn how to get value out of her
Considering a hero with this high a pick rate and such a high simplicity is down with Doomfist when it comes to “on fire” rates
It’s not hard to see why people feel they aren’t making an impact even if they are doing killer at what they can do
and that right there is the problem.
Her kit and Ult being very much too aligned you can’t really even tell the difference save for the bright wings sticking out of her back for 15 seconds and her carousel of team mates standing in front of the enemy each getting a beam.
Mercy’s in the weirdest state she’s ever been. She makes very little impact when using her Ult because all she’s really doing is what she always does. And you might think that’s ok, but what if an Ult gets used? Rocket Barrage, Earth Shatter, Self Destruct, Dragon Blade, Rip Tire, ect. Valk can’t stop that, it can barely contest with Genji’s Ult which does 120 damage per swing, nevermind if he’s nano boosted.
Ultimately, when you press your designated Ult button to use Valk, you’ve made yourself into a human kite that is doing little more than providing moral support from the skybox. Literally every Ult in every category has some kind of impact, and now Mercy is like that child who’s parents have forbidden them from speaking to anyone.
There are two kinds of Ults:
Destructive, as you can guess, are the Ult’s that are meant to tear down enemies with quick bursts of power that last either an instant or a few seconds.
Supportive Ults are Ults that either stop the Destructive Ults or help them pull them off (ex: Grav and Earth Shatter).
Mercy’s Ult falls under neither because it can’t stop all of that damage from a destructive Ult. Sure, from a supportive Ult she might be ok and keep them alive, but the moment a destructive Ult comes into play and Mercy is now flying her pixie butt back to spawn to keep from being staggered.
If you feel that Mercy is fine because ‘her stats and pick rate, especially in the League are fine!’ then you may believe that if you wish. But I, as a gamer, believe a game should be played to have fun, not broken because stats in a League less than 1% of the player base exists in is the spine foundation for everyone’s reasons to why a character is ‘fine’.
If you need gratification from your portal turning blue the issues on and not mercy
Perhaps you could spend a day or two throwing out ideas for her on fire
I’d like her to get credit from people she’s just a rez’d actions, I believe nano boost does this
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a pretty careful guy when playing as ANY support, especially mercy, but I do have a tendency to take risks. A lot of those times do pay off, but other times…not so much. It mostly has to do with the fact that sometimes I worry more about my allies then myself. I’m a healer to a fault and I can’t help it, but I am smart enough to know when a situation is too dire for me to do anything(and going head first in will get me killed).
- she already does get credit from that, if I recall it’s about 4 seconds afte rez. I’ve seen this happen to get a 2 person rez back in 1.0 and a play because the rezzed pharah murdered four
- The low on fire rate is a symptom of the problem many of us are having. Mercy feels like the games eternal sidekick with her only real selling point being consistency. she’s got no potential to get a wicked “HELL YEAH” moment that every other hero in this game has, or rather get that and it feel like your skill rather then the skill of LITERALLY everyone else but you!
Zen is an off healer. If your Zen is healing more than a Mercy, your Mercy is either power boost pocketing someone or is really bad. Lucio is an exception as an off healer because he can heal everyone at once provided they are in range.
Mercy heals less than Moira because she can only single target heal. Moira can pretty much support a triple or even quad tank meta because she can consistently heal for 80 hp/s more than one person just by looking around her.
Mercy is still a strong healer, but she’s one of three strong healers as far as healing itself goes. Thus why everyone’s argument of ‘she’s one of the top three picks!’ doesn’t hold much ground being because with only 3 main healers and 3 off healers, of course she’s going to be the top 3 at least. Most prefer one main and one off healer for a 2-2-2 comp.
lol was teasing you.
Though yes the issue lies in the fact that Res is a life costing skill and one careless res can ultimate cost you the game. Like I’ve won a number of matches now because I’ve baited the Mercy into a res and killed her.
Which is why when I play Mercy i get paranoid when people die is really stupid positions and demands for a res.
are you joking? you telling me its stronger than grav? you telling me its stronger than dragonblade?
and you see a teammate is dying but they are surrounded by other teammates that are doing fine so you try to get you sweet heals on them but no matter what your beam wont connect then they die.
I mean is there any way that the beam can get a toggle to have priority for lower health teammates?
its just kinda annoying you know.
This is one of the few aspects of mercy that requires hard mechanical skill. I don’t think Mercy’s skill floor needs to be raised any further.
how is it skill when the beam is attaching to random teammates and not the one you cursor is aiming at?
I can get what your saying a bit but I am only talking about when you are trying to heal your teammate and the beam just wont latch on.
You can adjust the “hitbox” size for the beam in the settings. Having to put the beam on 1 specific hero requires “aim” of a sort.
This change would make Mercy more impactful and easier to play. I don’t think Mercy needs more of either of those attributes.
So they had more prorities when they were reworking her and ignored all the Mery players and their feedback then? They have not listened to them, not once, EVER!
The devs left comments in different threads addressing Mercy and never once posted anything in any of the feedback threads. All FIVE of them and still counting btw.
That is the absolute definition of being IGNORED! Sad to say.
And even now you can’t make a thread even talking about Mercy without it getting dumpstered by trigger happy mods. If Blizzard put their foot down and arent going to do anything with her why is it taboo to even talk about her outside of the trash bin?
nobody says it didnt happen, and it could have been tweaked to prevent things like that (mercy cant fly to dead allies anymore? line of sight maybe?)
and great into the megathread.
well that was fast considering I wasn’t talking about her balance in any way. nice to know any friendly talk involving mercy is thrown away.
And what does any of what you just said prove? That Mercy needs buffs?
That’s always a bit of a kicker, sometimes aiming slightly down or up whilst trying to get to the lock on target wobbles it to the person you want
I think you get this issue with most stuff that has an auto aim, the amount of times I’ve thrown even nano boost on someone random or haven’t been able to nano boost my correct target is staggering and they share similar lock ons
And yeah it sucks when posts like this get dumped on and thrown in here
What if Mercy could let out a small burst of healing when she successfully Resurrects someone. Nothing too big like 60 HP in a small area.