[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Not all of us are talking about hide and rez mercy, although we did kind of enjoy it.

Yes, in a team-based game you can. If you have a tank on your team that’s worth taking-up the tank-role slot, they’ll protect your rez. I do this for my Mercy all the time. Your [team’s] poor teamwork doesn’t mean the ability is bad or poorly implemented.

Rez is hugely impactful. I could agree with the argument that maybe Mercy’s healing during Valk could be tuned-up a bit but without her Valk, she shouldn’t be able to keep-up with a damage ult. That’s ridiculous to request.

Not everyone is so willing to protect you during your 2 second rez. Overwatch is a fast game and when a hero that is dependent on mobility to avoid enemies gets a cast time rez, it kind of ends horribly. As much as Overwatch is a team-based game, it doesn’t mean that your reinhardt has to give up his time on defending the rest of his team to protect you during your rez. Plus Mercy is supposed to be a healer, during that 2 seconds someone can die, that two seconds of healing could have won that game, or could have kept that person alive. Her Valk needs changed… a lot, it needs to be more useful to counter ults. It only seems to work well to protect yourself from ults (other then Deadeye, and Tactical Visor), but otherwise it’s just some extra healing and damage boosting, which doesn’t really help the team other then maybe do some extra damage. Why ult when you’re basically doing the same thing without it?
Here are my thoughts and ideas… feel free to add or remove, but don’t assume I want her to be overpowered, I want her to be more enjoyable and contribute more to a teamfight other then healing and damage boosting

1: We can have rez still be an E move, but require a charge of lets say , 500-1000 healing, when you get said amount of healing you’ll have a single player rez without the cast-time. During Valk it can be a single free rez and the charge time can be lower during valk. If you don’t use the extra rez during valk you can keep it but it can be a cast-time, just being able to move some more: crouch, move at her normal speed, pull out her pistol, etc…

2: We can have rez stay as an E just with 3-5 charges(like symmetra turrets), you can choose to rez whoever, and if your entire team dies you can bring a few back, just not all of them. You can also have the extra charges for the next team fight, and after 30 seconds you can get a single charge on rez back. During valk you get an extra rez charge, even if you have all the charges, but she does less healing to targets she isn’t locked on to, she will do 30 healing a second on the other targets. After Valk ends, if you haven’t used the extra rez charge and have all of your rezes still, it will be removed, if you hadn’t used the extra charge and still didn’t have your rezes charged back yet, you keep the extra charge.

3: We can revert Mercy, but have the ult charge take longer then it used to. Valk can be an E move and last for around 5 seconds. It will add some extra mobility and let her run away from a Winston or Genji without using teammates, but will remove the healing chain and instant regen. Plus the longer ult charge will force most Mercy mains to be in better and/or riskier positions to get more healing done in a game.

Mercy is the best healer in the game. Is that not enough for you Mercy mains?

Mercy’s Valkyrie is no longer for Rezzing. It’s for healing your whole team while being hard to hit. Many Mercy players claim that it’s an ultimate that has no impact, which is completely false. It’s very effective for pushing forward with your team, or for helping your team survive the enemy engaging you

Think of it like Orisa’s supercharger and Zen’s Transcendence in 1. (weakened versions of them of course, because it’s a 2 in 1 ability.

The unbelievable entitlement and constant spamming on the forums from Mercy players is getting old. I play her sort of frequently and have 0 issues with her current state. In no way you can call her weak, bad or unimpactful. If you don’t know how to adapt and/or think she’s boring, maybe you should play some other hero.

She isn’t anymore, there is Moira and brig now, plus every other healer in the game. She’s the best healer in the sense she is easy to learn and has a good healing output.

She’s better than Moira, and Briggite is just straight out OP.
Moira combos well with Briggite because of the brawly, clumped-up comps we’re going to be seeing.

I’m not calling her weak, bad, and unimpactful, but in some cases she is. I have been playing other heroes, but I don’t enjoy them as much as i have enjoyed mercy. I have also played her since the beta, I may be used to the old rez, but it doesn’t mean I can’t adapt. I’ve been doing it since the nerfs came out.

stop saying she needs a buff
stop it
she’s seeing good play.
the problem is in another aspct that requires tweaking to the hero that takes nerfs and buffs hand in hand

As I said,

she’s good in the sense she is easy to learn the basics of and has a good healing output even though she is easy

repeating yourself doesn’t prove your point.

This right here is indicative of the underlying issue that you’re either not willing to admit or aren’t able to see. The flaw is in players’ willingness to play together, not the hero design.

Well completely ignoring the fact that I said why she’s a good healer doesn’t prove you’re right either.

She has a solid healing rate, high mobility, high range of healing, resurrection, and one of the most powerful ults in the game, not to mention the highest pick rate out of any main healer in the pro league.

Once more the MERCY discord community taking turns to spam the forums. Honestly Mods should start to BAN people opening Mercy topics =/

When she goes in LOW-TIER then post not before

Oh goodness do I love getting moved here. Here, I don’t seem to be heard out or listened to.

I’d be careful about saying that; from what I saw last, they were tweaking and changing a lot of weapons around to the point some of them make no sense or are no longer really special save for one trait.

Example: The YER (Your Eternal Reward) used to let you take an enemies disguise and create an ‘unseen’ kill that only those who were paying close attention would even detect. (This is because while it shows up in YOUR kill feed, it doesn’t show up on the local kill feed. Just as well, it makes the body instantly disappear.) The trade off was that you A) moved at the speed of the disguise just as a regular disguise would, but you were stuck with it if you wanted to blend and therefore slower disguises cost you key targets if you weren’t careful. and B) you couldn’t disguise on the fly so long as you had it equipped.

Now the YER lets you disguise at will, so it’s like every other knife, but it lets you take the disguise of the person you assassinated.

And then there’s the whole ‘Pyro is now susceptible to afterburn’ despite his entire character was designed around the idea that fire didn’t bother him at all.

Ok, so, if your house is on fire; you want me to wait till it’s nothing but a pile of ash and embers before calling 911 to get a fire department out to put it out?

Because basically you’re saying ‘don’t worry about a problem until it’s too far gone’. Ignoring the problem is the worst thing you can do; the dev’s have proven this.

What problem exactly?