[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I have no idea why my icon’s switched over. I’ve been posting from a different computer than my personal one so maybe that’s it? Either that or an old forum bug has reared it’s head again.

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I’m literally replying to something that said she was over nerfed and that balance was unfair. You’ve literally taken something out of context to spin around and just reinforce something that’s not there.

They said they were over nerfed, I pointed out Mercy wasn’t.

Fun or design was not mentioned. It literally just said about Mercy being over nerfed.

“Don’t feel like” or “Can’t get it right”? The loads of nerfs after the “rework” bounced her feel more than a Moira orb. In turn, Mercy is officially THE most nerfed hero in the history of the game (“We love Mercy” in a dev video? Hah). Win rates were never part of the equation, though you might as well chalk that up to what your team did to Ana and Lucio, forcing Mercy to be played more often. Dedicated folk such as Titanium have typed months-worth of feedback only to be ignored (as I would also wager, this post, under the same circumstances) and swept under the rug. You didn’t keep your promise to some people by reworking her to be “The fun and engaging hero who’d be brought back if toned down too much”, but you welcomed Seagull’s excessive crying with open arms, leading to this failure of a rework.


Prediction: Once Ana is viable again, the pros will pick her right back up and chuck Mercy into the dumpster. Remember how much they used Ana before she was nerfed into the ground?

Except that’s not the reason, her pick rate is solid even without a Pharah or Widow on the team. She’s picked because she has the most consistent healing in the game and a rezz.

You still came off as unpleasant in your original post. Reactions like that will happen. At this point all I can say is step back and get your calm back.

I’ve posted many times in the many variations of this thread, I miss playing Mercy. I just can’t, she’s just not an effective healer. She’s just good at enabling specific comps. Valkyrie doesn’t save people with its healing, it’s only good for an advantage if the enemy doesn’t have their Ults but you have yours. …Or saving yourself, but I mean, Zenyatta just becomes invulnerable ontop of 300hps. Moira can save herself and kill ontop of it. Ana can save herself with her base kit alone, given her shots are on point / she makes intelligent use of BioNade.

I miss Mercy. She’s not fun, and she used to be absolutely wonderful to play! She’s not a healer anymore. At least with Zenyatta’s rather low healing, I can help my team deal damage (Orbs + Discord), getting satisfying eliminations, and use Transcendence to make a true and definite difference. I mean, Moira in her base state does more than Mercy in Valkyrie, not only in healing, but in terms of creating an advantage.

  • Moira can do 80hps (155 if you use an orb in conj.) to any and all teammates in a group - Mercy can do 60hps max.

  • Moira can manage 50hp over 3 seconds after healing in order to strategize when to use how much Biotic Energy, and deal damage WHILE healing. Mercy has to pick one or the other for lesser numbers.

  • Moira can, over the course of a match, deal way more damage than Mercy could ever dream of boosting. Even if Mercy could chain boost the whole game.

  • Fade to save herself (if positioned and managed properly), whereas that’s sometimes what Valkyrie is primarily used for. Independently too, although intelligent positioning relative to your team and timing of GA can be quite effective as well.

  • She can protect herself from flankers, potentially dealing with them on her own (all while healing her team if using her abilities properly), while even if Mercy is able to save herself, it will in most situations still become a teammate’s responsibility to save her. (I don’t mind a healer that just has to focus on survival and support, leaving the damage to her team. In fact, it’s part of what I liked about Mercy. My point is that for someone so defenseless, there’s hardly any incentive.)

Blizzard just made Mercy… not a Medic. She’s not a healer. She enables Junkrat to burst shields. She enables Widow to get kills quickly. She doesn’t save lives, she gives specific people second chances as if pulling and extra one out of her pocket. She enables, and the numbers don’t even let you feel good about it. 2,000 amp over the course of a match? (I don’t have a problem with supports that enable over healing as their primary focus, but it’s unsatisfactory and out of place on Mercy.)

She’s not a healer anymore. She doesn’t save her team. She’s picked in the pro scene, but her role just doesn’t match up to who she is and definitely isn’t what they intended. As happy as I was to hear “Heroes Never Die!” again, it was short lived as I continued to be let down by my once favorite hero.

Genji can go from Green Dragon to “White” (blue) Tiger. Hanzo can go from Blue Dragons to White Wolves. Small, pleasant color and aesthetic changes are obviously not jarring enough to create a difference in gameplay. I mean, come on… You can use Cobalt (just one example), leave a blue trail as you fly, coming from yellow wings? She’s not an angel anymore. She’s practically just forced to be a squire, like Brigitte, while trying to be a Medic.

(sidenote: It’d probably make more sense if Brigitte amped damage with Rally and Mercy helped people survive longer, either with extra temporary health similar to Doomfist’s shields or with damage resistance but the idea would obviously need heavy refining).


I’d need to take the time to look at the statistics for that, but I guess we can add those reasons to the list. At this point it’s down to waiting for something to shake up the balance enough that Mercy gets changed again, hopefully to something more engaging for players, in the vein of the suggestions EveeA posted maybe?

A more engaging hero who has a high skill ceiling becoming meta over Mercy is a good thing.

But…but…but…my fetish for just riding off one hero.

Ana has always been a more fun hero, before and after the changes. The design of Mercy has always been boring and really how she plays has not changed much.

OP Mercy compared to now, really in terms of how you play her is very similar but more careful. What people really hate is having the feeling of being OP for very little skill taken away.

Mercy mains complain since the nerf she’s not that engaging any more, despite all that’s really been changed is instant nerfs. Well if you want to play an engaging hero why not pick Ana? Because you can’t be as effective with little skill.

That’s all Mercy mains really miss, they try and package it as the hero becoming super boring and lets be honest pressing e for instant rezz is hardly the most fun ability ever, stop kidding yourself she stopped becoming fun after losing that.

She is a low skill ceiling hero, she is simply boring, you can play other heroes which are more fun but you won’t, you will just moan on forums that Mercy is boring now because of instant rezzes being gone.

There are other, funner heroes but you refused to play them, just drop this main fetish and try to enjoy the game.

Unpleasant and I need to keep my calm because I disagreed mercy was overnerfed? I think your putting intentions and feelings into things that are not there.

These are just words, with these words I disagree. But don’t worry they cannot hurt you. You may imagine in your head that for whatever reason I am some crazy person who is not calm but the reality is, you’re putting feelings you have imagined there.

Don’t worry, I am about to get a cup of tea and then I will ring Blizzard to see if I can find you a safe spot away from the internet.

Honestly man, if you want to be taken seriously, you might want to ease up on the taunting. Ana being higher tier is good, but in the current state of balance, Mercy isn’t the meta healer. I’m not sure anyone is. It’s a bloody complicated mess and given that pros play to win above all else the prediction Silawatsi made isn’t an unfair one.

Yeah, totally pleasant. Seems like a blatant ban threat to me

Do you not see the irony there?

I would say Mercy having the highest support pick rate alongside Zen at pro level, pretty much makes her Meta.

It’s not all that complicated, Mercy is the best main healer atm apart from a few niche maps/comps where Moira works better.

She feels awful.

You’ve taken a hero’s core identity and turned it into a shadow of its former self, and when players say it’s not finished, you ignore it because you can finally say she’s balanced?

Awful heroes deserve to be fixed so they stop feeling awful.

What was the point of this rework…? Way back when, you advertised her as being more engaging, but you’ve done the opposite.

Unlimited ammo for 15 seconds isn’t substantial enough to make her go on the offensive Battle Mercy.

Chain healing/damage doesn’t feel like it does anything, and half of the time feels like it isn’t actually working at all due to sound not playing and lack of visual HUD feedback.

Her flight isn’t engaging. Her glidehop is way more impactful and engaging than pure flight.

Rezzing doesn’t feel right when ulting, and slowing her movement speed undoes the QOL change you made shortly after launch to allow her to move while Team Rezzing.

I’m very disappointed in this announcement. Every single time players have requested another revision because something feels awful you shove it on the backburner for over 6 months.

I don’t understand. Why does Lucio get multiple revision passes over his wallride, but Mercy can’t get some details tweaked to make her feel more engaging and responsive?

That’s neither compromise, nor listening to feedback.

I don’t want her to be imbalanced. I just want her to feel fun and fluid again, instead of feeling like I have to use her because her base healing numbers are too good to pass up.


First off: Ana becoming prominent in OWL is a good thing. I wasn’t trying to say otherwise.

Second: I think you’re confusing “main” and “one trick”, buddy. Most mercy players have no trouble playing other heroes - it’s kind of insulting to assume that liking Mercy indicates some kind of disability.

Third: mechanical skill is not the only skill in Overwatch. Mastering Mercy 1.0 took a lot of skill you normally use in real-time-strategy games, and people liked that.

Forth: even before the rework, Mercy players were asking to raise mercy’s skill ceiling with things (like an E ability in exchange for mass rez nerfs).


You don’t know my positions on the matter that’s fine you probably never were here to read any of them, so I’ll fill you in…

Rez should never have been nor should be instant especially as a common ability. The cast-time is part of the effort to pull of Rez, but the rest of how Rez works in that it disables Mercy through a slow and prevents her use of her weapon even the Blaster’s use, so for 1.75 seconds the game plays itself.

I have not said that Mercy is boring. I said she is …

Mercy’s Ultimate or really non-Ultimate are nothingness given the nature of the ability meanwhile Resurrect flies against her concepts of mobility and healing since the ability disables both. If Resurrect cannot be balanced in a way that does not conflict her basic design concept then Resurrect should be removed and I am not afraid to say remove Rez if this is the only form Blizzard will provide.

Its the most satisfying thing to choose and continue to hold left-click and fill my teammates with life, so no she is not “boring” and I have not said that she is “boring”.

No way there’s more than Mercy in Overwatch how could have missed all those Heroes in the Hero Gallery. < FYI, that is me being facetious.

Obviously there are other heroes and obviously I’m not locked into any one hero. Do you believe I’m brain dead not to notice the those other heroes and maybe play them too.

The issue is that her current “E” design conflicts the with her concept of mobility and her “Q” is uninteresting. Playing other heroes does not change these features. It is ignoring the problems and being a quitter.

Rez is a cheap ability now and has been since the rework. It had much more risk/reward ratio as her Ultimate. What is the reward now? Rezzing some idiot who will probably die again? Sure Rezzing useful teammates is helpful, but that is all. It would be a far better to remove this Rez and re-add the more meaningful Resurrection Ultimate as it truly had the Risk of being wiped out completely or completely turning around fight that otherwise seemed lost that is truly risk/reward (just like most team wide Ultimates do) and it was a significant change in her play unlike Valkyrie.

Not only that, Rez is an unearned cooldown given out like candy by Blizzard so its value to a Mercy is greatly reduced as you didn’t work for it.

Such a wonderfully overly simplified view of the matter. They changed her Risk/Reward greatly so that it not true. You have just listed what Mercy does and not the thought behind those actions, but then again I expect nothing less from the those who only value engage on how many times, how fast, and what order you mash buttons in to mechanics (assuming that you are one sees things as mechanics and aim as the most engaging parts of the game).


Since you seem incapable of basic reasoning, let me spell things out for you.

Mercy is one of three (3)! main healers, alongside Ana and Moira.
With barriers being so prevalent, Ana, being the only main healer unable to heal through barriers, is near useless in most games, bringing the amount of viable main healers down to a miserable two, being Mercy and Moira. But wait, Moira has a resource meter on her healing, so from time to time, she has to stop healing to deal damage, so the meter recharges faster.

Mercy is, by far, the most popular hero. Mainly, though, because she’s the single most likeable character in the game. When it comes to competitive and your beloved :face_vomiting: OWL, however, people instead pick Mercy because of her healing and the ability to resurrect a pocketed Pharah or Widow. But that’s because in competitive, and even more so, OWL, people pick a hero to win. They don’t give a rat’s @ss about fun.

The pick rate argument can therefore be discarded.
That leaves win rate as the sole, flaky argument, and I’m sure that’s been debunked by now as well, both by the community, your own statements and past actions.

Bottom line; you don’t have any valid reasons, and are grasping at straws to try and stay as far away from the train wreck you’ve caused, instead of owning up to the problem and working on ways to fix it.


Or they are happy, when game has less healing and more killing. Remove all health packs on the maps, remove barriers, remove everything that slows down kills. Come on, Jeff and co., do it - you really want to, judging by your actions.

And win rate very close to 50% is terrible sign - it means that you have almost no chance of climbing up on that hero.


I’ve never asked anyone to play mercy…ever.

If I want a mercy on my team, I will play mercy. She is more than viable. She can still win games on her own and yes she is fun to play.

I’ve played mercy through all her changes and she is my second most played hero.

She is in the best state she has been.