[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

So after three (insert explicit term here) pages of people saying how mercy needs to be changed, blizzard are still to (insert explicit term here) lazy to even notice it.

That’s it, I’ve lost all hope for my main, from now on I will be battle mercy, healing my enemies by firing at them, oh and receiving toxicity in the process.


I appreciate your posts Titanium! :heart:

I’m well past this point but a belated thanks, haha :stuck_out_tongue:

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I had to return to this topic to say:

Just because she can help widow with a second free chance / get a kill slightly faster, or help Junkrat destroy barriers, doesn’t mean she’s a good healer.

Honestly, she’s meant to be a high throughput healer, but other healers do it better. Moira, specifically, just blows Mercy off her feet fulfilling an extremely similar role – just harder and better. Even solo healing, I feel that Moira is just more challenging but more effective. With the changes Ana’s going to be getting, she’s likely going to become better at healing and enabling so long as your mechanical skill can back you up. All I can see that she’s good for is if you have a comp that can use that damage boost get fast / early kills, and the healing is almost a side effect of it, similar to Zenyatta. Even then, Zenyatta’s ult can save a team - Mercy’s can hardly enable. In fact, the only time I can even justify picking Mercy with the intent to heal alot instead of damage boost alot is when you already have a Moira. You can help Moira conserve her Biotic Energy and simultaneously enable her to be more aggressive.

TL:DR; The pros use her, sure. That’s because certain heroes can really abuse that damage boost, and certain heroes can really use that resurrect for a second chance. But that doesn’t mean she’s in a good place. That said, some of the other hero changes are really nice, so I’m glad Mercy isn’t the sole focus of the balancing team, and it’s better that she be like this than game breaking.

lowl XD

1st post
“hey i have this awesome POTG,mercy’s not boring,what are you talking about!”
2nd post
" it was always boring"

You were kinda implying she was always making big time plays all the time
if that cant be captured in a POTG…that’s kinda weak


I will as well.

Do I still have fun playing Mercy yes in very select ways and I make fun and enjoyment in every little thing I can because Mercy’s Ultimate and Resurrect as it currently is and has been throughout the rework have next to no enjoyment, and very little in achievement.

Small things like the sound of GA poping off cooldown, the sound of Angelic Decent, the sound of healing and DMB I enjoy and when I’m not in Valkyrie or doing Rez I can forget for a time about those abilities and just enjoy the basics of Mercy as that is all thats left.

Playing other healers does not solve the issue. I feel that many who state this have no care for characters and just use them as bags of abilities ergo people just playing a hero because they are useful and don’t care at all about their character.

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I’ve officially given up personally as a mercy main, there’s just no point on posting in this thread anymore is Blizzard is only gonna focus on charts for potential nerfs. besides, I’ve had more fun out of playing Moira more than mercy

How was Mercy overnerfed? She still has a very high pick rate in all tiers most importantly GM+ and has a very high pickrate in Owl.

If Mercy was overnerfed there is no way she would be picked so often in GM and at pro level play.

I actually amazed some people still think Mercy was over nerfed, like literally why would she be picked so much at a high level if she was so bad?

She is a solid healer and rez has a decent risk/reward ratio. I think I am just going to assume anyone who think’s she is bad must seriously just be trash at this game and using the nerf as an excuse for being bad rather than trying to get better.

I am betting that they will nerf her again after Buritte outrage calms down.

And Mercy is boring and in dire lack of actual impact in the game. that is why I never play her now days.

Yes give up on a hero so bad she has a high pickrate in pro level play and in pretty much every tier including GM+.

Those idiot pro players, don’t they realize she is super weak? Why on earth are they all playing her.

Speaking of aesthetics and just niceties to enjoy, her wings don’t even change color in Valkyrie. Meaning, if you have Combat Medic, Imp, That one blue one and that one Valkyrie one, even though your wings during the entire match will be Blue/Purple/GreenRed (Lunar!), during Valkyrie, they’re plain ol’ yellow.

Given Blizzard’s standard in attention to detail, it’s… disappointing. I mean, even Genji’s Dragon can change color now.

did you read his post?
he talks about FUN,not power

I can guarantee you those pro’s would drop mercy as soon as they find a better strategy to win

they are not having fun,most of them just play her cause she’s solid.


I guess I never pay it any mind because Valkyrie is just a sad existence.

It seems Valkyrie is a slapped together Ultimate and the way it has been balanced is just as slapped together.

I might as well say it here:

Valkyrie is a McDonald’s Dollar Menu of an Ultimate, it has many options and all of them are cheap in one way or another unsatisfying.


The only reason Pro’s would play mercy or even Zyn is due to the simple fact that they’ll give you constant healing / dedicated healing compared to Brigitte and or Moira.

:disappointed_relieved: I understand your sentiment… hopefully you’ll still chat on the forums there many greats reads here but sadly those don’t seem to matter to Blizzard right now.

You litteraly missed the entire point of what they were saying. This is what I mean when I say I feel misunderstood.

Mercy is not weak; she strong, but in ways that are uninteresting and unfulfilling as an experience to play and has been so since the rework.


Did you read the post?

High pick and win rates aren’t the best indicators of actual fun factor or engagement while playing. That requires a whole different sort of testing and statistics. Mercy’s current pickrates are the result of her still being a viable and useful tool to buff Widows and Pharahs and to win the endgame of teamfights.


Yes because her not having a rezz be instant is what makes her boring, it couldn’t have anything to do with her being a hero where you spend the majority of your time holding left click.

There are dozens of other heroes to play, you’re not locked into one hero. Find her boring? Play something else.

If anything she became more fun as you really really have to weigh up the risk/reword ratio on using rezz.

But really the changes did not drastically change her playstyle, you hold left click, you ga when you need to and rezz when you think you can pull it off.

I’ve put a decent chunk of time into Mercy. She’s one of my favorite characters in the game. The issue is that she’s just unsatisfying to play as because aside from Ana, other supports are more durable than she is. Lucio can knock people away from him / wallclimb / speed away, Brigitte has stun / CC and a shield, Moira can regen health / fade away, and Zen has armor. I feel like Mercy’s only escape tool is only truly useful if there’s an intelligent tank or a Pharah who knows to keep you in her sight.

But Valkyrie is one of the biggest problems I have with her kit. It is just a really lackluster Ultimate and should be looked at again. I feel like they have a hard time figuring out what to do with Mercy’s Ultimate and Valkyrie is just a band-aid.

I have a few suggestions these are just my perspective so please take them with a grain / pinch of salt.

Caduceus Staff: I think the primary is fine. But I feel like the healing portion should last a bit longer maybe 4 seconds after? It just seems really easy to disconnect. Also this will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t feel like the secondary should increase damage dealt. I think stuff like this is what empowers metas where damage / rushing in is key. So with that line of thinking I propose that the secondary beam reduces damage taken by the target. This could be a good strategy tool because Mercy could use it to protect an ally while they’re doing their ultimate, for example, or just to reduce incoming damage and then heal them up after the danger is over.

Caduceus Blaster: I think the ammo should be increased to 25 and the damage to 25. Mercy should be able to protect herself better and a more offensive firearm will allow her to do so. If someone should rush her. But it wouldn’t be overpowered.

Guardian Angel: Probably fine, though I’d increase the range to 40.

Resurrect: I love this ability but it needs a slight tweak. I think Mercy’s Regeneration passive should be active while she uses this ability.

Valkyrie: increased movement speed, Resurrection becomes instant, and her healing beam locks on to whomever she heals and the duration increased so she can swap to her blaster and deal damage but also keep someone healed at the same time.

Those are just my thoughts.

How sad that Comp pickrates and winrates are all that matter about our favorite heroes. How SHALLOW a view point in terms of design, but then again there were those who never cared for Mercy’s design, so they will never understand unless the become willing to understand.

Mercy is indeed a consistent Healer, but that is her main redeeming quality since if any thing were to overshadow that consistency then Mercy would be dropped, but then I guess that how we determine good and interesting design now.

On another note:

@True0Neutral-1564 How come your icon has changed to a generic one?