[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Sorry but I really do think rez is to powerfull to ever stay as an normal ability it should be her ult doesnt matter if single or mass-rez of any kind.

I dont know why Mercy should need any more mobility than she already has. Yes flying around with GA is amazing and a good reason to play her but even more of that? I mean we have GA and the bug ähh… I meant the totally intentional bunnyhop which makes Mercy very mobile and fluid. Also flying in Valk feels like crap but maybe thats just me.

Well personally I would like to give her some form of CC counter so we have more than just Zarya bubbles. I think that would be some nice utility for her which isnt overpowered like rez.

Angelic Protection:
Mercy buffs one teammate which grants immunity against CC and reduces dmg by 10%. Lasts for 2 seconds and has a 10 second cooldown.

Maybe like that? I dont know you can change it as you wish.

I was thinking valk could be an E move for when your teammates aren’t around you to give you the mobility of flying away. Plus it would also be cool if it actually kept the chain healing during it. I also LOVE your idea, thanks for sharing it!! I’ll make sure to add it :slight_smile:


Whilst res through wall was possible… one argument that can be made is that you are limiting your range but as long as enough people die close to the wall… then it didn’t matter because they are in range.

I think thats a weakness Mercy has to live (or die) with.

Yeah chain heals can be pretty handy and nice I just dont like them that much. They would take away the target priorization you have to learn and master with Mercy but if they only last for a short amount of time it should be ok I guess.

Go ahead you are welcome! :smiley:

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I’m going to take a detour around the point.

Aside from damage boost utilization and GA discipline (which are unique because no other hero has team-dependent mobility or an always-accessible single-target damage amplification), you are correct. Every other healer requires some level of awareness, positioning, and healing prioritization. The difference is that the skill behind Mercy is often more heavily invested in these areas than with other healers (if we were to ignore Valkyrie).

For example, yes, Ana needs to know how to prioritize targets to heal. However, unlike Mercy, she can use her Biotic Grenade to burst heal multiple allies for 100 HP in a pinch. A weakness in the player’s skill is compensated for by a part of her kit.

Taking this example to other heroes: Zenyatta doesn’t depend upon healing prioritzation, as 30 health/second on a single target isn’t really enough to be worth juggling among teammates unless the team is truly desperate. His Orb of Harmony is often left on a flanker or some other DPS while Zenyatta deals with his Discord Orb and enemy target prioritzation. All other healers (Moira, Lucio, Brigitte) have AoE and/or passive healing abilities, reducing their dependence upon healing prioritization.

The (off-topic) point is that while some of the skills aren’t unique to Mercy, they are skills nevertheless, and Mercy is often more dependent upon those skills than other heroes.

Other than that, I agree with your post. I like this idea:

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My answer to your post was created over a month ago.


Actually he does, you want to put the Orb on very specific units. For example a Genji \ Winston who are diving.

Zenyatta’s healing isn’t actually for “Healing” But “Sustaining” fights. Also for helping team mates escape from a fight. Again not exactly a “Skill” more common sense. So if some one is low health - you let one of the main healers heal them if they are near by, and instead keep your owb on people actively taking damage, even if they have a lot of health.

Again this is something all healers need to do and be aware of as you said who to heal and who not to heal and when to heal.

Only Lucio doesn’t deal with Healing Priorities since he is based on AoE and standing still is a death sentence for him.

Ontop of all of the legitimate feedback I can give about Valkyrie, the feedback about how Mercy is more useful for efficient kills rather than healing, about how Valkyrie doesn’t really do anything for team sustain (and goes against the point of the rework, to heal your team all at once and keep them alive), and about how the whole mess just doesn’t feel like Mercy at all and seemingly contradicts her identity…

I have to admit. I really, really miss Resurrect. Even from launch days, although I didn’t have the game back then, when I watch videos from that time I just see Mercy Resurrect, no invulnerability and all, and I just… miss it.

Furthermore, I wonder… could they have taken those six months or less(the time Valkyrie was Overpowered - ignoring the time it took to create it), tweaked Resurrect (Line of Sight? Reducing radius, nerfing it and adding an ability to compensate? All the obvious things we’ve ranted on and on about?), and avoided the whole mess? I just miss the ability. Valkyrie is so… horrible. “Heroes Never Die”? Yeah, if you damage boost and they land their shots and prioritize correctly, but that’s out of my control. At least an arcade mode, if the dev team actually just doesn’t care. We clearly do. Something. Anything.


Agreed, even the Pro’s are saying this and even we Mercy are saying this.

The ability comes at no cost. It can be cast at any moment meaning any skilful play can be negated. It has the potential to undo any one mistake where as mass res was to correct a mass mistake, not individual careless deaths.

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Keep generalizing.

“One more thing; do you really think you’ve solved any issues with this change, Blizzard? Resurrect no longer counters near team wipes, sure, but now it counters almost everything but near team wipes. Give the forums a month or two, and they’ll be right back to complaining about Resurrect.”
Overwatch Forums

“Realistically, the Mercy change is a buff.”
Overwatch Forums

“However, these changes are, for a the most part, a buff.”
Overwatch Forums

“Doesn’t make a lot of sense. The PTR changes are buffs, realistically.”
Overwatch Forums

“Because based off my personal experience in live servers since that patch, I still stand with that assertion. My opinion isn’t going to change unless someone can give a logical reason why it should.”

Overwatch Forums


Lol I can’t be asked to go through my history but same… I went so far as to join Stylosa’s Discord and try to talk to players there… fml they are the most bias and toxic bunch ever…

Hence my opinions on Stylosa took a massive dip… like the guy is doing his job and everything but he just going to lose respect if he can’t control his discord and if he just creating blind followers who believe in the Anti-Mercy BS he keeps sprouting.

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I thought up a bit more and touched up my ideas

*= May change in the future
()= Examples
()= Extra
***= Pros
^^^= Cons

Mercy Ideas/Thoughts

1: We can have rez still be an E move, but require a charge of 500-1000 healing, when you get said amount of healing you’ll have a single player rez without the cast-time. The rezes can stack if they are not used, and you reach the said amount of healing.
During Valk it can be a single free rez and the charge time can be lower during valk.
If you don’t use the extra rez during valk you can keep it but it can be a cast-time, just being able to move some more: crouch, move at her normal speed, pull out her pistol, etc…
This will give Mercy mains something to contribute to a team, while making them have to stay out in the open to heal.
Will prevent hide and rez Mercy

2: We can have rez stay as an E just with 3-5 charges (like symmetra turrets), you can choose to rez whoever, after rezing them it will remove a charge and it will start recharging in 5 seconds. After 30 seconds you can get a single charge on rez back. You have to be in range of the target.
During valk you get an extra rez charge, even if you have all the charges, but after her Valk finishes if she still has all rez charges, the extra rez will be removed. If you did not use the extra charge during Valk, and don’t have all charges, you will keep the extra charge. During her Valk she keeps the chained healing, but does less healing to targets she isn’t locked on to, she will do 30 healing a second on the chained targets. (Same with damage boost, will be lowered to 10%)

3: We can revert Mercy, but have the ult charge take longer then it used to.
Valk can be an E move and last for around 5 seconds. It will add some extra mobility and let her run away from a Winston or Genji without using teammates, but will remove the longer range GA and instant regen, but will keep the chain healing/damage boosting during that 5 second duration and last slightly longer afterwards. (Ex. When Mercy targets someone to heal, then moves behind a wall, it will stay locked on for another second or so). But healing on the chained targets will heal 30hps, and damage boost will do the same at 10% damage boost.
Plus the longer ult charge will force more Mercy mains to be in better and/or riskier positions to get more healing done in a game.
^^^May cause hide and rez Mercy again^^^

  1. Make her Valk last 20 seconds again, with 1 insta rez. Her chained healing ability will buff the healing during her ult, but lower the healing/damage boost on chained targets to 35hps and 15% damage increase while keeping the targeted hero at 70hps and 30% damage increase.
    Her rez without ult is also instant, but leaves the ressurected target at 50 health and is unable to be healed by the Mercy for 5 seconds, but can grab a healthpack/ or have other healers heal them.
    Mercy’s Valk will have a longer charge, and require a specific amount of healing for it to be usable. (like Mercy’s old ultimate where you could not rez until you were out of spawn.) Her GA cooldown in Valk is instant instead of her original 2 seconds. Her flight speed is slowed down slightly.

You mean how people generalize and say “The majority of the playerbase wants mass rez back !!” or “only SOME Mercy’s used hide and rez, the Devs and Pro Players just made it up !!”

But that’s none of my business :upside_down_face:

Yeah I know I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for even posting this, but mercy has really been nerfed a bit too much. She may still be played in Overwatch League, but it doesn’t mean she isn’t trash. I have realized after the nerfs that I sometimes won’t know when to ult since i often used it on push and if anyone died i could instantly rez them. And now all i can really do is hide in the backline and ult when we need extra heals or damage boosting, and if anyone dies in a safe place (which is rare) to rez them. Also remember that overwatch is a really busy game, having a cast-time rez kinda screws the mercy over since she is almost always going to die. After these nerfs I have played less and even played other heroes more. And mercy has always been countered, and is even countered by multiple heroes now, quite literally anyone with a stun. Basically, hide and rez mercy is back, and us mercy mains have no idea what to do with her. Go ahead and talk about how i main mercy aswell but i geniunely only play her because i enjoy her and enjoy helping my teammates, but when your main has been nerfed into the ground its kind of hard to save games. It’s also hard to get important rezes off that can save games, which is honestly the point of rez. what if your reinnhardt dies in the middle of the enemy team with his ult? your not going to be able to rez it cause youll die, and possibly even lose the game for even trying. That ult could’ve changed the entire game, and rezing the rein could’ve won it. And for all the people who don’t think mercy requires skill, she doesn’t require aim… not skill, i think people often confuse the two. and she does require skill: positioning, who to heal first if everyone is low, who to rez, who to fly to in sticky situations… and all of that has to be answer quickly, especially if you’re getting dived by three people which is what usually happens. If you want mercy to require skill, i recommend bringing back the mercy with two rezes during her ult that were instant, and keep the cast-time rez without the ult or change that to instant as well, or even just think up a new, more balanced mercy.


A hero played over 90% of the time at the pro level is definitely not trash. Just…no.


Mercy is the best healer in the game. If anything, she actually needs a nerf. But now that she’s no longer fun (I don’t see how she ever was fun), a lot of people won’t play her so it’s not as obvious how strong she is. It’s only when money is on the line (OWL) that people play her because she’s still a bit OP.


Mercy’s pickrate has actually dropped to around the same as Ana’s, and with the almost 2 second rez cast time, people in higher ranks will be able to kill her easily.

Um…no, it hasn’t? She was picked 92% of the time last week lmao.


What exactly needs to be nerfed about her? She has already been nerfed so much there really isn’t any more of a reason to nerf her now. She has been fun like with her really old rez, always having to defend yourself and whatnot.

At all ranks of the game Mercy has one of the highest pickrates.

Lying is bad mmkayyy.