[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Only d.va is played. Junkrat and mccree isn’t someone you would need to think about.

And any of them isn’t in the current meta.

And? That doesn’t mean the old rez had los.

By your lack of answer to some of our points, I assume you finally agreed with them, which are:

  • Mass rez wasn’t op
  • Mass rez had counterplay
  • Hiding was not the best strategy
  • 11v6 doesn’t exist
  • The SR system encouraged hiding and needed to go

Silence is consent.

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Mass rez vs single rez.
You could rez more than one person.
You had range.
You didn’t get stuck.
You could do it through walls.
It was on a short cooldown.

If single rez is op. Mass rez was more op.

Single rez has more counter plays than mass rez.
Every hero that stopped mass rez still stops single, but now you have more heroes that stop single, that wouldn’t be able to stop mass.

Hiding was always the best strategy, and still is.
You don’t stand out in the open waiting for sniper to hit you. You hide behind a wall, a pillar, your team.

6vs11 was the norm back in the day.

The sr system didn’t matter. You did not hide to gain sr, you hid so that you would win the fight.

The way to earn them are completly different.
One will be up every 30s, no matter what you do.
The other had an average charge time of 1 min, and could only be obtained by healing or damage boosting (or pistoling).
Hence you had to examine a lot of factors before rezing, which is why “every fight ends up by a 5 man rez” is objectively false.

Please read before answering.
For the last time:

"Hide and rez" VS playing properly

How can a non-existent thing be the norm ?

Actually, it was the exact opposite.
You didn’t hide to win the fight, you hid to gain sr.


If you rezzed to win the fight you weren’t hiding. You were in the middle of it and dropped a 2-3 man rez to swing the momentum.
The only moment your team died on small spot all at once was a Zarya ult +. In which case you exchanged one ultimate for two into a positional disadvantage. Most likely, at least some of your team died immediatelly after the rez because they were sitting ducks. And the difference between now and then was that good flanker could make it almost impossible to get ult charge, you can’t stop a CD thought.

You have very naive Ideas about how rez worked.


One vs two?
Zarya ult would be two.
You would use one.

Your team has 5 vs 4 ults now.

I always had to hide to do a Mass Rez.



If enemies don’t see you = you are hiding. Even if you are standing right behind them.


Quite hilarious really - three ultimates and only the Pharah was semi-targeting me.

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Another thread absorbed into the mega-thread void I see, there is no escape, may you find absolution in the infinite darkness

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Are those statistics even proven or are they just what you’ve seen or experienced?

Which was fair considering it was earned for doing your job as a healer.

Because not everyone can just die on the same exact pixel as the rest of their teammates.

You used to have to stand perfectly still while using Resurrect until it finished its animation. That got changed.

Uh… that can also apply to this iteration of Resurrect? I’ve cast it several times without even gaining line of sight. Frankly, it’s buggy as all hell.


An ultimate on a short cooldown??? That sounds familiar! Was it 30 seconds, perhaps? :wink:

E-Resurrect is basically an Ultimate with ridiculous restrictions, while being the fastest gainable Ultimate in the game. You literally get it for free when you first spawn in, and then, after the first use, for free every 30 seconds.

Single target Resurrect is actually a lot more powerful considering you can now tempo Resurrect without having to even think about it. Those old questions you used to ask?
"Dang it, Soldier: 76 and Lucio are down. Should I use Resurrect now to keep an advantage, or wait for them to potentially use an ultimate so I can get everyone including Soldier and Lucio?
Should I maintain a decent distance from my team so I can move back a bit in case an Ultimate goes off, and I can counter it? Should I keep close so I don’t get picked off by being unable to escape for being just a little too far away?
Can I-

Yeah, no. They don’t matter much anymore with our lovely E-Resurrect.
At least behind an Ultimate it had a lot more weight to how it was used, and it was the only other “ability” in her kit besides GA (Not counting Angelic Descent, Regen, and Heal/Damage Boost). Now it’s just…
“Oh hey! I have my ability off cooldown, and someone’s dead! Time to hide behind a wall like I’m supposed to, just to use this conveniently situational, watered-down ultimate I did absolutely nothing to earn besides literally existing!
Now let’s see, the only things I need to make sure of are…
Is there cover nearby? Check!
Is there an enemy sitting on the corpse? Nope!”

Everything operates on picks these days, and if you have someone who can casually revert picks with a simple E press like Mercy can… it’s going to be annoying to play, play with, and play against.

No. It wasn’t.
Tempo-Resurrect was a ridiculously strong strategy, considering she could reverse several picks at once. If you hid and waited for some Huge Rez!!:tm:, then either:
A) The respawn timers on most of your allies had already gone through, so using it would’ve been a waste.
B) You were stopped before you could get there with GA by literally any CC.
C) You used Resurrect, but your team was decimated again because the enemy still had some ultimates left.

And somtimes, standing out in the open, where your team most likely is and where a sniper has the possibility to pick you off is better than staying near cover and being picked off by flankers who know you’ll hover around near said cover.
But to most people saying the only strategy used and usable was Hide-N-Rez, Hiding == Head not immediately under your reticle, standing still and ready for a string of headshots, yeah?

Look, 6 v. 11 isn’t a thing. You’re implying there are 5 extra individuals fighting alongside the first 6. If it’s the same exact 6 you’re fighting again, it’s another/an extended team fight. 6 v. 6 team formats don’t usually go 6 v. 11, from what I remember.
The “norm back in the day” was an SR exploit with a certain character that people abused. It made appear a lot more frequently, with some people using their own strategy and not intentionally trying to mess with their SR, and some using Hide-N-Rez to basically boost themselves.

I’m going to venture into the void and just, ah…

“THE REASON WHY HIDE-N-REZ WAS SO “POPULAR” WAS TO USE THE SR EXPLOIT AS A CRUTCH, SO FIX THE EXPLOIT AND BRING BACK RESURRECT,” said the majority of Mercy players. They were ignored, posts sent to a trash bin, and generalized as “whining that their OP hero was finally nerfed.”
tl;dr they hated mercy players because they told them the truth lol

Man, the void is really nice and well kept. It’s a shame people don’t venture further into it more often. I like the drapes a lot. Who got those? I’d love to know where to get some of my own. :eye::lips::eye:
If you weren’t using Hide-N-Rez to mess with SR, then what were you hiding for? To be a jerk and potentially get that “oh-so-common OP broken 5 Man Resurrect that actually only happened every what, 10 games?” To record an ultra-special PotG montage?
It didn’t guarantee a win, it just extended teamfights to be much longer, just like this one does. Picks matter.


But that one is bad design, encourages bad game from everyone, contradicts Mercy’s character and it’s unbalanceable.

Mass rez in any form. With no doubt.

You are talking about counters. Okay, there are good news for you. Hammond’s ultimate is a hard counter to mass rez, even in its old form.

Too easy. Remember that Mercy with mass rez wouldn’t have E rez, so her E ability wouldn’t be broken and her mid game would be balanced again (she would surely have another E ability and changes to her mass rez). Also, she wouldn’t have guaranteed survivality nor free solo healing/boosting thanks to an ez mode ult, so she would have weaknesses again like being single target support. That would open a lot of space to other supports.

That being said, some of them like Lucio would need some buffs.

And long ago valkirie was removed exactly because of what’s happening now, the same as current rez’s mechanic. This rework has sent us all to the worst Mercy in all Ow’s history, so what’s your point? Not fixing her because you hate an ability? I’m sorry, but rez won’t be removed, so that option is out of the table. If you want to fix her, rez must be somewhere, and as an E ability is impossible to balance her. The only option is to bring her real ult again, and make changes to allow more counterplay.

By now, if you hate mass rez so much, I suggest you to learn to play Hammond. He is a natural mass rez counter.

Tbh, Ana’s problem is her mechanic. Being a sniper whose shots can be blocked by barriers makes her having great difficulties in a lot of cases. Also, her need of aiming her targets makes her incompatible with some characters like Genji and Tracer. This is a very hard to fix problem, and I don’t know how it could be solved.

However, Lucio could have some buffs for balance, because his mechanic is not that hard in design terms.

We remember the days of having a bad design character being unbalanceable and boring (original and current valk). We remember the days of contradicting our own character and dying while rezzing because of being glued to the floor (original mass rez and current rez). We remember those days of having a bad player hiding and ulting without focusing us just for us fairly countering his bad game. Yes, we remember the hide and rez exploit, but we want to avoid that.

If you hate mass rez so much, learn to play Hammond. I think you will like his ult.

Tbh, no one talked about removing mass rez but a very tiny and extremely biased and loud minority. Mass rez needed some tweaks because it had some problems, that’s true, and some people wanted an E ability for Mercy. She never needed a revert back to her two worst designs ever.

Well, by now I can confidently tell you that Hammond’s ult is a hard counter of mass rez even in the case it comes back as it was. Anyway, your problem could have been solved with just minor tweaks like LoS, cast time, etcetera, never a rework back to a pre game release’s nightmare.

Yes, hide and rez shouldn’t be a thing anymore, and there are a lot of suggestions about how to kill that exploit.

Sadly, EeveeA’s suggestion about making E rez earnable didn’t work because although Blizz liked it, it was too complicated to implement in the game. In addition, E rez is simply unbalanceable and slow downs have no placement in a mobile support. As rez can’t be removed, the only place left for balancing it is her ultimate.

According to some quotes, you are conveniently cutting a half of the dive meta’s graphycs, so we can’t see that the most played dpss were Tracer and Genji. You know the problem? Who do you think that fit better with those two guys and Winston (you can watch the graphyc, he is picked a lot). Let’s see the supports:
1- Ana: Need to aim sick mobile characters like Genji and Tracer. Discarded. End and end.
2- Symmetra: She doesn’t heal. Discarded.
3- Brigitte: Oops, this one didn’t exist.
4- Moira: Oops again.
5- Zenyatta: Okay, he can heal, but he can’t solo heal his team, not by a long shot.
6- Lucio: Same problem.
7- Mercy: No need to aim and she is a mobile consistent support.

So, you have two solutions. You either pick Mercy or Lucio and Zen together. As you can see, rez doesn’t appear in this balance, just the basic mechanic of each character.

Please, stop linking things conveniently without telling the entire story.

This is a twisted look of the picture, tbh. Mercy mains warned Blizz that the rework was going to be OP beyond imagination and they were complaining long before any of you did so. They were who created the moth nickname too, that much they hated the op Mercy. So, no, please don’t lie. Don’t pretend that Mercy mains are taking part in a weir conspiracy to dominate the game by taking the forums each time Blizz makes a move. If a design is bad, the solution is no nerfing nor buffing, but reworking that flawed and unbalanceable design. That’s what Mercy needs now. However, if you want to make a movie about what I told you, okay…

Finally, it’s kind of funny that you talk about DDosing when some days ago the Mercy megathread was locked twice or even thrice in the same day because of someone abusing the flag system.

Some pros think otherwise about her mechanical challenge, and that’s even with an ez mode ult that gives all your hard work for free.

Anyway, she shouldn’t be that way, and this design is made for not having weaknesses at all while being extremely easy to play, so nerfs can’t solve anything. The only thing that can fix Mercy is a rework or a revert. Your choise. However, remember two things. Rez can’t be removed and as an E ability it’s unbalanceable.

Ana’s problem is her design. Having to aim and being blockable by barriers is a terrible curse for her, and that makes her incompatible with some metas like dive meta. That’s a huge problem, and I don’t know how it will be fixed.

You should take into consideration how characters are designed, because sometimes buffing and nerfing is not enough. Yes, I bet it sounds cheesy for somepeople, but it fixes nothing when the problem is beyond balance. Ana’s design is just not as compatible as the other supports in the game. Mercy has been turned into a too easy to play and too compatible design, so that’s the problem. She needs to be reworked back to a point where she had weaknesses and was balanceable, but without exploits.

P.S.: Considering that this rework is really a huge revert back to pre game’s release days, could we say that going back to mass rez should be going forward? :thinking:

The point is… current Mercy is a dead end. Buffs or nerfs with keep her situation as it is, excepting that she will be even worse to play. E rez is too powerful, contradicts Mercy as a mobile support, is bugged af, it’s unbalanceable, and encourages bad game from everybody. Valk removes a lot of skill from Mercy and all her weaknesses because she can even fly out of range or just hide while doing all her hard work by holding a button, effortless.

So a rework is needed. Rez as Mercy’s E doesn’t work and will never work. It can’t be removed neither, so the only solution is to balance it as her ultimate again, with all the changes it could need. As compensation, she will need an E ability that fits with her, something she needed before the rework. That’s why she wasn’t so picked in top ranks (watch your own graphyc, that last bar, the tiny GM’s one), because once you learnt to deal with mass rez, she had no mid game utility.

There is a huge difference. First of all, having rez each 30 sec, you will use it as soon as you’ll see a good chance to do it. In this case, it means having a dead teammate next to a wall. Having the capability to decide how many characters you want to rez (you are consider 5 men rez as the common rule, and that’s a huge mistake) would make her use it more wisely, so she would have to play better and stupid players dying randomly wouldn’t be rewarded that much anymore.

Also, Mercy wouldn’t have rez at the beginning of the game, so first picks wouldn’t be undone anymore. Combo metas would have a natural counter, so grav + dragon would have it harder, ending in a healthier game, because Ow is based on counters, and nothing should have no counters. Before you start saying “mass rez has no counters”, you are wrong, Blizz has solved that problem by creating Hammond. Just take a look to his ult.

Finally, having immobility in a mobile character is contradictory and ridiculous. It has no place there. E rez is bad design because it contradicts Mercy as a character. It’s unbalanceable too, so it needs to go. It can’t be removed entirely, so it needs to be placed again as her ult.

Tbh, that problem was only a thing from a minority, not even the half of her playerbase, so a rework was never needed. QoL changes were all she needed. Maybe if they added an E ability (not rez) they could have made changes to mass rez without having 11 months of huge Mercy problems.

There are a lot of counters to mass rez, and the hardest and most obvious is Hammond’s ult. Of course, somepeople don’t care about it, or don’t realise, but that’s not Mercy’s fault.

Tbh, single rez is bugged (I’ll explain one now) and encourages bad game and primadonnas, so I wouldn’t keep rez being single. For example, let’s imagine some of your teammates died in the same pixel. You want to rez Reinhardt because your team really needs his shield. However, when you press the rez button, a roulette’s game begins. Finally, Widow is rezzed. Bad luck. Rng shouldn’t be a thing in a so powerful ability.

Also, letting the Mercy to decide when to use her ult was one of the things that made her co somplex to master before, and I think she should need that skill ceiling back. There was no need of waiting the most of your teammates to die. Usually, rezzing 2 of them was enough. However, if a dps can hide, ult and kill your whole team, it would be fair that if you weren’t killed you could punish that player (and no, I’m not talking about hiding, that happened to me, and that’s how I had my “cute” spray indeed).

It was almost balanced. Sadly, she needed an E ability because if not, she was weak in mid game.
You would never go 11 vs 6 because there can’t be 11 players at the same time. Following that logic, we should maybe count the turrets, teleports, drumbs, etcetera.
Main strategy for Mercy was never to hide, keep her teammates alive and use her ult as a last resource.
Hiding Mercy wasn’t fun, but it was only an exploit from a minority, and could have been avoided very easily with some QoL changes.

If it was obvious, how could you miss at countering it, when it was incredibly obvious too, just saving a single ult like Junkrat’s? Also, check the last response, up this one. Mass rez was not its exploit at all. Current rez is just like that old exploit, and that’s why no one likes it.

What? Mass rez was never nerfed. In fact, it was buffed because Mercy had pickrates below 5% for two seasons. Also, not counterable… sigh… here it comes your counter to mass rez. So hard as Junkrat could be. It was called playing smart. Why do you think that GMs didn’t pick her? Because once you learnt to deal with mass rez, she had no mid game utility, so she was weak.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7lKTpddHWM&t=481s

Skip to 7:57-8:11. Mass rez countered.

Fianlly, if you are talking about the rework as a nerf… That’s wrong too. Indeed, Mercy was turned into a huge OP monster spamming rez all the time, so they nerfed it to the ground, and yet it’s way more powerful than valkirie, despite it contradicts the whole character. Meanwhile, valkirie makes her too easy to play and good for every situations, so current design is just a nightmare. It needs a rework.

Only when you were climbing ranks. It was the easiest way to do so. Otherwise, it was a horrible strategy because your team was in great disadvantage. I played since before Ana’s release and I never saw a single Mercy hiding, but a lot of dpss however.

False, and nope, 10 men rezzes are impossible, sorry. It was 6 vs 6 again, not 6 vs 11. That’s a funny invention. But if you want, okay, playing vs Sym was playing 6 vs 12, and if Torbjorn was there it was 6 vs 13, up to 14 if Orisa used her drumbs. You see the nonsense?

SR matters because as even Taimu admitted, hide and rez was heavily rewarded with a huge SR boosting, so it was a thing. Without that, it wouldn’t have existed because it wouldn’t be a good way either to win nor to climb at all.

In terms of SR, true. In game terms, false.

Finally, mass rez only needed a few QoL changes, so hide and rez wouldn’t be possible anymore. A revert back to the two worst Mercy’s designs ever was never needed. Both valkirie and current rez’s mechanic were removed for good even before game’s release, that bad designs they are.

Please, bring us your statistics about that, because no one here has seen that, and I can confidently bet you something that NO ONE IN THE GAME has saw that happening. That the same stupid as saying that Soldier’s aimbot had 6 kills every team fight or Genji with his dragon blace, or Mccree with his high noon or (choose any character in the game with a huge kill ability) with his/her (name of that ability).

I could use the turret’s example once more, but that can work too with any other team saving ult in the game with the only difference that you killed them in one case whereas in the others, they screwed your killing game before you had your reward.

Finally, as someone explained you, the right maths are:

5 vs 6 players. Okay.
6 players kill 5 players
5 - 5 = 0, so
0 vs 6 players.
Wild hiding Mercy appears.
1 vs 6 players.
Mercy uses Mass Rez. It’s super effective! (just joking at this point)
1 + 5 = 6, so…
6 vs 6 players.

Do you know what means “using your ult wisely”?
Fyi, mass rez wasn’t something you could spam stupidly, because then, you lost the game. Current rez can be used each 30 sec, whenever an stupid player die next to a wall where you can hide, so it’s spammable on cd. You don’t need to think about the dead teammate’s importance anymore, because hiding well is all that counts now, unlike before.

Be honest, please. Have you played Overwatch before? Because that description doesn’t fit at all with the game at any moment. Mass rez was NEVER a guarantee of 5 men rez, and using it wisely wasn’t that.

Statistically, rezzes were usually like this, from the most common to the most uncommon: 2, 3, 1, 4…,5. (by far)

Your logic is flawed, but I’ll tell you that killing the Mercy was the main rule to deal with her. If not, you still could play around her rez and earn a free 11 men kill, following your own logic (it was a 6 men kill, but you killed the other 5 before, so…)

Okay… Let’s see. Are you talking about just the past or about the present or what? Because before, mass rez was easily counterable unless you were quite bad. Dive meta is not played now, okay, but then you are talking about the present because you want something to counter mass rez if it was here now as it was in the past (play Hammond). I think you need to clear your mind, because you are being too inconsistent and you are contradicting yourself all the time, so it’s hard to understand what are you talking about.

Mass rez’s pickrates during seasons 2 and 3 with Pharah in her highests since forever and Ana and Lucio around 85% = below 5%.

Mass rez was an ultimate, so you had to use it wisely, not spam it on cd

Single rez is spammable each 30 sec while hiding behind a wall.

Hiding was never the best strategy until current rez, no matter how much you insist, you can’t convince us of something that didn’t happen.

That’s straight false in all terms.

Again false, and people has already explained why.

I’m starting to think I should upload some of my rezzes because these guys coming here to say “mass rez was always hide and having 5 men rezzes, instant win and potg” is becoming too silly atm. It stopped being funny long ago (it never was).


These are based on overbuff.

I’d like to upload some of mine too. Most of them were from when I was a much lower rank, but I never “hid” for more than two seconds, if at all. Sometimes I just needed to escape LoS for a bit to avoid an ultimate coming at me, which most anyone would do.


Overbuff isn’t even reliable anymore as private profiles completely make it useless. Also, not everyone connects their account to Overbuff so it was flawed from the start. Same goes for any other Overwatch statistics websites. If you want reliable statistics, ask Blizzard devs for it.

so are we nerfing Mercy today?

God, I hope not! She’d be as bad as Sombra.