[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I think the 3 second regen would be good but keep the heals and no wallhaxs

Where/ when was this said?

If it means getting Mass Resurrection back then it seems fair.

3 second regen is overkill 1.5 - 2 seconds is more than enough. D.VA, and Hammond can just poke her endlessly.

No, ultimate-rez was just as cancerous as 30s-rez.
The best solution would be just to remove rez entirely and replace it with something else. It just doesn’t work.

It worked beforehand but like yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sureeeeeeeeeeee

Wrong. Ana during Season 3 was better than Mercy with an 80% pick rate at high ranks.

All while Mercy had Mass Resurrection during that time.

Once Ana got nerfed everything went down hill.

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The problem is with rez itself. The game lives and dies on securing kills, and a mechanic that undoes a kill secure is a bad mechanic. Mercy should have something that prevents the kill, not something that reverts the kill.

She’ll always be overpicked until there is another viable pure healer.

Right now the only other is Ana and she has a skill floor so high and mechanics so punished by basic game features that she doesn’t even feel like she belongs in this game.


But it was essentially weaker when it was harder to pull off like her ult version does,

Like, an ult generally ends up with 2 or 3 kills and so did ult rez at its moment, 5 man rezes just like full teamwipes were a rare ocurrance

But now, its an ability that leads to a guaranteed resurrect every 30 seconds, and theres not really an ability that does the same but in an oposite way, e.g a guaranteed kill every 30 seconds,

thats why rez is problematic indeed, but the problem was pretty much contained with it beeing an ultimate,

Yes, but it had it’s place in the game. It is not like “kill secure” is really all that difficult. There is a plenty of DPS ultimates that can easily remove multiple opponents at once. There are even unavoidable combos like graviton+pulse or similar. Most of the people who remember old Mercy also remember bayblade meta.
In a game like counter-strike rez would indeed be completely mental. But there are plenty “q2win” abilities in this game and having an undo button for that had its purpose.

Oh boy another one of these. Where people lose SR after being boosted and unsurprisingly come to forums to say revert my top tier hero and buff them.



How people still think a revert is a buff is beyond me at this point.


Spoiler: it would be. Next question.

All the data in the world proves otherwise.

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Found the mercy main

I love how many people are really just salty at the idea of mercy’s being boosted when the SR exploit was removed ages ago- long before the mercy change.

This thread, along with the mega-not so merciful dumpster, mostly point out that Mercy has never stopped being meta. Never once! Since her op changes. Mercy players became more “boosted” AFTER removing mass rez than when it existed!! that’s because she BECAME A MUST PICK. How do people NOT understand being able to rez 20 people max in a 10 minute game is INHERENTLY more powerful than getting an ult and saving it for a teamfight, occasionally getting off a 5 man team rez once in a while?? Rez on cooldown isnt working! It’s not! It’s more balanced then the absolute monster ability blizzard replaced an “annoying to certain players” ultimate with back when it first dropped.

It’s enabling the sniper meta, and it’s the only counter to a sniper meta. Mercy being able to erase a pick every 30 seconds is, and will always be op. Mercy has not left meta SINCE changing her ult. My most played hero is mercy. When I’m tired of losing / doing mediocre playing ana, I can play mercy and instantly start turn the tide. It’s genuinely the rez- my healing on ana and moira is EASILY comparable to my healing on mercy- its even Better in Moira’s case. Me playiing mercy and popping rezzes forces the other team to play a mercy or get rolled.

It’s time to admit it- other healer’s state aside. Mass rez didn’t need to be removed. It needed tweaks. not this nightmare meta hog that mercy’s become. Because, almost 1 whole year after the dawn of the Moth, mercy? Hasn’t left meta once, and her championing pickrate has never dropped too far from “Most picked hero”.

It’s time SOMETHING is done about it, and like, actually done about it given that her nerfs have removed her from the realm of “egregiously op” to “still present in most every match but not a monster anymore so Its Good Enough right?”. Maybe that has to be a revert. But we’re talking something. “she’s fine!” No, no she’s not, you complete toerag.


Nice. With that post everyone now knows that a revert is a net buff.

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So are you going to tell me that reverting to mass rez wouldnt be a buff? If so then im out. Cant reason with that.

Her current pickrates are better than when she had mass rez. Far better.