[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

1st: Straight up nerf Healing Beam, no “skill ceiling increase” because its anything but hard to aim with Moira Beam (no Moira hate, im playing her alot myself)
2nd: Nerf/break GA, no impact on skill ceiling
3rd: Lower Valk’s Skill ceiling
4th: Wtf?
Last: I dont think thats a bug and its actually a pretty important “feature” in her kit

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Yes. Have the healer use an ability that removes her from the fight for thirty seconds (12 seconds plus the time it takes to get back to the fight).

thats a lot of nerfs

I do like the idea of giving her beams an ammo counter(would help with pharmacy cheese)

How about we stop butchering characters?


No, Mercy is supposed to be easy and they will never make her a high skill floor healer. She just needs to be toned down.

People keep saying mercy should have to reload her healing which… i can’t imagine that ever being a thing. It doesn’t make sense. However, I like the healing buffs.

noticed that you edited a bunch of your replies. Firstly, gravdragon works with or without any other ult unless ofc the enemy has a zen. Secondly, if your team gets a bunch of kills then the enemy Genji ults and kills your whole team, the picks your were essentially reversed.

welcome to the void

20 char

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I understand that mercy has an OP(jk) kit but I dont like playing as her that much. Being that I’m a tank main I love baguette as she is a tanky type of support.

I dont think mercy is just some powerhouse that anyone can play and instantly master(otherwise Id have a much higher win rate).

Here is the thing about mercy- the only good plays she can make is rezing someone. Once every 30 seconds she can do a play that has an impact.Beyond that she can’t do much else to “carry”.

IF you are the worst person in your group,then YOU should be the one to play mercy. You don’t want your best player on the team playing mercy.

That is the one glaring weakness in her kit that people seem to forget about-she can’t carry games.

No character can carry games, what Mercy provides that no other healer does is that she enables the whole team better than any other healer and that is why she is op

While I agree that Mercy is anything but brain dead, your changes make nothing better, they make everything worse for the Mercy. She’s already taxing enough to play.

“A) Add ammo to her healing/power beam”
Why? You realize everyone technically has UNLIMITED ammo, right? That’s why Mercy never has to reload. It’s just like D.Va’s plasma cannons.

“B) Force Mercy to aim similar to Moira”
Her healing grasp or her anti grasp? Neither one will work very well for Mercy. That’d be like making her tether function like new Sym’s main fire. We’re not trying to turn everyone into Zarya here.

“A) increase guardian angel cooldown 2 to 3 seconds”
Again, why? Mobility isn’t her problem, or anyone’s problem with her really. All you’re doing is ensuring she gets picked off even more than normal.

“B) Reduce guardian angel range 30 to 20 meters”
So that she has to run 10 meters into a firefight before she can actually use her mobility? Yeah, ok.

“A) Valk will fuse Power/Healing beam the entire Ult Duration, but Mercy Ult Generation ratio with be reduced 10%”
I literally see nothing good about this whatsoever. You’re fusing the two, so everyone is getting both healing AND power boosting for 15 seconds and reducing the cost at 10% to an Ult that would still be pretty useless. It’s usefulness would increase slightly, but in the end it’s just a flight mode with her base kit.

“A) Mercy will be able to option “INSTANT-REZ” but she will kill herself in the process with a 12 second respawn”
WHY. Why would you even suggest that? No one would EVER use that. That’s literally going back to first stage Mercy 1.0 where people would sacrifice themselves to get a 5 man (or even a four man) and then the team would be down their main healer while she respawns.

On top of that, you’re adding MORE time spent waiting on her to get back. That’s pretty much a double negative. A 12 second respawn timer with the team already down their main healer is just bad all around.


Mercy’s pickrate on s11 day one: 14.53%
Mercy’s average pickrate pre-nerf: 14.51333%

If this isn’t grounds for a nerf, I don’t know what is.

For the record, I chose s11 because the Mercy pickrate has been going up for months, and is likely to continue increasing, as it has been.

Her winrate is climbing as well.

Pre-nerf, it was approximately 52.25%, post-nerf it is 51.65% and climbing.


Ah due to private profiles stat tracking is meh.

This meta is also extremely unforgiving toward other comp options. Granted, she was well picked during dive and such but support roster as a whole was more balanced pick wise then.



She’s only picked due to the meta. She is good in dive. Also good in deathball. Also she is good with snipers. Also she is good with Hamster metas. But if there’s ever a meta where you don’t need to kill anything to win, she won’t be as strong so everyone just wait before making any nerfs.


According to OWL pickrates (which show the highest skill heroes’ potential and disregard the effects of fun heroes) we can see that Mercy’s pickrate in Stage 4 was 89.77%, but in Stage 3 it was 86.44%, a negligible difference.

Especially considering Mercy’s pickrate in the later parts of Stage 3 was actually 93.34%.


Mercy won’t be nerfed , everyone is fine with her , can we stop please , I’m getting tired of seeing this threads everywhere ,There are other heroes that need attention right now , Like Bastion , Torb , Reaper , Hanzo(nerf), Lucio , Ana , Reinhardt, Sombra , Mccree ( wow I just listed all of them) , How about creating threads concerning their problems with the game RN.


She might be, if the developers are willing to brave the storm. Clearly not, otherwise you would not be seeing these threads everywhere. Sombra has been getting plenty of attention, they just hyper buffed her and people are whining that she is slower. Maybe they should start focusing on less entitled player-bases. There ARE threads about all of those problems, but while “everybody is fine” with Mercy, this seems to be the most pressing concern at the moment given the interest in nerfing her.

pickrate is a mix of community favourite + broken

Mercy is a problem. The entire competitive community is getting sick and tired of having two healer options to pick from (Mercy and Zenyatta).

It has been far too long. It is time to end it. Mercy should not be a forced pick.

  1. No one confirmed a Mercy nerf (yet)
    2.Sombra is hyper buffed … I don’t think so, I have quite a lot hours on her and tbh the new changes aren’t a buff