[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

We will soon reach the limit, prepare for “feedback-thread-continued-part-iv-mercy-updates-jan-30-2018”.

tho its more like “feedback-trashcan-continued-part-iv-mercy-updates-jan-30-2018”


I’m not exactly sure why you’re replying to me. I don’t believe I suggested any of that. I’ve only pointed out how Mercy has better healing than season 3 Ana, and has the best of almost everything but damage.

You do realize, that Ana can reach 90 hp/s, and can increase it to 135 hp/s temporary, when she uses her nade together with her rifle?

Mercy has most consistent and steady healing from all main healers, but Moira and Ana can heal a lot more.

Unfortunately, Ana’s nade uptime is shoved down by how often she’s forced to use it on herself.

She really a form of passive self-heal. I really like this one suggestion I heard, where Ana passively gets a point of HP back for every shot left in her clip when she reloads.

Ana can have self-heal as reward. Like, every time you heal teammate, up to 50% of that goes to your health. Skilled Ana will have crazy 45 hp/s regeneration…if she doesn’t miss a single shot.

Yes, ana has better burst heal. Her heal is anything but sustainable though. Let me refer you to this.

Edit: I shouldn’t say anything but sustainable. It can work, but when the direct competitor for main heals has the best healing on average, the best ability and the best escape, why put your team at that disadvantage.

They never tried that. Yes, they made little adjustments long time ago because huge cast time and huge slow down (we have them now again btw) made it bad design because she died all the time. After that, they only tweaked it once with the i-frames, when she was a trol pick because Ana was better than her in all features. However, when they announced the rework they never tried anything to her mass rez. They ignored everything about it. Maybe if they had really tried their first adjustments, which seemed very good for mass rez (like the SR fix) it could have worked. The rework was never necessary and it has caused a great harm to the game.

I never had a problem with an enemy Mercy, not a single one. However, Genji? Too hard to hit, one of the most powerful ults in the game, and the most unfun ability in the whole game, capable of reflect almost every damage input in the game, ults included. Tbh, I see that a lot more unfair and obnoxious than a Mercy rezzing 2-3 guys once in a while. Oh, and Tracer? 3x blink, bomb, back, boom and you are dead without having a chance to stop her because she was out of LoS. How fun! Mercy was simply, okay, she rezzed those guys, now she hasn’t her rez anymore, now we can push with all our strenght.

Well, I NEVER saw that situation, and I play since before Ana’s release. In fact, when I was playing Mercy, the only one who sometimes felt like an slave of someone was me, because I needed my teammates for my own survival, and they didn’t always bother to help me. I never saw the “die on point” strategy, and I still won my games. If that strategy was a thing, it was only because it received a grotesque SR boost, which allowed to climb a lot without any effort, to higher ranks. It wasn’t the key for the victory at all, and it gave one of the easiest counters for a strategy. You simply had to bait her, so she rezzed, then you ulted and earned a glorious 6 men kill with no counter available thanks to how rez worked.

Tbh, mass rez worked more for tempo rez than for huge rezzes, and the game was quick and incredibly fluid with that mechanic, unlike now that you can undo an stupid mistake each 30 seconds and you must stop doing your work as a support to sneak around and hide for a rez.

I’ll tell you what was bad for the game. Did you know that original Mercy’s ult was not mass rez? It was… VALKIRIE!!! Yes, she had a tweaked version of this ult during game’s development, and it was so disgusting and so obnoxious design that Blizz had to completely remove it and replace it by something better and healthier for the game: original mass rez. Do you know what happened then? Original mass rez had huge cast time and huge slow down, more or less like current rez has, and it was so horrible to try it and die all the time, even being aoe, that Blizz had to remove all its restrictions and make it instant.

So, Valkirie and current rez’s mechanic are straight bad designs from Mercy’s past. Mass rez had only an exploit of her SR system, and that was a lesser problem which only needed QoL changes, never a rework back to her two worst designs.

I’ll tell you a description of how I had my hard team kills with some dpss.
1- Hide behind a corner.
2- Press Q.
3- Watch how they die.

This is 100% accurate with a lot of the characters in the game, and for example, that’s how I achieved my first huge kill with Junkrat, dropping bombs randomly until my ult came, then hide and ult. No effort, zero risk, huge reward. Can’t get your point.

However, how did I earned my rezzes?
1- Being in the mid of the fight, not hiding.
2- The enemy starts outdamaging my team.
3- I try to survive to the enemy push.
4- Meanwhile, I judge the situation and the importance of my teammates, the time left, the consequences of not using my ult, our chances to win in both cases (using it and not).
5- I decide that it’s time to use it.
6- Press Q.
7- Watch how my teammates come back (usually 2-3, almost never 5)
8- Did I succeeded with my thoughts? Watch the results.

So, no guaranteed success because it depended of how I performed that rez, huge risk because I was in the mid of the fight, so I was able to be chased, I had to think a lot about my performance and fight for my own survivality, and I used it because my team was losing, not because I told them to suicide. High risk vs high reward. Still I can’t see your point.

It already fit Overwatch. The only thing didn’t fit was the hide and rez exploit, and as an exploit, it was a lesser problem which only deserved QoL changes, never a rework back to two designs that got proved that they really don’t fit with the game.

No, sorry. I’m okay with valk being an E and rez being her ult again but:
1- Nerfed healing?
2- Rez being single?

Sorry, but nope. Valk can’t make up those giant nerfs. Mercy was trol pick for two seasons (2 and 3) with her mass rez and her healing was buffed long ago for a good reason too.

Sorry, but that’s straight false. YOU hated it. You are not everyone in this game, and a lot of people has asked randomly during the games (you can bait the mass rez tophic by using the “cute” spray and telling that you had it when Mercy had mass rez) and the results are a consensus. EVERYONE seems to miss mass rez.

And please, the rest of your post seems like raging all the time and it’s painful even to read, more painful that current rez, and there is nothing more painful for everyone than current rez atm. Please, next time relax, take a breath and try to write in a more constructive way.

No, it wasn’t. Plain and simple. You are considering that hide and rez was the only way mass rez was used. Sorry, but you are wrong and extremely biased there.

Can you have some education, please? Thee is no need of being a drama queen. No, no one hated mass rez. People hated hide and rez, and even those who want mass rez back are usually suggesting ways to kill that bad habit. As I have explained, a huge amount of people miss mass rez, Mercy and non Mercy players. Your point then? You are only talking about an exploit, the same as Mei could introduce herself into the walls in certain scenarios, being unkillable and forcing a draw (arcade mode). Should we completely rework Mei and search if she had a design that everyone really hated in the past and bring it back to the game?

No sorry, no more ez mode valk. It was bad in the past and it is bad still. Blizz realised they made a mistake and removed valkirie during game’s development. Now we have it again and the results are the same. Bad design, bland, redundant, braindead, unengaging and boring. It doesn’t belong to an ult cathegory. Also, E rez is cancer, it doesn’t belong to an E ability. It must be Mercy’s ult again. Valk can be her E ability or even can die. I truely doubt that anyone will miss it in the game because no one calls for it to be used, only rez is wanted.

How can I explain you this point… I have told you that valkirie and current rez’s mechanic existed. Do you see anyone calling this rework a revert? Okay, so:

Bringing back valkirie + E rez with huges slow down and cast time + accidentally changing GA =/= revert

But suddenly, for some reason:

Bringing back mass rez with a lot of changes + New E ability + keeping the rest of her current kit = revert ???


Sorry, but it’s time to stop pretending that bringing back an ability which existed before and then changing it and adding a new bunch of changes is a revert. That’s hypocritical through and through. Has anyone called Dva’s rework a revert? I’ll show you that rework’s formula.

Reverted defense matrix + Micro missiles + firing while firing =/= revert

So, no one is calling any rework a revert excepting, for some reason any idea that includes some iteration of mass rez, then, suddenly that miraculously turns into a dreadful revert. Sorry, but I’ll tell you how a revert would be for Mercy:

Bringing mass rez as it was + No more E ability + reverting GA changes = revert

Plain and simple. Okay, Blizz said they have no plans to do that. Any other options are valid. And a lot of them (a lot of the most logical indeed) include setting rez as Mercy’s ult again, being a new iteration of mass rez.

That question is debatable. A lot of people prefer her being fun over being just balanced, even if that means being a trol pick. In my case, I’d rather have her being good design over being balanced. Currently she is not good design, so balance can’t fix that.

Doubt it a lot. They stated that rez will always be part of her kit, and Mercy has half of her set around rez. Sprays, potgs, poses, lore, real statues (OWL’s),… Removing rez would create such a dissapointment (extremely soft word for that) that they would have enormous problems. They know that such a decision would be the most unpopular they’d ever made, so they don’t want to do so. They are checking a lot if the community is really willing to get rid of rez as a whole, but that’s not going to happen.

The only way they can act now is thinking about how to rework Mercy again, as E rez is bad design and ult valk is bad design too.

Valk is not a burst of any type. You can even replicate its effect if you are good enough. One good proof of how bad it is is that no one calls you to use it. Never. That means that valk is not relevant indeed.

You want to heal? Learn to priorizate. A good main support should know when someone is out of danger, even if he is still wounded. There is no need to top.
You want to burst? Okay, this is the best valk’s input, but then you are not healing, so better be sure that your team has advantage. This means that you are only consolidating a victory, not changing anything.
You want to shoot? If they see you, you see them. You shouldn’t need flight nor more than 20 bullets for this task. A Widow, for example, can be killed with around 5 bullets in her head.
You want to be dynamic? Okay, lear to use your GA properly.
You want to rez? Duh… Ok, never mind, that was stupid.
You want to cheat death? Fine, here we have a 100% good use for valk, but then we have a question: is just that enough for an ultimate?

Oh, and yes, she had 50 hps healing in the past, and Ana was better than her in all features then, so they buffed her to 60 hps. Mercy was better in consistent healing, and with 50 hps, Ana did that better.

Situations where Ana is worse than Mercy:
1- Barriers (Ana can’t heal through them, Mercy can)
2- Mobile characters (aim vs not aim)

About valk, that’s not how Mercy outheals Ana really. She didn’t need that ability for that, and her healing power shouldn’t rely only on her ultimate. Also, valk is not a great ult, if the enemy team focus fire, then valk is reduced to complete irrelevance.

Beta Mercy had a different ultimate just to begin. Yes, she died all the time when using it, but rez is way more powerful than valkirie. Also, as SirRocknRyan said, she had 50% boost vs 30% boost she had later. Remember that Orisa’s ult is just 50% aoe damage boost, so now think about Mercy having that for one single target all the game.

When Ana came to the game, Mercy turned trol pick with pickrates between 5-0%. Why? Because Ana could do all the healing things way better than Mercy. Yes, she had rez, but that was all, and it wasn’t enough for making up that imbalance.

I honestly think that having valk as Mercy’s E and rez as her ult with changes to avoid any possible hide and rez strategy should be the way to go with her. That way, rez could be fluid again and not break your own game, while valk would give you that mid game utility that Mercy needed before. Also, rez would have more counterplay, so no one could complain anymore bout that matter.

That won’t happen, sorry. Blizz already stated that rez will always be part of Mercy’s kit, and she has too many things around it.

Remembering some of your previous posts, this is an interesting change of mind, but I see your point with the first quoted paragraph. Yeah, I never liked pockethealing/boosting, it’s very dull and not challenging at all. The way you describe dive meta fits more with how I played Mercy, and that’s what I miss so much.

And yes, I think she should be reworked. E rez was not a good idea since the beginning, and Blizz should stop trying to balance the unbalanceable.

Because it countered ultimates, basically, and somepeople exploited the hide and rez strategy. Those two reasons. Both needed only QoL changes, not this failure of a rework. Now 2CP can be won just piling up ults with zero skill, and Mercy must search places to hide for each rez.

Indeed if Mercy is boosting that dude, it seems he can outdamage even Transcendence (or at least make ohk through it).

Well, the problem was that hide and rez was only an option, nothing mandatory. That only deserved QoL changes to avoid that (like SR fixing and many other good suggestions). Not a rework to two designs that were removed for good long ago.

That’s 100% false. A huge amount of people who are not Mercy players prefer mass rez over valkirie and E rez. In fact, somepeople baited that tophic randomly in their games while solo queueing. Very easy, you use your Mercy’s “cute” spray, wait the people to start saying “Wow, you have that spray? It’s pretty difficult.” and then you answer “I had it when Mercy had mass rez”. The results are a consensus: everyone seems to miss mass rez. Only a tiny minority wanted it out of the game (and they either don’t talk there or are only in the forums). Now, having mass rez as Mercy’s ult with some nerfs because of a new E ability seems to be the go-to option, so I don’t know who excepting you and maybe 4-5 more wanted it out.

I’ll give you one more example. With mass rez Mercy was the best example of an altruistic support, and well known even out off the game. People loved her, and I must say that I had like 11 votes in some games because I used my kit smartly (mass rez included). Now? Well, in the best case people is symphatizes with you.

Problem here. She is bad design now, and that’s beyond balance. Both valkirie and E rez’s mechanic were removed even before game’s release for good, exactly because of the same complains people are arguing now. Same mistakes, same results.

Meh, it has the taboo word Mercy, that’s all that matters.

TLDR (at last, omg): So now we have a new high limit of posts here, they are merging everything with the word Mercy on it. No, she doesn’t need buffs nor nerfs, she needs a rework. We can’t balance the unbalanceable and Mercy shouldn’t be a pocketheal/boost bot, as she seems to be in this current meta. This rework was doomed to fail because it was based on bad designs from the past. Maybe if rez was an ult and valkirie an E and both were properly balanced in those places, Mercy could work better for the game’s sake.


Ana was picked for her ability to contribute in damage and heal at the same time, unlike Mercy. But now her damage isn’t that great, and nanoboost, while being powerful, has less impact over time, than damage boost from Mercy.

Stop trying to put blame on Mercy, for being only hero that’s dedicated to healing 24/7. If team can afford to have only 5 players dealing damage, rather than all 6, it means that DPS got too far.

Current meta can be described as “full offense”, while Ana is defensive healer in her base kit: she helps team to not die, but she doesn’t make other team die much faster.

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Thanks for including me in your essay! :slight_smile:

Do you actually play the game?

Thank you everyone for helping me farm up level 3 (or I think so anyways. 20,000 posts read, right?)


In what world? Ana’s damage though nerfed didn’t drastically change for better or worse.

This isn’t bad in itself. What is bad about it is she also has the best ability in res, the best escape, and the highest healing output and the best self sustain, with no built in counter play aside from shoot the Moth and burn the Rez.

Other healers are slightly undertuned or overtuned. Mercy is in a whole other category of broken though.

… The meta that nothing dies until grav+dragon+damage boost are used is full offense. okay.

Her damage was reverted a bit, but it already didn’t matter, as players switched. And other healers are hybrids: DPS-healer or tank-healer, so it’s no wonder their healing is worse, when they can perform two roles at the same time.

With both healers having damage boost, to ensure that DPS deals maximum damage possible. It just happened, that Zenyatta also got only reliable defensive ult left in game.

Well, “essay” is not the correct description because it’s a huge load of responses to different posts, not an essay at all.

The question is a bit irrelevant, but I came back to the game few time ago and quitted after only a couple of games because I didn’t like its current state. At least I could try Moira before quitting…

There’s a difference between worse and eclipsed. And you still fail to acknowledge the lack of counter play or any real weakness built into her overall design

Nah, it’s an essay fam. :grinning:

Her weakness is her team-reliance: most of her kit requires teammates to work.


Yeah that’s totally a weakness and not built right into how the game is supposed to be played.

Tell that to heroes with self-heal: what is their weakness? They got self-healing to sustain themselves, decent damage output to defend themselves, and (mostly Tracer) even mobility to escape, if previous options didn’t work.

If it’s team-based game, why maps even have health packs? Your team has healer, go to get healing.

Not sure why you still not satisfied, after Mercy lost her ability to undo team wipes, and want to nerf her more. She isn’t turning games around anymore, yet it’s still not enough?


I’ll jump a moment in here too. Please, can you acknowledge that people are suggesting ways to give Mercy more counterplay? E rez is not working and won’t work because it’s bad design, it can’t be balanced and fit with Mercy as a mobile support at the same time. Valkirie is not worth it as an ultimate, and currently Mercy is just a Hanzo’s pocketboost bot. Yes, she has great consistent healing, an undo button for stupid mistakes and an ez mode/escape button. Does people like E rez? No. Does people like valkirie as an ultimate like now? No, people usually says it’s bland.

Mercy doesn’t need nerfs nor buffs. She needs a rework because this design is flawed. She needs a new iteration of mass rez with added counterplay and an E ability (can be valkirie, but not rez anymore) for mid game utility.

I’ll shrug about this.


…and reply as well apparently! It’s nice you spend 30 minutes replying to everyone! :slight_smile: