On paper heroes stats doesn’t transalate in-game

Let’s compare two heroes on paper genji a hero who has barely any damage on paper and Ana who has superior healing than mercy and should be superior.

What you don’t calculate about genji is how his damage is delivered. He has a skill that deflects others damage which uses the enemy while some utility based kits can also be used against. Swift strike which resets on a kill allowing chain damage and dragon blade whose range allows him strike down multiple targets at the same time. This can’t be seen on paper you have to play him a ton to understand.

For Ana yeah she a ton of healing just one thing she has to stand hardscoped to keep her rate of fire and has to get each and every shot. The best of the best could probably get 85-90% on a extremely good day. She just can’t we aren’t gods of aim and neither are enemies going to ignore a hardscoped to do her job.

It extremely hurts when Jeff just says sleepdart is enough to be a escape tool. It’s on paper everything is on paper overwatch is balanced. But we aren’t playing the game on paper.


Yeah I’ve tried explaining this to plenty of people who think Ana Outheals Mercy and it’s just “bad players”. On paper you’re right, she should have the highest healing, but theory isn’t always great in practice. You can play like a god on Ana and a decent Mercy will still out heal her. Mercy can heal through barriers, doesn’t need line of sight all the time, and can heal and escape flankers at the same time.

On the other side, Ana players need the mechanical skill to actually hit their shots, they need to deal with rate of fire and reload, they need great positioning that isn’t obstructed by barriers and has complete line of sight, they have reduced movement when hard scoped and quick-scoping is designed with a delay that makes her healing per second worse, she has to deal with projectile speed if she’s not scoping at all, and any amount of pressure can stop healing all together because Ana needs to actually dual her flankers more often than not.

With that being said, Jeff is completely right. Sleep dart is supposed to be Ana’s escape tool, if you get good with it and call out to your team on those shots, it’s a free kill stopping the enemies push. If ana got outplayed and didn’t land the sleep because she didn’t bate out recall, blink, deflect or just completely missed, that’s on the Ana player.

The problem with that is Ana’s direct competitor has an easy escape on a low cooldown with added mechanics that make it better in bunny hopping. It is designed perfectly so that Mercy never has to deal with flankers at all as long as she plays with the team, basically giving it no weakness.


You forgot to mention that scoping also reveals your position, and all that it entails.

I never understood why that was necessary ,did she REALLY need that downside ? AT THE VERY LEAST make it so that it only reveals her positon if she hits an enemy ,so she can still easily heal from range without being tracked.


I have more than 100 hours on ana, So i know what i’m talking about when it comes to her.

Her problem IS NOT her own lack of usefulness. It’s not about the healing. It’s not about the nade or sleepdart or her ultimate.

The problem is mercy. Take her away from the game, and you’ll find ana has a solid status and she can be quite viable if you’re good with her.

But with mercy, and the existence of res, there’s just too much going for mercy that ana just doesn’t stand a chance.

So they’re not actually wrong saying that ana’s sleepdart is enough.

It’s just that she can’t deal with winston and d.va, so she won’t work well against dive. And she can’t compete with mercy.