[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Her pick rate is the ONLY thing that’s fine, and it’s only “fine” outside of the highest tiers of play…the tier where she’s supposed to be the strongest.

She’s 4th in Healing numbers behind Lucio, a secondary healer.
She’s tied with Sombra for the second worst Win Rate in the game.
She’s 5th in K/D ratio.

…and this is only on PC.

On Console her Pick-Rate is subpar.
She has the worst Win-Rate is the game.
She’s 4th in Healing numbers.
She’s 5th in KD/ratio.

These are not good stats at all.

You can’t just look at a hero’s pick rate and then just deem them “fine”.

Statistically, Ana is bad.


Actually, her healing is supposed to be behind both Mercy and Moira. Ana’s advantage over them is being able to damage enemies and heal from long range. Just because her counters are meta doesn’t mean she needs a buff.

Facts don’t deter them.

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Ana is only bad because of how dominant dive is in the meta.

Ana was perfectly fine before and she may or may not be back to being perfectly fine once dive is seen a lot less.

I’d say wait until season 11, as I’m pretty sure it’s gonna take a while for dive to die down to a point where Ana can be consistently played.

If she’s still in a bad spot in season 11 (which may be the case now we have two more supports), then I think she can get some buffs.

Is Ana’s healing supposed to be behind Lucio’s and barely over Zenyatta’s as well?

This isn’t even about Ana not being meta, her design is flawed.

Her healing and damage are mitigated by the fact that her teammates can impede and intercept her shots and the majority of her strength is put into utility abilities that are on long cooldowns and one of them being her only source of self-healing.

Also, if Blizzard is actively suppressing the meta where she’s supposed to be at her strongest, and other Supports do Ana’s job more effectively and efficiently, then how and when are you supposed to play her?

You have to remember that Ana stays in the back and if we let her have an escape ability and the enemy isn’t running a dive comp she will be a lot harder to kill. This only makes Dive more prominent as non dive characters won’t be able to take out the Ana if she can just run away with an escape ability.

Both mercy and zen can be blocked by teammates, this isn’t an Ana exclusive thing.

Also Ana isn’t supposed to be strong against dive. How are you supposed to play her against dive? You just don’t. You don’t run Lucio or Zen in a bunker Comp just like you don’t run Ana in a dive comp.

Maybe she does need like 100 shields and 100 hp because I do think some sort of self heal for her would be good.

I think she is more fun to play when shes not an auto lock res-bot. I like feeling that I might be able to even compete with her other healers. She still has the best solo target throughput in the game, and one of the highest mobility characters.

Before the changes I honestly felt like I was letting my team down if I played anyone but her as the main healer, because most people don’t go around auto locking mercy every match. Or even a main role.

You aren’t supposed to be able to completely stop all death every time as a healer, just as you aren’t allowed to take away the frustration of death, but it should be something you use sparingly, and with a little planning. not just dive in res whoever and fly around at half the speed of light.

When did I say that she’s supposed to be strong against Dive?

She’s not really strong with ANY comp and that’s the point. Any other comp that you run Ana in can be done better and more efficiently with a different Support.

Most people don’t talk about Ana’s issues in reference with Dive comp so much as they talk about it in reference to herself.

Also, Zenyatta and Mercy do NOT get blocked by their teammates like Ana does.

Zenyatta has a lock on Harmony Orb that heals his teammates.
Mercy can Guardian Angel and heal a critical health with her beam that locks on.

If Ana sees a Critical Health ally and a teammate flies into her path, the healing shot is eaten by that teammate, ESPECIALLY if they’re at full health.

Mercy & Zenyatta have ways to circumvent their LoS being blocked or cut off.

Ana does not.

Listen, we really need to stop this. They aren’t going to change anything and they’ve made that quite clear. It’s time to accept what she’s become.

“Never accept the world for what it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be!” = Winston’s mentor


Actually her not being strong in any Comp is completely incorrect and this 6v6 eliminations has proved that she’s fine if there’s no dive characters against her. She is probably 2nd or 3rd best healer in this game mode with mercy being 1st SOLELY because resurrect is a must pick in this gamemode.

Mercy and Zen both get blocked if teammates are clustered together yet it isn’t a first world problem because that’s just how the game works. Ana does have ways to work around this by knowing how to take advantage of the bigger hitboxes which is a skill required for a high skill character.

Anyway, good Ana players say she’s fine while bad Ana players complain about stuff like this, she’s a high skill character that is supposed to have her kit taken full advantage of by high skilled players, not plats with 20 hours on her.

A revert is not something that can be, to be fair.

I’m not calling for a revert I myself have been trying to get some new reworks that nerf and buff aspects of valk to try and move power out of the passive powers like chain beam and duration and give her more active power in return.

Also sending E rez back to the pit from wence it came and tying rez to valk and only during valk

because hiding and doing nothing for 40% of games was fun?

Was Hiding and Rezzing really that prominent?

I mean I guess since I played arcade modes-and only a little bit of QP, I never seen it. The Mercys I always played never hid. They would take to the back-line when Rez was ready, and would say;

“I got Rez! Be aggressive!”

But I guess this must have been a common thing in Comp since I try to stay far away from that.

Are heroes supposed to be fun to play against?
”Wow! They have a Junkrat! Such fun!”


If moving an ability away from being an ultimate is taking away a huge core of what made Mercy fun and skillful, it just shows how problematic the ability is by itself or how terrible her base kit was that needed one ability to compensate

Only idiot players did that, because they sucked, or because they were exploiting the SR system. ACTUAL Mercy players would only hide to dodge an ult storm.

It was the strategy involved that made Mercy fun, not just Resurrect by itself. Playing mind games with your foes, anticipating and planning for EVERYTHING that could happen, being able to read opponents and know when and where to use your ultimate. Unlike now, Resurrect used to be EARNED, so if you were out-played and wasted it, you had to earn it up again.


Oh, jeez, seriously? Into the dumpster again. Thanks so much for listening and responding to feedback. ._. I really feel appreciated as a Mercy player.

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