[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’m not posting this on the megathread (for obvious reasons) and i want to hear your feedback. Ahem

Mercy: gains instant resurrect on starting valk
no longer grants instant regeneration
time reduced from 15 seconds to 10

This should keep valk powerful but not OP while being more engaging.

fun fact, at least it would’ve meant they where doing something productive in this time

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this is the megathread

about 1 minute late plaroon man the mods are fast

Ahahahahahaha, they are probably getting ready to move EeveeA’s thread in this place. No Mercy talking outside of the abyss, you shouldn’t talk about her at all.

Sincerely hope they don’t do it…


eeveea has a thread? am i blind?

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i doubt they would move it and now that i just said that its gonna happen

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i don’t think this is the best thread to ask it but how did you link it? to me it says i can’t put link on my post

Beside the Quotation there is a symbol </> click that and insert link.

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thank you! worked like a charm!

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I mean, Eeveea is a very prominent player. I’m sure moving it here might rustle some players.

Yeah… because the devs after 8 consecutive nerfs, putting every single comment about one of the most loved heroes in a hole and demanding to keep this topic quiet for months care about the rustling of some players?


Trying to be postive. Not really appreciating the hostility here. I know that just as much as anyone but I’m still trying to keep hoping, TYVM.

nono, don’t get me wrong, i’m not hostile to you at all, i’m fed up with the situation we are all in.

sorry if you got it in that way actually, i’m just really fed up

That’s good to know. :slight_smile:
It’s nice how much feedback you get from Overwatch streamers. Hopefully, in the future, Mercy would be so balanced, her Ultimate would just be a suicide button that makes her explode and heals her team for One Health per hour.


I’m just going to put this here again since this is the most logical way to fix Mercy


this is good! like really really good! i like it!

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I agree with this and the fact that similar suggestions in that thread have been brought up quite a bit (and yet some people failed to even realize that). But maybe the fact that EeveeA spoke up will help somehow. One can only hope, I suppose.

It’s been almost three months since the Valkyrie fun-killing nerf, and we still have people posting and those with bigger names in the community speaking out.