Ana mercy main alliance

  1. A Resurrect is a Resurrect no matter if you hide or not. So forcing Mercy players that didn’t hide before with Resurrect as an ultimate to hide with Resurrect as an ability doesn’t make any sense and contradicts what this rework was intended to do.
  2. I know I’m correct with this one.
  3. That’s why I said it’s a split between agree or disagree with the rework. I for one would like to see Valkyrie and Resurrect switched and Mercy will become a lot more fun to play and increase her skill ceiling which is at an all time low.

I disagree with you about the “pay attention more than before statement” carrying a really impactful ultimate and being careless about positioning and not paying attention doesn’t make any sense. Game awareness hasn’t changed. Ultimate tracking has been lost because you don’t need to anymore. You pop Valkyrie when you feel like using it to give a boost to heals/DMB to the team. Which to me sounds like an E ability. Just like how I push E to give a boost to Heals/Speed with Lucio!

I’m going to requote myself in an alternate thread because this is how I want Mercy changed. Mercy’s healing wouldn’t be interrupted. Enemies would know when Mercy is about to perform Resurrect. It has much more counterplay then it originally had. Also keeping Valkyrie incorporated into her kit. Letting her be able to use it more flexibly and frequently to have slight impacts on the flow of the fight as her mid game tool ← Which is what we wanted to begin with.