[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I personally just don’t get a powerfull vibe from her current valk ultimate. Obviously they had to tone her valk down to what it is now, which is fair and right. But it just doesn’t feel as much fun to use as it did before.

I would like the devs to take a look at her ult again at some point in the future. Maybe not now, mabye not this year, but at some point.

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No, I am not describing overextending… I’m describing placing myself in the line of fire for a brief moment. Sometimes that is next to our two tanks and a dps or two. Cover is not always available, and the front-lines is not overextending…

How does “increase Mercy’s healing per second” for a brief moment sound the same as an instant rez? How does “reduce damage taken” sound like instant rez? It’s about increasing the ability to keep a target alive, not undoing a kill. I’m saying replace rez with something less powerful, but ultimately more useful.


Because you are proposing an undo button to a mistake that’s clearly been made by an out of position team mate.
Whether it undoes their death, or gives them the ability not to die with severe burst healing, it achieves the same overpowered result.

If someone is in a position they are going to die and have made a big misplay, you shouldn’t be going in to them and getting a free hit at keeping them alive/rezing them outside of your normal healing. And if you are thinking about making that risk, you should calculate whether it’s worth the risk.


It’s actually the ult that makes a huge difference. All of Mercy’s gameplay was tuned relative to her ultimate’s power.

With Mass Rez, your positioning was always about weighing safety to build ult charge. Your risk and reward was about playing close to the action to build that last 4% of ultimate charge in order to extend a teamfight.

Your decisionmaking was tested. When do you disengage? When do you risk a teamfight? When do you force the enemy’s ultimate economy? All of that was dependent on your Mass Rez.

Now that Mass Rez is gone, and Single Rez has a slow, Mercy’s gameplay actually changes in almost immeasurable but very present and indirect ways.

  • You stay back all of the time, and constantly look to disengage whenever you can.
  • You almost never swoop in. You only Single Rez in safety, because otherwise you die and feed.
  • Most of the time, you’re running back from spawn room due to how often the enemy focuses you… in which case, you’re constantly asking for someone to fetch you like a child at daycare.
  • Get killed with Valkyrie? No one cares.
  • Trying to stall? Good luck, you don’t have invulnerability anymore.

The rework closed doors and opened new ones. The nerfs shut several of those doors that you have a very one-dimensional character who feels like a chore to play rather than an excitement.

Valkyrie might be strong still… it might even be balanced statistically and Competitively, but there’s only one way to play Mercy now.

The kit might be mostly the same, but the method of play and the risk/reward relative to playing that kit, has transformed, that now all decisions are made to be safe, as opposed to being risky.

That’s the difference. There’s now a very definitive clear line of a “wrong” way to play Mercy, whereas launch Mercy had some blurred lines (which made her fun).


Being able to do my job as a main healer is not overpowered, it’s fulfilling my role. Or are you one of those that think Overwatch should be like CS:go and not have healers because they are not true fps game heroes?


Your job is not to undo a massive mistake.
Mistakes that size should be punished.

Changing that is inherently overpowered, as we saw with pre nerf Mercy.

You don’t just give heroes the ability to undo massive mistakes. It’s broken and unfair. Simple as that.

You either force mistakes or you make them yourself. That determines who wins and who loses, the better team. Introducing elements that disrupt this balance makes it a must pick.


Just don’t make her a mandatory pick anymore. The Mercy meta was headache inducing. Where she is now gives other healers a chance, not to mention that she’s still being played as often. Only difference now is that her current state makes it fair for anyone who doesn’t want to run a Mercy.


I might got hate from my fellow mercy mains but in my opinion she is still fun to play, you just have to be more cautious when rezzing, its still fun to be able to jump around teammates when a tracer is chasing me down.

I get a satisfaction of out maneauvering flankers when i used the GA bounce correctly.

One thing i would like to add is to atleast make her move faster when in valkyrie so i can avoid ulting mccree or soldier, for me she felt slower when in valk tbh but other than that she is fine.


… So, let’s remove any ultimate that has the ability to kill a lot of the enemy team then… Genji’s dragonblade, D:vas mech explosion, Mccree’s ultimate, etc. Because they can all undo massive mistakes by forcing the enemy team to hide and abandon a push etc.

You definitely could undo massive mistakes… heck, make it an ultimate… Oh, you know, like Zen can keep your team alive with his ult, or like Lucio can…


Why is this argument even still used? Who dies to D.Va’s ultimate these days anyway? McCree has a million shields that can block him (or he gets sniped), and Genji can get stunned or knocked away by tanks.


When both teams have the ability to undo mistakes, then you actually facilitate and foster the ability to “force mistakes/make them yourself”.

Sure, that puts Mercy’s Rez into a “must-pick” “stranglehold on ultimate economy” territory, but it’s not at ends with your “mistakes should be punished” mentality.


Are you talking about OWL or ladder?

  1. These are ultimates
  2. Every ultimate in game have multiple elements of counter play. Instant Rez, and “Prevent death” clearly don’t. As you said, you want a free pass to go flying out of position, keep alive or revive an otherwise dead and buried team mate, and get away with no risk. Dragon blades, Visors, High noon often end with the heroes dead before they even finish their lines and take careful planning to make work. Flying in to get a free save on a clearly unplanned death doesn’t.

OWL isn’t what us commoners play. Mercy still gets played in all ranks.

“It’s just her ult” has got to be the dumbest most self-assuring argument I’ve ever seen. Have you seen Mercy’s ult? It’ s fifteen seconds. If you’re playing Mercy optimally you’re spending an quarter of your time ulting. What’s more, the correct timing for Mercy’s ult begins at the very start of a teamfight. So not only do you have to spend an entire fifteen seconds sitting in the air doing nothing, the fifteen seconds affected are usually the teamfights, when literally every other hero in the match is more engaged than ever. I think, given the specs, it would be pretty obvious why it matters if Mercy’s ult in particular is not fun. It’s taken what should be the most fun part of any match and turned it into spectator mode.

Now if we were talking about an ult like Phara/Doomfist’s ult, which lasts just a few seconds out of every minute or two and can yield very gratifying results, or an Orisa/Ana ult, which are set-and-forget ults applied to heroes who have plenty of engagement built into their base kit, then maybe you’d have an argument, but Mercy’s ult is a different beast entirely.
There is a perfectly good reason that not a single other hero out of 26 heroes has an ult like hers. Ult should be a highlight move. Mercy has naptime.

Painting rez as a “she got something new” moment is pretty disengenous, too. She now gets to CC herself for 1.75 seconds, wow, what a great improvement to the character. And guess what? Mercy’s not using her base kit when she’s rezzing.

Mercy’s base kit is fine. It’s better than ever, actually, with the introduction of the ga jump (go figure the one good thing that came out of this rework started as a bug) but both her ultimate ability and her E rez require Mercy to stop using her base kit in favor of either standing still behind cover or floating still behind cover. That’s why it’s perfectly possible to like Mercy’s base kit but hate the things that were ‘added’ (or rather, made seperate from) her base kit.


What the heck is a prevent death ability?
Mercy’s Rez is as high reward as it gets so it needs to be high risk.

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Let me just forget all the times I rezzed, and while the rez frames faded out, Junkrat or D.Va ulted in the middle of my team, taking advantage of their immobility to wipe them - and me.

Nope. Apparently it never happened and rez was never wipe-able. Lolololol


… Prevent death protects my target, not Mercy… So it’s not risk free… in fact, swooping into the front-lines is very risky, but if I have the ability to keep my target alive then it increases the chance for Mercy to live, giving Mercy players the option to play engagingly…

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Mass Rez too, also had these issues…

Flying in to “get a free save” often ended in absolutely nothing changing, and the person you just Rezzed getting rolled. It ended up being equally as worthless as an ultimate that ends because the character dies.

Worse, actually, since that just gave the enemy twice the ultimate charge.