[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Which is why Mercy is the least played healer in OWL.


But this requires everyone to group together so she can actually benefit from the chain healing.

However, this also makes them more vulnerable to ultimates, the very thing that it cannot counter.

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You seem to be leaving out crucial details.

How close is the guy to cover?
How much damage is he actually taking?
Do you know he’ll listen to you when you tell him to back up?

Absolute worse case scenario, yes, the time you bought him wasn’t enough for him to back out.

But you forget that healing someone does give someone time to just get the hell out of fire, in which case now you have 2 teammates behind cover and can get them both.

Pure hypotheticals are pointless to argue, both of us can conveniently twist details to prove a point.

nah it’s cool. if anything, i’m the rude one for not fully reading you’re replies (tho i promise someday i’m going to have a look at them probably in may or june :sweat: ) I’m actually trying to part of the mercy voice that try to give suggestions on how to make the current build work, 'cause i gave up on the idea of the revert way back in december. though i very much appreciate the people that still try to call for a revert

that being said, if i had to give an idea on making mass rez work i’d remove invincibility and replace it with damage reduction. require LoS like EMP, or SoundBarrier. then add a cast time dependent on the number of allies being rezzed (2 would be instantaneous and 5 would have a ~2 second cast time). That way hide&seek (specifically letting the entire team die for the sake of a bigrez) would be removed or made way riskier while keeping the usual 2-3man rez.

And there goes another thread, they’re fast tonight.

I was going to post:
“I like this idea, it’s a shame it’ll most likely get thrown into the megavoid however with no official person reading it. Statistically the ‘read post’ counters on the devs would indicate they aren’t really reading the megavoid and/or keeping up with it. Can’t say I’m surprised really, a good percentage of that thread isn’t even feedback as anything regarding Mercy (except positivity) gets moved there.”

And Into the Void of Ignoring we go…Seriously mods?

This was also discussed before.

Any experience Mercy will tell you that her base kit is already powerful. Valkyrie was suppose to enhance that but if you are already taking a kit which originally was powerful enough to deny deaths and by extension the need to mass res… then would it be right to enhance Valkyrie further?

Mercy was a very basic hero, but Mercy players took her to another level. There is make belief that Mercy is easy, it doesn’t take skill to play her so it is a good idea to buff her…

But that idea is just wrong. With Skill we can play Mercy to an efficient degree where you are literally playing to same level as Valkyrie, not only that, you are having more fun and it is more engaging and challenging to do so.

So Valkyrie becomes massively underpowered.

But then what happens if you increase the Damage Boost? Well as a Mercy who actually uses the Damage Boosting Feature because my team mates can actually survive with just above 50% HP, an organised team with 30% Damage Boost can do quite a fair bit of damage and you can farm that Offensive Assist. To increase it to 50% or higher you would be conflicting with Ana and Orisa. Not to mention Mercy is mobile and can optionally decide to heal as an alternative.

60 HPS is still arguably strong… it can branch out to multiple targets and can save them as they take damage. To increase it any further would just bring it into competition with Zenyatta… it would create a Pseudo invulnerability and it would result in Zenyatta not being picked.

Then what about Guardian Angel? Guardian Angel works off other players and Bunny hop was added in… Valkyrie has free flight… what other mobility do you need?

The idea was discussed before weeks ago, the issue with enhancing Valkyrie any further, can just easily break Mercy. Her Base form is strong, to make Valkyrie feel worth, you have to significantly boost it and to that would just make it too strong and there fore Mercy becomes a must pick again.

“You either kill Mercy first or eleventh.”

Many Mercy Mains say Mercy is no longer fun and I don’t understand. Mercy today plays no different than she was on launch day, except for the ult.

Outside of her ult, this is what’s different about her from day 1 Mercy:

20% stronger healing
Faster self-heal activation
Single Rez
Guardian Angel dash

Not counting ult, by any objective measure, she is more fun to play than she ever was. Since most of the time you play without/without using an ult, overall she should be more fun to play.

Unless, you never found Mercy’s play style fun to begin with.

Are these people saying Mass Rez was ever the only thing fun about Mercy?


I’ve made several posts on this topic…

Mercy plays a whole lot different today. Without an instant rez you can not swoop in and out of the front-lines because if your target dies, then so do you. It’s too risky, and your main task is to survive so you can provide healing. Instant rez gave you the confidence to play an engaging playstyle in the front-lines, now you play in the backlines where you can sometimes rez.

I don’t need instant rez back. I need a way to ensure that I’m not left alone in the front-lines to die… so, replacing the rez with a “prevent death” ability would be perfectly fine, and such an ability would require more skill too. Reducing the cooldown on guardian angel would be fine too, but would probably be too op.


She isn’t fun anymore because she isn’t overpowered. Can’t win fights instantly by pressing a button anymore.


Exactly, I was about to make a thread about that subject. And besides, mercy has more mobility now then before, and I find mobility as the most fun thing about her


I certainly agree that her mobility is the most fun thing about her. But increased mobility when you no longer feel safe to swoop into the front-lines feel like less mobility to me. Additionally, statue-mode really kills any mobility and does not fit her kit at all… I wish they would just get rid of rez completely so I could get rid of statue-mode.


It’s not about being overpowered, it’s the fact that Mercy herself has little sway in a fight where ultimates can shift the tide of a battle. 60 hp/s doesnt do much when ults come into play.


Isn’t using the guardian angel to fly back to your bicklines the “prevent death” ability?

For me Mercy was and still isn’t engaging enough to be fun. (She was just after the rework, but also pretty op, because the fly back and forth and res everyone was that engaging aspect…)

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Almost like being able to swoop in, insta-rez and have absolutely no threat while doing so, easily managing to escape each time, shouldn’t have been a thing.

It’s ridiculous to propose that should be a thing. And as shes is, it’s about as balanced as you can make her.


It is, except the cooldown is long enough for you to die while waiting for it. Not always of course, it depends on when your target dies. Often when you want to swoop into the frontlines it’s when your target is in dire need of healing though, so the risk of them dying is high, and if they do when you arrive then your cooldown prevents you from escaping and 2 seconds later you’re dead.

It was never risk free, but now the risk is too high. Either way, it’s not really about the instant rez, it’s about the ability to play in an engaging way. Whether that is through instant rez, prevent death, an ability that increases the healing per second for a few seconds, a reduce damage ability, or something… Anything that either helps me escape faster, or that helps me protect my target from dying. 60 HPS is not enough to keep frontline targets alive, but if I could even if it was an earned ability, an ability on a long cooldown, or an ultimate, then it would make Mercy more engaging to play again.


That what you’re describing is called overextending. Only thing worse you could do is trying to rez him over there…


It was risk free, or the closest thing we have ever and will ever see to it.
Pro’s were unable to prevent it 90% of the time. let alone any lower level of play.

The way to keep front-line targets alive is to not go in one by one. The only person working alone in that area is a flanker, and they know the risk they have to take and should be calculating it before going in. You shouldn’t be able to prevent such a massive misplay from them.
That sounds one and the same to instant rez.