[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

So it’s time. Linked below is a post I made on January 30th, just before the most recent nerfs went live.

Revert or Rework, do not leave as it is. The experiment has clearly failed.


Same honestly. I doubt they even read the thread. It was an interesting question, and I had wanted to see what people thought. Though I don’t agree that she needs nerfed…

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This Thread needs to die. There’s no reason people should be forced to post here anymore. We should be allowed to post our thoughts in our own threads if we so wish, and not be quarantined into a thread where nothing even has a chance of being read by the Developers.



I really wish we could have our own self contained thread like Symmetra and Mei mains do…

But when we tried the mods shut us down. They really want control over this, don’t they?

I’d like, but, well, like limit.

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Mercy is reasonably powerful, but lacks a Hero Moment in her gameplay which I find sad given how good of a hero moment she could have if only they stopped worrying about making it too hard or something.

Also welcome to the void…

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

Or a rework to prevent the Devs feared “Tank META” that they assume would occur if she were buffed.

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

I agree change is needed for the gameplay experience, but her weapon is fine where its at.

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

Rez was always her hero moment in the past. When was her Ultimate it made everything before hand the preamble to that moment that could make a difference in the match or get completely blown away. It was the Overwatch moment.

Now it is sadly ability simply on a cool down that makes you powerless during it use. How sad a place it is to be that that is the means to make a hero moment balanced?

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

Even thou that is true. Mercys who Rez less, die less and thus it is better to just have teammates walk back from spawn.

Its been a while blizzard could we please have an update on mercy? You did it for hanzo and sym so we would like to know an update on mercy please.


They’re most likely not even considering updating Mercy, and probably won’t be for quite some time. Other heroes need to be looked at first.


So what’s the purpose of these megathreads they had for Mercy, then? It’s just a place to conveniently ignore actual Mercy players. If they could at least admit it, I’d gain a LITTLE respect for them.


I mean, yeah, that’s actually exactly what the megathread is.


I would love at least some blue prints on our favorite healer :wink:

I don’t think they’re looking at Lucio, either /s


Got an interview from Jeff recently
In all seriousness, there are no updates. They’re clearly occupied with the other heroes that need work more: Sym, Torb, Hanzo, etc etc


tbf lucio actually needs looking at


She’s balanced. Lets leave it their.


Bold move
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