I’m no Mercy player (am support main, and my girlfriend does main Mercy) but this is something I’ve seen across a lot of Mercy mains–GF included: They want her ult to be rez again, not mass, but that ability shouldn’t be on her bar.
And Valk 1.0 was terrifying, and the new interation is…lackluster at best. It simply isn’t fun or engaging. Ya fly around beaming people, and…that’s it. It’s pretty much free GA and a slight increase to healing. How is that fun?
Honestly I’d just like a more reliable way to launch myself into the air like you can in certain instances with the bunny hop, I can’t replicate it reliably and it really helps to get me to members on high ground who dont come to the edge for me to GA to or to get a better view of the map.
Moira isn’t as easy to play as one would think. Resource management is a bish, especially if there’s more than 1 shield on the other team. I main her in comp, you’d be surprised how easy it is to screw your team over because you ran out of that pee spray that they desperately need or not managing your orbs correctly. I have over 100 hours on her. To maximize her potential, you have to think smart, much like any other hero. I have no words on Baguette, she’s just a soggy piece of bread in my opinion and I dislike her.
Lel? No. You can’t say anyone has mastered Brig yet, she hasn’t even made it INTO comp, where it matters. Are ya sure you just ain’t being a LITTLE biased…maybe a LITTLE man, c’mon.