[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Because that wasn’t the primary goal? The primary goal was to remove Mass Rez and offer a suitable compensation. Which went overboard initally after the rework. But now, after the rework is over, on average she resurrects only 1 person less than during Mass Rez days and she has maybe 700 more healing on average, in an average half-won half-lost game. Also, the fact that her Valk healing doesn’t count for an ult somewhat compensates for extra healing.

Don’t be delusional. Resurrect was NOT a “press Q to win” button. It required skill to pull off successfully, since any team with half a brain knew how to counter Resurrect. Why do you think Mercy was regarded as a troll pick before her invulnerability and Ana’s nerf?


You can’t counter Mass Resurrect.

You can either kill her before she presses Q or you can kill her and her team after she gets the rez off. In both cases, you didn’t counter it. She either keeps it or she gets it off.

And no, she wasn’t a troll pick. She was perfectly fine in ranks below Diamond, which is most of the playerbase. Even before Ana was nerfed.

No, it wasn’t the Dev update was to “Lessen the impact Resurrect has” not remove it.

Because people didn’t realize the power of Tempo Resurrecting your team or spent any time talking to high tier Mercy players about that mechanic which put them in this mess. Because it was better to Resurrect 1 or 2 people during a fight than trying to go in for a 5 man Resurrect. Handing out that mechanic with the rework that Mercy players spent hours and hours trying to perfect (Easy and at no cost) was bound to have a negative impact on the game.

So they haven’t lessened the impact of Resurrect then which was the goal of the rework. Actually enforcing Resurrect playstyle because as an ability it needs to be used off cooldown to make it effective.

Does 700 healing in an entire match really make that much of a difference? Fights back then were much more coordinated since you had to take care of ultimate economy now it blows as many as you want and nothing is stopping you.

That doesn’t even make any sense. Because her base kit from pre-rework to rework went unchanged.

No, it wasn’t the Dev update was to “Lessen the impact Resurrect has” not remove it.

I specifically said Mass Resurrect. Yes, you could still rez, but it was less per usage. The goal was to have her not be able to revert wipeouts anymore by hiding. Which she currently can’t do. Which was the goal.


There. It literally says at some point “you get your team wiped out with Graviton and Dragonblade and then Mercy comes in and reverts that and it’s pretty disheartening”

So they haven’t lessened the impact of Resurrect then which was the goal of the rework. Actually enforcing Resurrect playstyle because as an ability it needs to be used off cooldown to make it effective.

They did. While she does get similar average number of resurrects, it’s not comparable to rezzing people at once.

Does 700 healing in an entire match really make that much of a difference? Fights back then were much more coordinated since you had to take care of ultimate economy now it blows as many as you want and nothing is stopping you.

Lol, you still have to take care of ultimate economy. It’s beyond me that you or anyone thinks that you don’t. In fact, this god complex that Mercy players seem to have thinking that “only mercy could counter things” is actually pretty sad.

And as for 700 healing, I don’t know. I’m pretty sure that the primary goal of the change wasn’t to increase her healing since she had enough healing to begin with. But, keep in mind, any healing that you do during Valkyrie doesn’t count towards your ult charge. And 15 seconds is pretty long time to not be charging an ult. Which somewhat offsets the extra healing provided.

That doesn’t even make any sense. Because her base kit from pre-rework to rework went unchanged.

Most of her extra healing originates from Valk. That healing doesn’t count towards ult. If she heals 500 healing per Valk on average, that’s 25% ult charge that she won’t receive since her ult is already active. Old Mercy would get to start healing instantly and charge next ult once her ult went through.

Uh…you ever hear about this neat ability called an ULTIMATE!? Cause Graviton Surge literally made Rez null and void most of the time.

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It’s disheartening when a Zenyatta uses “experience tranquillity” or a Moira “Surrender to my will” and completely reverts any damage you could do. Does that call for a rework for those heroes too?

No, because single target E ability Resurrects will always be more impactful because you don’t have to expend an ultimate in the process.

You don’t in scrim games that I’ve played I’ve had moments where 12 ultimates will go off in a single team fight (Mercy Valkyrie’s first) because nobody cares as long as the enemy team dies in the process because no ultimates currently in the game provide any strategical thinking to ultimate economy.

Again people have been saying that there should’ve been some kind of counterplay whether that be a downed time where she couldn’t charge her ultimate or an increase in ultimate charge but that was up to the developers in what steps they would’ve wanted to take we threw out ideas.

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Because Mercy player would totally not hide from the grav. Not at all. And because playing Zarya is applicable in every situation, unlike playing Mercy was. And keep in mind, Mercy could fly out from the grav before it was buffed, which was only month and a half before the rework went live.

It’s disheartening when a Zenyatta uses “experience tranquillity” or a Moira “Surrender to my will” and completely reverts any damage you could do. Does that call for a rework for those heroes too?

Zenyatta is not a main healer. He does ~5k non-Transcedence healing in an average game. He is literally designed to counter ults. And as for Moira, she can’t counter ults efficiently since she herself will die since she doesn’t become invulnerable during it. And it’s interruptible via CC, etc. It also requires tracking and it’s mostly single-target.

You don’t in scrim games that I’ve played I’ve had moments where 12 ultimates will go off in a single team fight (Mercy Valkyrie’s first) because nobody cares as long as the enemy team dies in the process because no ultimates currently in the game provide any strategical thinking to ultimate economy.

Ok, I’m done talking with you. You’re literally speaking nonsense. Open any M/GM streamer, watch him for an hour, then listen to the team comms. Then count how many times you hear “how close you are to trans, they have [insert ultimate] on next push”.

Again people have been saying that there should’ve been some kind of counterplay whether that be a downed time where she couldn’t charge her ultimate or an increase in ultimate charge but that was up to the developers in what steps they would’ve wanted to take we threw out ideas.

Nah, it wouldn’t change anything. It was simply cancer to play against it. Regardless of how fast she charges it. The thing in itself needed to go.

Anyhow, I’m done replying to you. Think whatever you want. I’ll probably just gonna mute this thread since it feels like talking to a wall. But it’s my mistake to expect anything else since this is literally 99% Mercy players thread.

LOL what? To be very clear – I can’t think of a single Mercy player who wanted the rework. I certainly didn’t.

I want to go back to Mercy 1.0 so we can end all this nonsense.

Give us back the original Ult that made playing Mercy exciting.
Give us back the original Voice Line. HEROES NEVER DIE!


That, quite simply, is false. Again, I’ll let my past words speak for me:

"Resurrect has no counterplay."
Yes, it does. There are five ways to do so:

1. Kill the Mercy first. There are five heroes designed to move past a team’s frontline to kill their healers, three of which are in every game with how popular dive compositions are. They all have mobility options that allow them to pursue Mercy when she uses GA, and the one that is more limited in doing so has the ability to disable GA entirely. A common counterargument to this is “But Mercy heals when you stop damaging her, and she keeps zipping away from me with GA.” Mercy heals at a rate of 20 health/second, after a 1 second delay from not taking damage. If you deal half of her health in damage before she flies to a target, she needs 6 seconds to recover back to full health. You have plenty of time to attack her again. Hell, have a DVa shoot at her from across the map to disable her healing if that’s what floats your boat.

For reference, Lucio has a healing rate of 12.1875/second on himself without a cooldown upon taking damage, along with an ability that increases his self-healing to 35.1/second for 3 seconds. And yet, nobody seems to complain about him.

Another counterargument to option #1 is “But her team protects her.” First, you’d be surprised at how many teams hardly protect their Mercy at all, second, this leads me into option #2.

2. Let’s say Mercy flies to her team who protects her and drives off the flanker. Guess where Mercy is now? She’s in the middle of her team. You know those ultimates you were planning on using to wipe said team? Use them. If Mercy is close enough for her team to protect her, she is also likely in range of:
- Rocket Barrage.
- Tactical Visor.
- Dragonblade.
- EMP.
- Earthshatter.
- Blizzard.
- Self-destruct.
- Graviton Surge.
- Deadeye.
- Supercharger.
- Configuration: Tank.
- Death Blossom.
- Dragonstrike.
- Meteor Strike.
Use those team-wiping ultimates you have saved, as chances are you will kill her in the process.

3. If options 1 and 2 don’t work for you, just save one or two ultimates for the post-resurrection teamfight. You have the positioning advantage, the first shot, and have a few seconds to prepare once Resurrect has been used. A single well-placed ultimate can completely negate a full-team resurrection.

4. Stagger the enemy team’s deaths in space and/or time. Resurrect becomes useless if Mercy’s teammates’ deaths are staggered.

5. If you fail to accomplish any of the four options listed above, you can shutdown the Mercy while she is flying in to rez. This is the hardest of the four to accomplish, yet it is not impossible. While flying in to rez, I have been:
- Sniped by Widowmaker.
- Hacked or EMPed by Sombra.
- Killed by Junkrat when he fired once then threw his Concussion Mine at me.
- Hooked and killed by Roadhog.
- Slept by Ana, and then jumped on by the enemy team.
- Killed by a Nano-Visor that was still active (partially my fault).
- Stunned/FTHed by McCree.
- Killed by Tracer + Discord Orb.
- Killed by Soldier:76 + Discord Orb.
- Taken focus fire and then finished off by a Reinhardt, who I had to fly past in order to get within rez range.
- Accidentally sniped or Scattered by Hanzo.
- Accidentally charged by Reinhardt.
- Pulled by Orisa’s Halt ability which canceled my GA, and then killed while it was still on cooldown.
- Mowed down by a damage-boosted Bastion.

Not anymore, because they applied a bunch of absurd limitations onto it.

  • 30 second cooldown, no exceptions (longest ability cooldown in the game).
  • 1.75 second cast time (longest cast time on a basic ability in the game).
  • 75% movement speed reduction while casting (Highest self-inflicted movement penalty on any non-ultimate in the game).
  • Complete inability to use attacks or abilities while casting (only non-ultimate ability to have this attached to a duration longer than .5 seconds).

I’d call those absurd.

Doesn’t matter whether it’s not a problem about balance; it’s a problem.

That would be fine, if they didn’t remove the hero that I liked to play in the process.

This isn’t about someone telling someone else to swap off a hero because the hero isn’t effective in the current situation this is about that fact that a hero (Mercy) has blatant issues, and your response is “Don’t play her”. It is refusing to address a problem simply because you do not want to.

It doesn’t undermine your point, but it does reinforce it either. It’s irrelevant. I was congratulating you for making an irrelevant assertion that is simultaneously unreinforceable.

That’s to be expected being that Mercy was the most popular hero. Saying she’s the most one-tricked is like saying Mercy has the highest amount of wins; it’s expected because they are the most-played hero.

Perhaps you should question why that is?

…Maybe it’s because we enjoyed playing that hero far more than any other hero?

You are actually helping to prove my point; the end result is the same, but beating you in the face with a hammer would be far more satisfying.

No, that’s part of what makes it powerful, not impactful.

Staying alive for 15 seconds because no one can hit you doesn’t mean anything if you’re not contributing in a meaningful way.

I don’t think you read the bit of information below what you quoted.

Read the post I copy/pasted on counterplay for Resurrect.

Sure, about as much as I need to think when looking both ways before crossing the street.

That comment is actually hilarious, as it clearly indicates that you have no idea what you are talking about. Resurrect as an ability has always required an incredibly minuscule faction of the thought required for Resurrect as an ultimate.

No, we should go back to the days in which Resurrect was an ultimate.


Read the post.

You were discussing the engagement of the Mercy player throughout the previous iterations of Resurrect. Mental engagement is still engagement. Don’t go changing the subject because you don’t have an on-topic reply.

How about you actually read what you quoted? Do a CTRL+F for “revert”.

Any hits in that quote? No?

Reverse the tide =/= revert what has been done. If that were the case, every offensive ultimate would “revert” the opposing team’s work.

And yes, literally every other healer is capable of changing the tides of a fight once they have already been tipped in one direction or the other. Caught in a Graviton Surge? Coalescence. Nano-blade incoming? Transcendence. Tactical Visor? Sound Barrier.

Maybe you should read, and you would realize that the counterplay for Mercy were things that every player should be doing regardless as to whether or not Mercy is present:

  • Target prioritization (Shoot the healers first).
  • Ultimate economy (Don’t blow 5 ults to kill 5 players).
  • Stagger deaths (2 enemies left at low health? Take your time).

Except the risk that is the enemy having the first shot and the positioning advantage. Anytime a Mercy player pressed Q in her 1.x versions was gamble that the fight would end well for them; a gamble which has it’s chance of success determined by how much risk the Mercy player took previously in staying in the fight as long as safely possible.

The player is playing Mercy, remember?

You are assuming Genji is diving in alone, which pretty much never happens unless the game is in Overtime.

At least, not in any of the games I was playing in.

And an 8 second recharge time with a 1 second recharge delay.

“Always available.” :thinking:


Considering that they needed to be directing the ability in the correct direction and that the ability had a 30.8% uptime at the very most, I could see why they find that satisfying.

If the D.Va player was good enough to manage that resource well to the point where you were emptying ultimates into it, or if you were bad enough to the point where you were emptying ultimates into it, either the D.Va deserved the rewards, or you deserved to be punished.

If those players were as bad as you make them out to be, what does that say about the players consistently emptying their ultimates into something that is only available 31% of the time?

Or perhaps the players are just outsmarting you by predicting your next move via the obvious hints you drop?

If they’re using their Matrix now, they won’t have any DM left to negate your ultimates. Where’s the problem?

That’s called synergy. There’s a method to shut it down: It’s called switching to counter your opponents. If the enemy D.Va+Pharah/D.Va+Genji is a problem, try a Zarya and/or a Roadhog.

Speaking of Zarya, she does effectively the same thing as D.Va in this situation but with a shorter duration. That shorter duration doesn’t really matter though, as 2 seconds is still enough to get a kill or three with Dragonblade/Rocket Barrage.


  • You might also be down a player.
  • You might not be in a good position to capitalize of that disavantage just yet, and D.Va only needs 300 charge to get back in her MEKA.
  • You need to get the enemy off the objective fast before more enemies enter the fight.

Well, D.Va has a 2 second DM now, and… the pros are still playing Dive.

DM didn’t cause Dive.

That’s just because D.Va fit in with Dive. Ana and Mercy players were expected to switch to Lucio and Zenyatta as well. Why? Because they fit in better with Dive.

Moira and Ana also share that same goal. Does that mean Mercy, Moira, and Ana, all have the same playstyle?

You switched from “playstyle” to “goal”, which are two very different things. The goal is far from the only derivative for the playstyle. Saying that Mercy 1.x and Mercy 2.x have the same goals doesn’t mean anything.

The same way she can “afford” to let them die now; Resurrect was a finite resource in both versions. Intentionally letting teammates die in either version to expend that resource is a bad way to play.

If you have one finite resource and one infinite resource that are both designed to reach the same end, the best way to spend those resources is to use the infinite resource whenever you can, and the finite resource as sparingly as possible. Spending the finite resource just to spend it is a recipe to get your butt handed to you.


Well, considering how many people like the old mercy. I think blizzard is still thinking about it.
if the rework was a complete success, we woudn’t have all these complaining threads.

This is 100% wrong.

You are saying that Mercy today is the basically the same as Mercy was throughout her time in the game. This is easily proven false.

Let me illustrate:

Let’s look at Genji. Genji jumps around and throws knives at people and waves his sword at them every now and then. Good with me so far right? All Genjis do this, and it’s all good.

But do you know what really gets Genji’s blood boiling? It’s when they DRAGON BLADE AND TEAM WIPE THE ENEMY TEAM. The Ult is the crowning glory of playing Genji, and makes playing him worth while and amazingly fun.

You will even see a lot of players saying the only reason to play Genji is to Ult and have fun wiping the enemy. I spoke with quite a few Genji players just last week saying Genji is weak, and the only part of his kit that makes him worth playing over Tracer is the Dragon Blade.

Take out the Dragon Blade and Genji suddenly feels like a broken down antique car destined for the junkyard.

Well guess what? Mercy is exactly the same. She heals and boosts and jumps around, but what made her really special and fun was ulting into a mass rez.

And that is now gone.

So don’t you ever say that Mercy today is the same as she’s always been. You don’t understand this game at all. Saying that is like saying Junkrat is the same without rip tire, or even Road Hog is Roadhog without his Hook. Rez has always been the central focus of Mercy’s kit, until now.

When Mercy needs protecting Titanium is there.


and nothing still is changing the fact that mass rez is gone and no one aside from old school Mercy mains want it back even though I’m sure someone will try to tell us that most people prefer 1.0 Mercy

We keep going back to an argument of what support can do what. So where is the be all versatility when it comes to different categories.

Reaper doing heavy damage upclose still does heavy damage upclose with ultimate
Pharah doing poke damage from afar does heavy damage the closer she is with her ultiamte
McCree doing poke damage does 250 damage from afar in 1 second
Soldier doing consistent damage from afar does heavy consistent damage from afar.
Doomfist doing heavy damage up close does heavy damage up close with his ultimate
Tracer doing heavy damage up close does heavy damage with her ultimate up close
Genji doing more damage up close does heavy damage with his ultimate up close

So until you fix the jumbled mess of a DPS category where up close DPS base kits should do consistent range damage ultimates and consistent range damage dealers need to come up close to use their ultimates you can’t do that with the support category.

I’ll be waiting for the great ideas you come up with.

I was done after the first response talking to you.


Another wonderful reply.

I always enjoy reading your posts, they are so well thought out. Flawless execution as always!


They nerfed her too hard too quickly. If they had at least done it gradually, I would be far less frustrated with her current state. But it really feels like they jumped the gun with her nerfs.

The best nerfs transfer power into other areas instead of just getting rid of the power. The most successful nerfs in my opinion were the Roadhog hook nerfs, because they nerfed the hook and buffed his Scrap Gun and Take a Breather to compensate.

But Mercy wasn’t compensated. They left Resurrect without any Valkyrie buff. The least they could do is give it increased range during Valkyrie. They tried that before on the PTR and it wasn’t OP at all.


I did, old res was very frustrating and the new Mercy is the best she’s ever been. I really hope they don’t give into all these unjustified complaints and rework her, or even worse revert her. They can tweak her a bit fine, but she’s in such a great spot right now they really don’t need to do a thing.

Would you be so kind as to explain why the complaints are unjustified?