I was actually happy they cut duration of Valkyrie from 20 seconds down to 15 seconds because I am still eagerly awaiting the end of Valkyrie after I have gone into.
Actually this rework has made me hate Resurrect because it went from being the Ultimate reward to being to menial, skilless labor and finally becoming active impediment to Mercy’s gameplay. I loathe single point, unearned Resurrect.
That was not goal of the change that is result of successive nerfs to Valkyrie which specializes in nothing. There is no point to support character if they cannot counter Ultimates.
It is literally the purpose of the support category to counter enemy Ultimates which every support used to do, but that no longer applies to Mercy due to the course the rework has taken.
Funny thing hack got buffed, not reworked nor replaced. Also, funny thing Mercy was the most popular and one of the most beloved characters when she had mass rez, receiving almost always a huge amount of votes after each match, unlike now. In fact, even now a lot of people want mass rez back, not only Mercy mains. I think there is something wrong with your argument of “everyone hated mass rez”.
I’ll do what I’ve already done plenty of times before. Tell me if none of these easy fixes or a combination of them could have worked. Was mass rez so impossible to fix? I guess not by a long shot. Current design is more difficult to balance because it’s already “balanced” but it’s a bad design because of E and Q. Regardless, tell us if none of these could work for mass rez:
1- LoS (no more rez through walls)
2- Little cast time (she takes 1-1,5 seconds with her new… cough… reverted… cough… voice line)
3- SR fix: less gain per rez, more gain per heal/boost (even Taimu admitted that the only real problem of old Mercy was her broken SR system which rewarded hide and rez turning it into the best way to climb with her, so no reward, no more climbing)
4- Decay system with a very high cap in order to avoid both hide and rez and hide until rez is gone.
These are only 4 possibilities, and I’m not saying that they are the best ones. However, they show how easy was mass rez to be fixed properly.
Mercy has the lowest flame rate in the game by far (if I remember well, it’s around 1/3 of the next one in the list).
Sadly agree. As EeveeA and Vale said at some moment: “Mercy has not ultimate anymore”.
I must correct your statement. That time Jeff said “We will NEVER add a Deathmatch mode”. That’s why he said some time after “Never say never”. He was very specific that time, much more than with Mercy. Finally, he admitted his own mistake about Deathmatch. We are still waiting for him admitting his mistake with Mercy’s rework.
If the enemy team was stupid enough to waste all their resources and not kill the enemy Mercy they deserved that punishment, that simple. It was their fault for not dealing with her nor prevent her or her reward for surviving through all that storm, one of these. The only thing Blizz needed to do was to adress her SR exploit in a proper way, not just destroy her and unleash this hell of a rework.
I must say I only achieved two huge rezzes in my play time (both 4 men), and I lost those two games. First one because the enemy team regrouped and defended well, so the payload never reached its destination. Second one, because it was just a desperate try to win the point, but my team was splitted, so we were chased one by one without the enemy team using a single ultimate. My bad.
Resurrect is Mercy’s signature and 1/3 of her identity, and Blizz stated that it will always be part of her kit, so they won’t remove it. Before the rework, with rez as her ultimate, she was balanced and it could be easily tweaked. That would give her space for a new E ability, something like Valkirie is atm, but with a fair duration. Or something different, Valkirie is not necessary in Mercy’s kit, as it hasn’t anything to do with her identity nor her signature, nor her focus (her basics are her focus already, Valkirie is just redundant).
TLDR: I guess Blizz decided to celebrate the SC anniversary here by unleashing a zerg swarm of merged posts into this void chamber. Just joking. Welcome all.
This used to be the truth, but I don’t really think it is anymore. For some reason devs decided to move away from that. Nano Boost, Valkyrie and Rally all work better as initiation ults - they can be used defensively, but they won’t work nearly as well. I guess they decided somewhere along the line that negating team-wipes just wasn’t “fun” and “viewer friendly”. Honestly the only true defensive ultimate is Transcendence because Sound Barrier just isn’t quite good enough, and I think it’s one of the reasons why Zen has such a high pick-rate.
Unfortunately, in doing this rework they did not make an interesting, focused Ultimate, removed depth from Resurrect’s use and dumbed down the use of her kit.
What they really needed to do for a rework was start over and change the whole kit.
Then that is a good reason for removing Resurrect on E because “it isn’t fun to play or play against” and because the ability is oppressive to the Mercy player.
you know likewise can be said about Hanzo Scatter Arrow.
Like just how often does the man himself appear in the World Cup and the OWL?
Compared to Mercy, Hanzo has never touched the top 10 in pick rates and he himself doesnt have any noticeable win rate stacking, like having him wont automatically win a fight.
Hanzo like Mercy has a ability people hate, but just how powerful is Scatter Arrow. People always complain, but just ask yourself, how strong is he?
Ok, shooting at the feet and getting randomly killed is annoying, but I myself have adapted to preemptively prepare an assualt/approach on him.
The worst thing to do against scatter is to run in knowing he has scatter and not evading it. You vasically feed yourself to him.
His normaly arrows can curve quite a fair bit and they are more consistent than the scatter…
Which brings up to the rework, the rework to Hanzo, particularly the Rapid Fire concept, is going to raise his Pick Rates, he going to be powerful, he going to move from pseudo Sniper to a very effective Sniper with piercing damage.
The thing is, it seems we are dithering back and forth on heroes that dont necessarily need changes. Hanzo is annoying yes, but Scatter isnt a certain guaranteed killing ability unless you stupidly walk into it. Hanzo will get strong and then he will receive the Mercy nerf treatment
If so many mercy mains got to masters and GM with a negative winrate due to SR exploit, doesn’t that show:
Hiding for mass rezzes makes you lose more games (negative winrate mercy)
People who used tempo rezz instead of hide n rezz won more games than they lost (positive winrate mercy)
So purely by fixing the sr exploit you could have seperated the noobs from the pros, and NO ONE would be incentivized to hide anymore because they would lose more.
Instead we cater to the DPS mains (who screamed at us to f/&$ing hide) and invested time money and resources to fix something that wasnt broken, shifting it into an OP state (where we ignored ptr feedback about it being too strong) and then nerfed it down to a state where the only people happy with the changes are the dps whos ults go uncontested and whos normal attacks easily outdamage any healing mercy can output with or without ult.
Mercy was never broken before this rework. Anyone who argues “other heroes are more important” should have spoken up when blizz announced they are working on her. But you only say it now where we are unhappy because you WANT us either to be unhappy because it gives you some weird edge or because you enjoy having no counterplay to your “skilled m1 clicking” anymore from mercy.
People say move on, play a different hero if you don’t like her changes.
Sure. I have always been a flex player with hundreds of hours on zen ana mercy lucio moira but im better off playing “a different hero” in a different game.
Why? Am i butthurt about mercy? Not really. My life and gameplay experience doesn’t depend solely on one character, but i lost all incentive to play a game where a few toxic streamers and “pros” dictate huge game changes whilst the rest of the playerbase (millions) has to “deal with it”.
The devs have shown consistent failures. Everytime they rework a hero (dva sombra mercy roadhog) they then spend weeks having to reel them back or buffing them. The problem is that the devs dont tweak the existing things, but make big changes that have, without fail, always proven to have a negative impact on the game.
Also adding the fact they cant even reply or make a statememt in a forum where they specifically ask for feedback is appauling.
All in all i’ve spent the last 2 weeks playing other games and actually having FUN, because the developers there don’t overhaul the kits of existing characters, but instead do minor tweaks that bring them up or down.
Enjoy your toxic community as the amount of supports lowers and lowers. Enjoy filling those roles yourself. Ill sit back and enjoy the forums and other games instead.
Edit: punctuation grammar spelling (I’m on my phone at work and I hate smartphones)
Third account couldnt come up with anything productive and knew i had a free name change anyway.
I name changed 2 weeks ago but it doesnt update here for some reason.
Because I know you I can acknowledge that you are joking there xd.
I don’t know how somepeople can be so blind to the fact that current Mercy is unfun for every types of Mercys, it doesn’t have anything to do with skill. We have from low bronze players to t500s complaining all about the same. Mercy’s problem is a design’s problem, and that means that she is in a very bad spot, as simple balance tweaks won’t work here.
However, we also need to acknowledge that there are several Mercy mains on the forums who do like her the way she is currently. I’m not one of them, but their opinions are equally as valid. We really need more of them in this thread to be honest if we really want to move forward with the discussion.
My incentive is blizzards inability to say “hey we messed up” and their constant catering to pros and ignorance towards the community. Im a support main and i pick what i feel like picking. Knowing certain heroes in my roster will bring me a bad experience doesn’t make me want to play.
My incentive to keep posting? I enjoy good conversations about topics that interest me and I would like to play ow with my friends again. But as the situation stands, ill just keep reading and posting till they make smart changes.
Some people climbed with Hide and Rez with a negative winrate. That does not mean that everyone, or even the majority who climbed with Hide and Rez had a negative winrate.