In my opinion Mercy is not “She’s not fun to play” , it feels more like there is something wrong with her whole rework. I highly suggest that they remove Rez as a normal ability and put it as an Ultimate OR lessen or remove the cast time entirely during Rez. I don’t get why players are raging at “one Rez” every 30 seconds saying it is op while Mercy 1.0 had the potential to build her Ult in less than a minute AND use it from behind walls to Rez more than 1 dead teammate. Now with the removal of the extra Rez during Valkyrie they should at least remove the cast time in general.
Normal abilities shouldn’t be hard to use. It’s really upsetting that many players solo ult me while I’m Rezing. It would be understandable if they solo ult me while Rez as an Ultimate.
To me playing Mercy now is still fun but annoying at the same time. No impactful ult and no regular ability (Rez) that I can use easily like any other normal ability in the game.
It’s obvious that Mercy is unfinished with her current state and hopefully they’ll look at her once they finish with the heroes that they’re currently fixing.
Hiring more people isn’t going to make hero reworks better. Blizzard has the staff on hand to do the artwork and coding already. The problem isn’t a lack of resources, it’s the decisions being made about how to approach hero balance. Fixing that problem is going to require a change in philosophy toward what is acceptable and what is not in future reworks.
I don’t think the upcoming Hanzo rework is going to be as devastating for that hero, but it’s another example of Blizzard removing current mechanics and functionality and replacing it with new mechanics. Scatter Arrow isn’t being balanced, it’s being straight up removed from the game. That really doesn’t set well with me. Hanzo’s unique ability that set him apart from Widow was a capability for indirect fire. He needed Scatter Arrow changed and perhaps his upcoming double jump added to his kit to compensate for a nerf, but he did not need it completely replaced. Likewise, Mercy did not need her ultimate completely removed and replaced with a single-target ability that doesn’t even work the same way.
No future hero changes should remove significant portions of functionality from a hero’s kit, except where changes would restore original functionality that has already been removed. Moving forward, it should be unacceptable to take away functional mechanics that players have come to enjoy from a hero’s kit. Giving Reaper smoke grenades on right click would be an acceptable future change if he ends up needing a buff. Taking away D.Va’s Micro Missiles, now that they have been implemented, would not be okay. Toning down their damage as is happening on the PTR is a much more acceptable change, because it does not remove any mechanical functionality.
Dunno you but I had some quite fun with dps mercy today, even killed tracer and hanzo in less than 30s
DPS Mercy is always a bit of fun… but not very viable
Mercy’s ult: 15 seconds
Time to charge ult: Roughly 45 seconds
Rezzing: 1.75 seconds every thirty seconds.
So actually, assuming optimal use of Mercy’s ability, 25% of her gameplay now consists of spectating from the skybox, and an additional 5% is being glued to the floor. But your terrible math is the least of your oversights. The gameplay most likely to be effected by her boring ult is teamfights and chases–those situtationsshould be the most exciting part of any match, but for Mercy they are the most boring because when teamfights break out , she has to use her ultimate ability, which is up nearly every teamfight and lasts for the entire teamfight, renders the Mercy player superfluous (since Mercy’s contribution during her ult is largely automated) during a time when everyone else is most engaged.
However, I will admit that the “farming ult while you wait for the teams to engage” portion of Mercy gameplay has remained the same. But while the time in-between fights is tolerable, it has never been the part of Mercy gameplay that Mercy players used to look forward to. Trying to survive and heal during a scrappy brawl, or popping out and getting a huge resurrection was the highlight of a Mercy player’s game, and both of those elements have been removed.
Give this a look!
It’s funny how they say “She’s balanced” just because of her pickrate is fine. The reasons why she’s still picked are because of her constant heals, mobility and high survivability. Ana, according to so many players, is not reliable enough due to her low survivability and not being able to heal through barriers and so on. Moira runs out of heals and not as mobile as Mercy but generally Moira has a much better impact on the game than Mercy. Balancing is not about pickrates
why would you even try this when dps players are on the forums?
Isn’t reddit where all the dps players go to stroke their own ego’ s?
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She’s balanced tho, I don’t want mercy meta back
Widow’s ult could maybe use something, sure, but I like using it when I play her because I know I can use it to help me secure kills. I can actually enjoy it myself while helping the team.
Sym gets POTG in plenty of other ways. Plus, we all know how valuable shield gen can be if it’s left alone.
I usually just find those people to be clueless since they obviously missed me rezzing behind a shield. Yeah, all of those “gut-sy” rezzes were me just not playing stupid. And if they aren’t paying attention to that, I can only say it must have applied to the “hide and rez” complaints before the rework.
She was balanced before the re-work… she wasn’t in every match on every map. She was actually considered a troll pick by high ranking players and professional players.
People tend to forget this one fact… she wasn’t a must pick until after the re-work. She did not have the must pick status when resurrect was her ultimate ability.
There was no Mercy meta before the rework. It only came with it and Blizzard’s inability to balance a hero within a six month period.
There was a really interesting post (I think it was by Macster) where the author came up with the idea of having mass rez during valk.
This would mean:
- Resurrect would HAVE to be off cooldown when you use valk.
- the cast time is still 1.75 seconds.
- Mercy can still be killed before it goes off.
Just to all the people saying to fix other heroes first… We(mercy players) can’t. If we stop talking about mercy and her problems, she’ll be forgotten and then change will never happen.
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I have only one issue with that idea… you have to activate a ultimate to activate a weaker version of another ultimate… when they could have simply left resurrect as her ultimate and gave her a new ability.
I think she is stasfying to play honestly. I think the reason she doesn’t feel that way for so many is the prevalence of dive.
Just a Tl;DR We aren’t going to get Mass Resurrect back as an ultimate because people enjoy her engaging playstyle.
We need to work with what we have. The suggestion puts a new skill ceiling onto Mercy something that it is missing. Bringing back the playmaking she once had.
Would it be safe to make a Tempo Resurrect? Do you think I might need Resurrect for the next teamfight? Can I safetly Resurrect multiple allies from this position? Do I have sightlines of my teammates in order to pull off a bigger Resurrect? Would it be safer to ask Zarya to look out for me and bubble me to go in for Resurrect? Is my off support in line of sight in order to give me protection while I resurrect my team?
Stuff that we miss a lot about old Resurrect. I feel like this is a QOL change that needs to be done in order to make Mercy more impactful once again.
I want single target multi rez back. That was most engaging to me, having to actively go to each person and rez them, trying to avoid a Doomfist punch or a Roadhog hook.
The cast time is absolutely butt backwards when compared to her high mobility that comes with GA.