[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

oh wow, so heckin true.


They don’t do a good job of that either. Mercy’s GA bug that eventually became a feature stayed for the entire duration of the rework PTR, and then it went live. Most Mercy players on the PTR thought it was a feature.

And then there was Lucio… I’m still wondering how the hell they missed that for a half a year… and then they re-added it.


Uh oh, you said the “M” word, now this post is going to get tossed into the (shudders) The Megathread!


When a Mei “Pro” in the league says so, that’s when.

The Megathread hungers for FRESH MEAT.

Its like the Butcher, and just as huge.


What is the mass of 12k Overwatch Forum posts? :thinking:


I’ll just make a new thread with “12.9k posts and counting”.


I mean, just from the 4 I got a chance to complete the write up on in my attempt (DF, Genji, McCree, Pharah) I did write nearly 1500 words, so it was already nearing essay length and that’s just from 4 out of what was at the time 26 heroes, 3 of which barely got anything written about them because they either need a little or nothing. It’s not like I was trying to skimp on it.

Its The Megathread the Butcher of the Forums who loves to devour entire posts whole, especially yours so filled to the brim with juicy characters.

You’ll be less upset when you realize Blizzard is historically known to take their time with anything as they see fit and there are other heroes to play in the meantime.

Weird that tons of bugs are still coming through even when the stuff on the PTR is on it way too long for the fact that the stuff comes to live 99.9% unchanged.

The PTR fails what it should do by the things it does now. Give the PTR another purpose instead of “hey, check out this new hero/map/buffs/nerfs we will keep on the PTR for a month or more to get feedback just to push it through the way it is while not fixinf the bugs the new stuff has as well”.

Instead of trying to give the seasons of competitive “an identity” which is dislike (able to read on the feedback of the new hold back for Brigitte in comp) they should start by giving the PTR a damn real identity and a real reason for us to TEST on it so it has a legit existence.
Right now I don’t see why I should enter the PTR anymore at all and I think the ressources of the PTR could be better used by closing it forever instead of having it the way it is now


In my case, there are zero heroes to be played in the meantime. :smile:

alright, they dont do a good job at squashing bugs but how does that equates to not showing previous iterations of a rework? they don’t use it for that, that’s the point, it doesn’t mean they didn’t try it but chose not to throw it in there

It doesn’t. Those are two entirely separate topics. Where did you make the connection that they were dependent upon each other? :neutral_face:

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Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence

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It got quiet…

I’m in High Master/GM since Season 4, Never dropped since it. I was playing primarily Mercy (and before the rework i was Happy with that), now i Flex instead, even if i falls to play her because It’s needeed, not because i want to play her

Anyway, we don’t want her to be OP we want her to be fun again. I hated when She was a Must pick and i was forced to play her, even when i don’t wanted to play her

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It’s quiet uptown, I never liked the quiet before…

I didn’t xD you did!

argument: they don’t take feedback from the ptr
answer: the ptr is not for feedback is for bug testing

argument: they aren’t good at that either
answer: yeah, so? feedback from ptr means nothing, it’s solely for bug testing!

argument: how did you connect two different topics?
answer: sigh

Speak for yourself. I found Self-Destructing in the middle of a reviving team incredibly fun.

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