Because we never see or hear about them, and because what goes on the PTR tends to be flaming garbage.
Next question?
Because we never see or hear about them, and because what goes on the PTR tends to be flaming garbage.
Next question?
That one specifically is a copy paste xD he/she has it recorded because no one is that bothered as to read that much nonsense (except I did a while ago, same opinion, nonsense)
It seems unpopular for all those “Mercy is fine now get over it”.
They are not able to think about fun for both sides, they don’t think that sometimes little tweaks are better than huge cuts with an axe or full reworks.
Sadly Blizzard is either doing nothing or straight taking the axe instead of little tweaks (especially on a more regular base)
I know but still, they had to write it up at some point, and there was a lot of additions to it for this forum’s version
then you go ahead and apply to become a blizzard employee or even better, go and code a game of your own
He/she knows. They saw the original.
I would be delighted to see you try and pick that post apart.
Hows that game going?
We are losing! The mercy is idle a lot
TV lasts 8 seconds. At least get your basic facts correct.
You need to focus on the issues of a single hero and flesh them out rather then trying to fix every issue in the game all at once.
Many issues are in fact tied to other issues other characters face. Such as the plights of Reinhardt are caused mainly by external factors. Those external factors exist because of yet other factors.
This more or less causes a big web of interconnected issues. So if you focus on one section you can look at how changing one characters set of issues will lead to changes in other sectors of the web.
Sombra being an example. Making her hack reliable actually would have dethroned tracer in dive and blunted the chance of a tank meta. The games would change dramatically with Sombra being used in place of tracer.
Funny you should say that…
The devs have been as a whole shown no interaction after Brigittes release, just a couple comments (Hanzo rework and “Drag Queen character idea” and now today an update on the new event but thats it.
They’re aren’t commenting on what they think of Brigitte, they aren’t replying to the Reinhardt issue, they aren’t replying to the Mercy feedback.
Things like these is exactly why I lose hope…
So, You are actively being inactive in your games too…
Duly Noted
it’s qp! ;)! and backfill may I say
So how’s QP Mercy going?
And here is the issue. We will never know if they even thought about tweaks like those I mentioned because THEY ARE NOT COMMUNICATING.
They could have played with open hands and tell us straight on that they tried tweaks before but no.
Or what would have been better, they could use the PUBLIC TEST REALM for tweaks like that and keep it on their for a long time to see how THE PUBLIC COMMUNITY is thinking about it and then they either scrap it and tell us they do a full rework because of bad feedback etc OR they push it through.
We have a PTR and right now the reason of the existence of it is just a big fat joke
Hey chop chop I’m still waiting on that proof that all changes are final.
Should be easy enough. I mean the stuff I quoted came right from the patch.
Something THAT important to a character should be EASY to find.
That’s not what I did in one of my previous posts… Sure, I fleshed things out, but I didn’t focus on one hero.
There’s a reason one of my first threads was titled “99,000 character limit?”
Tactical Visor:
Reload time = 0.75 seconds
Cast time = 1.4 seconds
Duration = 6 seconds
Ult charge required = 2062.5
Taken straight from the Overwatch wiki. Seems like you’re the one who needs to do research.
the ptr is for bug testing though, it’s written ._. they reserve balancing tests internally, though I agree communication would have helped, at least people wouldn’t have washed out argument of what isn’t explicitly said even though we all know what politics are
For a “bug testing” PTR they still let reported bugs go straight to live without any attempt to fix them a lot.
Its honestly used more as a preview server.