[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

No, in the same way that Trans is a lot better than 15k healing in 1 second would be. It’s a ridiculous comparison.

I’ve said over and over again that comparing healing throughputs of Valkyrie to trans is a moot point as the ult’s are completely different, they’re used for different purposes, the timing requirements are completely different. Everything is different. But throwing out a 6 second comparison of the 2 is misguiding at best since one of them lasts 2,5 times longer. And I’m pretty sure you’re not going to tell me that a 15 second trans wouldnt be better than a 6 second trans, no?

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Underwhelming for an ult. Comparing zen’s healing outside and inside of ult is ridiculous, so i don’t see why you would for mercy. We’re talking about the ult specifically, I never once mentioned the base kit.


It does indeed. But not all.

Valkyrie doesn’t counter any ultimate, because it’s not meant to counter any Ultimate. It’s meant to buff a push or halt an assault. If you’re using it in retaliation to a Genji or Soldier using their ultimate, then you’re using it wrong.


I’m a little on the fence.

I’m not sure if I want the original rez ult. I actually like Valk, but I come from a history of playing MMORPGs as a healer a lot of times, so having abilities to do my job even better, is just a huge impacting bonus to me.

I’m a little worried on what any form of insta-rez would do again though. I’ll shamelessly admit, when I had it, I would just use ult, and damage boost the team till someone would die, rez them, and then carefully manage my ult between healing and damage boost.

I’d like for them to experiment with increasing Mercy’s range for Rez when she’s in Valk.

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Then in reality it’s not a good support ultimate. Valkyrie doesn’t do anything that another support can’t provide, and in the case of Moira is actually outclassed in that department because Coalescence charges much faster.

Additionally, saying Resurrect makes up for it is kind of disingenuous because you don’t use it during a fight, you use it before or after.


Even trans doesn’t save against Rocket Barrage if the Pharah isn’t dumb.

Trans counters Dragonblade, Tactical Visor, Dragonstrike, Death Blossom, Blizzard, Molten Core, and Graviton Surge

Comparing Zen’s healing inside and outside of ultimate is ridiculous because of so many different factors. He can’t use his weapon or his orbs during Transcendence, it lasts 6 seconds, and heals 10x more than his basic orb does.

You would do it for Mercy because it’s the same amount of healing. You want Valkyrie to do 300 hps and last 15 seconds? There is Support diversity, if you want Zenyatta’s ultimate for countering an enemy ultimate, then by all means pick him. That’s the point of the game.

In terms of Mercy being low skilled, that’s arguably debateable. She easily needs more skill than a character like Moira. Game sense makes or break Mercy, along with positioning. Moira? Literally Mercy, DPS version.


Well, I was implying Rocket Barrage was being used against a Graviton target. If Pharah uses it against a single target there’s a pretty high chance she’ll die but take one or two people in the process unless there’s a D.Va

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That logic is heavily flawed. Valk is a LOT more versatile than the other support ultimates, and is a lot more consistent as the timing requirements are way easier(i.e you can pull it off as an engage begins rather than countering a specific ability or using it when heroes are on low hp). You also get a lot of things from valk that other ultimates can’t mimic. 15 seconds of flight is worth a lot, and even if there are other ultimates which mimics part of what valk does, Having the flexibility of swapping between healing and damage amping as required is definitely worth quite a bit.

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Well it IS a good Support ultimate because you gain the ability to go from pocketing 1 target to pocketing every target. It does do something that any other Support can’t provide. Extended group buffs. Have you also considered that you can FLY during Valkyrie? That means no environmental deaths, and chances are no deaths to projectiles either. Gaining the ability to become much harder to kill is so valuable for a Support I can’t even begin to describe.


No, it just buff your whole team through an entire team fight without the ability to really kill the Mercy without the use of a hitscan ultimate.

It IS a good ultimate still, but boring. Not all support ults are meant to COUNTER offensive ults. You’re using it incorrectly.

Coalescence doesn’t really charge much faster. Valkyrie charges really quickly if you pocket Tanks. Moira’s ult is actually the most underwhelming for all support ultimates, but it does charge quickly and her base healing is pretty high so it makes up for it.

The problem with resurrect before and having double instarez during Valk is that it made team fight last way too long. Mercy was a must pick absolutely because of Valkyrie being OP.

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Correct, but why pick mercy? There are reasons to pick zen or lucio, to counter enemy ults and such, or moira if you want sustained heals and damage in ult with a very powerful base kit. You can say mercy’s ult is effective for pushing or whatever, but why not just use lucio speed boost? Anything that mercy’s ult can do, a different hero could do better.


I mean sure if you fly right up to their face towards the start of the fight they’ll certainly kill you. You’re not using it the most effectively then. Use it in the midst of the team fight and they enemy will very likely be focused on other things. Alternatively if you have a zarya, tell her to bubble you. Team work makes the dream work.

Considering supports are the primary targets of team fights, the chances they’ll be focused on anything but Mercy is negligible

Pick Mercy because she has really good throughput healing constantly, Moira does, but she can run out of energy, Mercy doesn’t have that restriction. Anything that mercy’s ult another hero can do is certainly not true. Pick her to counter and compliment heroes, that IS how this game works. Great against heroes like Soldier because of his consistent damage being outclassed by consistent healing.

She’s pretty good against Doomfist too because of the Resurrect. Play her when there’s like a Reinhardt or an Orisa so you CAN get away with Resurrecting during a team fight. That’s what this game is about.

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You’re talking about different things in different parts of the post. If we’re going to talk about why you would pick mercy, then res is still an incredibly strong ability.

But since the topic is talking about mercy’s ult, there are plenty of things valkyrie does that other support ultimates doesnt(and conversely things which valk doesnt do).

Valkyrie is still a strong ultimate.

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And that’s why the ability to fly during Valkyrie is powerful.

No it’s really not, you oversimplify the argument. Yes Moira is strong in a slow, tank heavy lineup right now and she has the ability to defend herself. You need just as much skill to play Moira if not more. There is no “auto-aim” for Moira as people would have you believe. Knowing when to use your ult, knowing which orb to use, among other things. Mercy has just as much mobility if not more, regenerates automatically as well. Yes, Moira isn’t a high skill hero either, but she takes slightly more skill than Mercy.

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You never use Valkyrie and then Resurrect, it results in the same as using it in non-Valkyrie.

Mercy’s redeeming quality is Resurrect. Valkyrie feels like a secondary ability, Resurrect feels like her actual ultimate.