[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’ll just add my little bit here.

  • Nano-Visor
  • Nano-Blade

Now you don’t even need to use an “unfun” argument with these. They are literally broken on technical level of things.

looks like they could have and should have tweaked it instead of creating this controversy :c

Well, if that was the problem, Mercy never needed a rework. Just try one of these or a combination and tell me if you think that some Mercys (not all of them at all not by a long shot) would continue playing hide and rez:
1- LoS (no more rez through walls).
2- Little cast time (1-1,5 seconds, the time she takes with her old voice line, which is going to be reverted, that’s confirmed).
3- SR fixing (no reward for hiding, no more boost and no more climbing, just get stuck in bottom bronze if you try that).
4- Decay system with a very high cap in order to avoid both hide and rez and hide until rez is gone.

If that was true, then Mercy would have been a must-pick over Lucio. But she wasn’t. As you mentioned, Lucio also brought other utilities to the fight, so that also worked in his favor.

Another thread shoved in here. Great.


Sorry ?

Are you really going to argue that Mercy’s ult is only usefull to break shields ?
Are you arguing people think “I should go Mercy to break their shields faster ! How could I not have thought of that !

If you do let me tell you you are a genious.

It has nothing do to about being your fault.
As a healer you must be healing your team as much as you can.

Unless you are that kind of player who picks a primary healer but still say “I could have healed you, but you had a bad positioning, so I chose to let you die on purpose :heart:

Well everyone, thank you for the great well manored debate. Usally you get a bunch of people screaming at each other.

I don’t really feel like continuing on this giant thread, so again, thanks for being civil and understanding even though we disagreed😁

Man, I still don’t think shoving a bunch of threads in here is a good idea.


Lucio does need some love. I even advocated for the hack to not turn off his aura. Poor guy.

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this thread has gotten so much feedback that not even jellyandjam wants to talk here

so much feedback, so much discussion, and (combining this and the old thread), SO much effort and suggestions. Devs. PLEASE. I think this deserves some attention. The community clearly cares and has an issue one way or another.

You posted on the old thread that you guys were reading these responses every day.

Prove it. Say something. Make a change to quell these issues.

Mercy is clearly not fine.


Another merger, my oh my! Welcome, everyone! Refreshments and appetizers are over there, and please provide your ideas and suggestions below!


At it’s core Sound Barrier is a really good ult, it just needs some tweaking to not be so easily cancelled and perhaps they should consider making the barrier decay slower.

I think people who play support are more aware of other good support ults, I know I’ve thanked the spirits for a good Sound Barrier when I was sure I was going to die!


I once saved a Bastion who jumped down on the 2nd point on Horizon with his ult, and he thanked me for it. He was toast otherwise. :blush:

Its about the GA bounce
During the flight of GA, pressing jump key will let her do a fling flight. However, she will mostly fly in a straight line.
I suggest that let her have more air control like Winston’s jump, meaning she can turn her flight diection by pressing the left or right button.
Also during Valk, GA have 0 cooldown


You have to take into account that the devs and the community utterly hates Mercy as a hero, why do you think she has received nerf one after another with nothing to compensate with.
It is safe to say, she is probably going to receive another nerf in the future just because.


Kinda sad hearing that :<

Yeah, that is also the reason she was reworked into an absurdly OP hero that had little counterplay and required multiple nerfs to bring her to the power level of other supports

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Salty much? (And you fail to acknowledge the times they’ve buffed her, so what does that mean?)
The devs don’t hate her, they’ve been changing her constantly to get her to a balanced state they were content with, they weren’t able to get her just right the previous changes to her until now. They already said they like the direction Mercy is going and find her to be in a good state so why would they need to nerf her again?

Quit antagonizing the devs, spreading false info etc just because a change happened that you didn’t like.


Might as well make her invincible.

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GA is so good, it does not need buffs


GA is perfectly fine as is, tbh.


Because the pros demanded it and we all know what happens when the pros don’t get what they want :roll_eyes: