[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

She’s going to be picked often because
a) people think it’s overpowered and a must pick
b) Mercy Mains miss it.
The only reason she wasn’t a must pick was because her complete lack of utility in her base kit.

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It’s sad, because people used to play her for fun, and because they liked the charcater. If they bring mas res back now, people will only play her for res.

People will only play her for her ult.

You’ll probably hear, “we need a Mercy” because the enemy has one and keep erasing team wipes. That’s my only problem with it. It’s not so much that the ability is op, it’s that it completely out ranks other healers.

A) I can’t help that people have memory issues. The claims people make now about mass rez are ridiculous and worse than ever.
B) Lucio has been indirectly nerfed, but that’s not a Mercy issue.
C) Zen and Moira are fine.
D) Brigitte is coming, so the healer pool is going to get even bigger.
E) Ana needs buffed but, once again, not a Mercy issue.
F) More than Mercy mains miss it. People are only now satisfied because they no longer have to deal with the Mercy meta, and that she is no longer a threat.

You cannot inhibit other healers because some need work.

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But I do not think we’ll see many more widowmakers for mercy. But let’s forget this speech. Because I miss that I believe that mercy 1.0 returns.

I started playing her when the rework was announced and I found her fun, but she got boring really quick. Most people thought so too. Just having the option to Rez mid fight make entertaining and her ult is still fun for most.

Sorry but 1 ultimate that can instantly undo 6 others all at once is never a good thing…and regardless of why you think hide and seek was a thing…it WAS a thing…you would see it in all modes of play even without SR…blizz decided to just do away with all of it and frankly it was for the better…and mercy benefitted from the changes

This nonstop crying about old mercy is just a bunch butthurt people because mercy is no longer OP thanks to her recent nerf…the sane people have all moved on to either playing her as is (numbers all showing she’s fine btw) or just playing something else…I suggest everyone else do the same


Ana? Yes. Lucio? Not really. Zen? Absolutely not.

Except Ana every healer could also stop multiple ults. Sometimes even better. Graviton + Dragonblade? Zen and lucio got you. If you were mercy and got also sucked in: Game over.
Yeah, mass rezz needed tweaks, but it did not outshined the other healer-ults in that way you displayed it

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Wait, what. Lucios ult is not better then res, not by a long shot.

Lucio doesn’t get to go invincible while using his super long ult animation. Lucio doesn’t cancel other ults. If your smart with it, you can prevent a few deaths, but it only lasts a few seconds. It’s really only good for pushes, or when you need a good motivator to get on the objective.

Poor Lúcio needs some help, because he has been indrecatly nerfed by every buff in the game.

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Where did you even get b,c,d, and e from my post. Also, I never said that Mercy was op, only that people think it was. Whether it was true ot not, we’re would see a lot of 5 man rezzes.

Well, there’s the fact that enemies can push in with all of them using their ultimates, and if you just rez anyone who died by let’s say a mcree, soldier, and genji ult, they essentially just wasted them.

Lucio’s ult can negate ults like Zen’s and is good for pushes. The issues with his ult now are that Sombra counters it hardcore and that ult cast nerf thing affects him like crazy. But I’ve never once felt that Sound Barrier was worse than mass rez and I’ve played plenty of Lucio.

if that were true, zen’s ult would never have any use, and neither woul d lucios

I own the game for a few months now and when I got it Mercy’s ult was pretty much as it is now but with 2 resurrects, however, I’ve seen videos where her ult was AOE Ressurect, and I have a question. Why was it removed and made into an ability? I understand that it was very powerful but isn’t that the point of an ult? Why an ult that can kill 4-6 people is ok but the one that can bring the same amount of people back to life isn’t? It’s game-changing yes, but again isn’t that the point? Right now, her resurrect ability is most of the time a suicide mission because you are such an easy target for quite a long time. So if someone could tell me what was the reason to remove AOE Resurrect and make it into an ability I would be thankful


Community forced devs to change her.

People against mercy complained she nullified a team fight won, people in the team with mercy complained if she failed the ress, mercy players healed until she had ult and then they disappeard from fight to wait an opportunity to ress.

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Lucio is my go to healer, but no one ever asks for sound barrier. People used to always ask me to play Mercy because of they wanted mass res.

So they might be even, but people didn’t see it that way.

okay, maybe you are right in that perspective. But he can still cancel ults. I saved my team more than once with the barrier when an ult-party startet and we were suddenly sucked in a graviton.

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The chance of mercy resurrecting that many people was slim.

99% of the time you mostly got the triple rez. Just like with mostly ults a lot of the time the best you get is a triple kill, it’s not that often you get a quad or more, and the same went for mercy’s resurrect.

Honestly, the whole 4-5 man rez argument was blown way out of proportion

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You do realize that Sound Barrier is one of those ults that people take for granted, right? I rarely get compliments for a good Sound Barrier, but mass rez was a mistake eraser and much more noticeable to people who died. Zen’s ult is in a similar boat, but I’d say you notice it more. I notice good Lucio ults because I play a ton of support, but others just don’t.

Rez was superior to SB. Lucio can only stop one ult while Mercy’s could undo multiple. The only thing that kept Mercy back was her lack of utility.

They changed Mercy’s ult just because it was making teams die on the point so mercy could hide and have a 5 man rez.
That was considered imbalanced and Jeff removed that from the game.
Jeff said the fact that Mercy had to hide so she could rez was not what they meant to do with the character.