[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

If they were to take her back to 1.0 on the PTR and then start making minor changes, instead of ham-fisted nerfs while ignoring what people were saying.


Yeah they did say they would not remove hero stacking but they changed their minds there too. I think a Mercy revert is plausible and best case scenario.


Mercy could definitely use another rework or a revert. I’d prefer revert since I’d imagine its easier overall to revert than come up with something new. But, something really needs to be done about her not being fun.

I know some people enjoy her but, she is just not fun for a lot of people right now. It would be nice to see her reverted. But, its probably not going to happen anytime soon.


That’s a bad idea. Rez would literally be suicide if you went for 3, 4, or 5 people. Hiding would be worse. She was fine with an instant rez, it just was “unfun.” Nerfing 1.0 Mercy is a bad idea, Ana was better as a support.

I miss Mass Rez, but I think it’s time we move forward. Rather than a revert I think we should discuss what Mercy’s role is in the game and how we can make the current Mercy feel and work better for those playing her.

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Yeap, the rework fell flat on its face and this outcome was entirely expected months in advance by Mercy mains (even before it went live.)


There were ways they could have adjusted Mercy to prevent things like that.

They could have given her LoS (honestly should have been something tried before the rework).

They could have tried out things like making it so Mercy needs to be near team mates as they die. And that would put them in some sort of critical state so that Mercy can resurrect them.

There was a whole host of things they could have done that wouldn’t really have changed most Mercy mains playstyle but, punish those who performed hide and rez.


Current Mercy is more viable and more enjoyable than Mercy 1.0. Why Nerf her again?

She’s in a terrible spot. She’s underpowered, underpicked, and unfun.

She needs a revert.


DPS wait around the corner and erase all of my hard work of keeping my team alive. Plus, 5x rezzes were so rare that they can’t be used as a valid argument.


How is she more enjoyable? She does far, far less. Unless people just like having so little responsibility.


She would still be viable outside of pro play if she was reverted. Most people simply just don’t enjoy her. They feel they don’t have any impact on team fights anymore. Her ultimate is a glorified ability that has nothing exciting going for it.

The only thing that is now more fun than Mercy 1.0 is running around as battle Mercy. But, you can’t do that in competitive often.


I’m more hopeful for a buff to make her ult more impactful.

Her ult is one of the worst right now. Any DPS ult (Rip Tire, Dragonblade, Deadeye etc) will make Valkyrie useless and turns it into spectator mode.

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I would love to know what they tried before they jumped into the rework. Like they shared with us about Hanzo’s Scatter Arrow. Because, yeah, they could have/should have tried so many other things than what we ended up with, which is now nothing like what 2.0 started with.


Revert the whole game back to 1.0 while you’re at it.


Either revert Mercy or give her back the one instant rez that she has.

Probably we won’t see a pure revert, but maybe a half revert, let’s say her old rez back and maybe something of this current design like an E ability and the bunny hop, which is the only pure success of the rework, all the rest has failed. Resurrect is awful to use and Valkirie is too boring and unimpactful without Resurrect. Also, hiding now is mandatory if you don’t want to die with your E or Q. One thing is clear, she needs something radical. Minor tweaks can’t fix this disaster anymore.

Said this, I would be happy with a complete revert to any version of old Mercy too. I prefer that, even if it ends being underpowered (stats during seasons 2 and 3 show that), than this kinda balanced (?) but unbearable to play design.


Putting Resurrect back onto the ultimate slot in some shape or form and then giving it the proper treatment it deserves will make a lot of us happy. I hate to see it shoe-horned into a normal ability slot and then butchered for the sake of “balance” and the absolute denial of failure. It’s so wrong.

Make Resurrect only available to use during Valkyrie, make it instant or a small cast time and give a few charges of it. Or make Resurrect the ultimate itself. Something that makes its power justified and stable. Anything but being a normal ability on a cooldown.

Exactly. Which has been suggested so many times. I just wish they would actually do it already.

Edit: @inplane

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please stop. find a different hobby.