[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Hey, by the way, if you could ever return her "Heroes Never Die!" to its former glory in any way, including the additional lines, I’d sell my soul to you.


So basically, this Valkyrie is just used as another flying tool? I’m just curious.

I would just be happy if they fix the ult. It has no comparison of the other support ults. It needs to be a stronger single heal beam and dmg boost or a duo split beam. Also with the rez timer resting with a reduced cast (like 1 sec)

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If they didn’t want Mercy to rely so heavily on resurrect then they should have given her some alternate healing ability. Every single other healer has this; Lucio has his amp it up, Moira has her balls aswell as Coalesence, Ana has her grenade and Zenyatta to an extent has transcendence. While Mercy has a measly 60 hp/s and some chain healing that can’t really heal through anything. Before the rework people were just asking her to have some other ability on her E instead of heavily relying on her resurrect and letting people die. Then they gave us this monstrosity…


The rework of mercys ult had the intention to create an engaging way to take a more aktive role, while destroying the too easy team rezz. It was supposed to satisfy both groups but ended in just tuning her ult down to a very boring experience without great impact. I don´t like it and mercy, who was my favorite hero (pre rework), turned into a hero I avoid completely because of the disappointment. Val is its current state simply “healbot mode”, but honestly I cant see a great way where val is fun without being op or just too similar to other ults like Zens transcendence. I would rather suggest to create a “Mercy 1.1”, where her rez is her ult again, but with some tweaks

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Question: What happens to the feedback provided in the previous thread on the old forums? Just gone and forgotten? Thrown into the trash? No, seriously? What’s up with that?

Apart from that: I’ll just repost what I wrote already. It still applies. And if this doesn’t get fixed relatively soon I will look for an alternative to Overwatch. Or a different game altogether with a dev team that does give a damn - for real - when they ask for feedback. A dev team that doesn’t lie or play for time hoping people forget that there was an issue to begin with. Because I won’t (not even a 1 week suspension can change that hint, hint). And a lot of people - luckily - still haven’t either.

So here we go, again:

So … Since we got our first blue post I decided to post my thoughts on the recent changes instead of sarcastic remarks only. Don’t worry though. I won’t stop. We’ve seen a lot of “words” thrown around by the Overwatch team in the last months.

01/04/2018 04:36 PMPosted by Geoff Goodman
We will likely be iterating on these changes in the coming weeks.

Ultimately – and I think a lot of people here will agree – actions matter more than just empty promises.

But let’s save that all up for later, shall we? For now – again – some of my thoughts and observations:

First of all, I have to admit that I was wrong. Kinda. In the previous feedback thread I pretty much predicted that nothing would change because Mercy still has the rez ability every 30 seconds which can still deny picks and is – while risky to pull off – still very powerful when you do manage to use it. Again: I was wrong.

Hear me out on this one: Mercy is still viable – at first glance. She has still the most reliable healing output of all healers and she can undo little mistakes every once in a while. BUT - and here comes the thing that breaks pretty much everything about her - she is close to useless in teamfights which is arguably the moment where support heroes should shine the most.

Why? you ask. Well, let’s look at Valkyrie in its current state:

Nr. 1 (the most important point):
Rezing during Valkyrie leads 90% of the time to your death and is a gigantic waste of time. Fact.
You are floating in the air, unable to move, you stopped doing your job (healing and damage boosting your team), you committed 2 seconds of your 15 seconds long “ultimate” to do this one thing – getting one teammate back up -, effectively turning the whole teamfight into a 4 vs 6 if you think about it. Your team gets no support from you while you are rezing during Valkyrie and they’ve already lost one person you are currently trying to bring back from the dead. It’s a 4 vs 6 for 2 seconds (if you survive the attempt) during an ongoing teamfight or for the whole teamfight (if you die). That’s a fact. – And that’s really, really … bad for an ultimate to say the least.

Nr. 2:
You know what made the hero Mercy valuable apart from rez? Her speed. The possibility to evade incoming attacks. That’s all she has because she can’t damage anyone when she is actively supporting her teammates, healing and damage boosting them.
So, let’s look at Valkyrie now: It let’s you fly. At first glance, you might think: Hey, evading attacks is now easier. I would argue – especially with the recent nerfs – it isn’t. Quite the opposite. When you are on the ground gliding between your teammates you have more cover at your disposal – and I am not only talking about walls and such. Your teammates are effectively cover, too, soaking up bullets for you. In the air though – most of the time – you have none. Your saving grace here should be your speed then. Guardian Angel to be exact. Which got nerfed. Heavily.
It should speak volumes when I first played against an ulting Mercy I almost killed her on my own with Lucio (!!!) on the ground – one of my teammates finished her off. So, pressing Q now, using her ultimate (!!!) is now riskier than not using it (I am not lying when I say that in about 2 out of 3 cases I haven’t seen a Mercy surviving her ult. Sound’s ridiculous? Because it is.). Valkyrie effectively turns Mercy into a worse hero – which leads us to…

Nr. 3:
Her healing output during Valkyrie is pathetic for an ultimate. Someone in this thread argued that Mercy during Valkyrie is nothing else than a floating Lucio now – without the benefit of additional HP from his ult. That’s 100% accurate. Remember Nr. 1? Yeah. No rezes for you.

To sum it all up:
Valkyrie isn’t worthy to be called an ultimate anymore. I have a POTG saved up on my PC where I saved my whole team from 3 ultimates (!!!) with Transcendence (Zen’s ult). My whole team was caught in a grav – I predicted that grav and wasn’t in it – and the enemy team threw a Hanzo ult and a Reaper ult on top of them. I ulted as Zen – and not a single one of my teammates died! That’s an ultimate! That’s what an ultimate does!

It’s game changing.
It’s powerful.
It feels great to pull off.

Valkyrie in its current state is none of the above.
It’s weak.
High risk – 90% of the time very low reward; to the point you should ask yourself if it’s not better to play a different support hero. Someone who can pull off heroic stuff that actually helps out in teamfights with the potential to save your teammates.

There are a lot of reasons why I only played Mercy twice after the devs introduced these recent nerfs. There are reasons why the Mercys I played with immediately switched to a different support hero after the first or second teamfight.

Here they are. I wrote them down for you.

The recent nerfs killed Mercy’s teamfight. Outside of teamfights she is still viable (that constant healing stream + the rez on a 30 seconds cd). But during teamfights, more often than not, you’ll wish for someone else to have your back. Actually have your back, that is.

That’s pretty much all I have to say on this matter. Thanks for taking the time to go through this with me.

Jeff, it’s your turn now. You know it. We all know it. Don’t wait 3 months for “things to calm down”. Because they won’t. How many feedback threads on the Mercy rework are there? Plenty. They won’t just shut up. I won’t. We won’t.

And again, one last thing:
As someone who suffered from bullying myself back in school and who received no support whatsoever … Help those Mercy mains out against the rising toxicity. What kind of community are we where it is okay to ridicule and insult people for playing/enjoying/loving a certain hero? Don’t let it slide. Address it directly. The same goes – of course – for other hero mains: Symmetras, Torbjörns etc… But right now the situation Mercy mains in particular find themselves in needs to be addressed and resolved. Once and for all. And only you, Jeff, can do it.


Small note at the end: The point that Mercy isn’t fun to play anymore still stands. I just didn’t elaborate it here because I wanted to focus on more pressing issues that resulted from the most recent nerfs. But yeah, a hero should be fun to play. Regardless of his/her role.

I am so tired.

I would even link all the other previous feedback threads but … hey, the beauty of the new forum. You can’t anymore. Doesn’t matter if you had close to 300 posts on the old forums - now you have to prove yourself first. To someone. I guess. It’s like everything I’ve written down didn’t matter or never happened … hell, it’s like that for everyone.
At least I tried.
Something I can’t say from you - you know who you are.

That’s it for now. Saying that I am utter disappointed would be an understatement.


There is counter play to both ultimates.

Zen is only constant healing meaning that he cannot stop one shots, an extremely high burst focus fire.

Lucio is padded shielding, which can be subsided by waiting since it decays around 80hp per second. You can also juggle the Lucio to kill him before the ult lands or make sure he does not see any teammate, both making the ultimate useless.

You can say that you can also kill mercy and that is the counter play to her, but a good mercy should know where to hide/hide>GA and then res. This argument will literally be the “click on her head” argument from the infamous misguided meta video essay. The counter play is inconsistent.

She need be revert back to 1.0 mercy.


I think Mercy is in a good spot right now, but maybe needs just a few tweaks.


Sadly Jeff said this is never going to happen in the original forums so yeah.


“Never stop fighting for what you believe in.”



She wont be reverted. Hopefully she gets minor buffs to her ult such as no cast time with her ONE rez. Best of luck to fellow mercy mains.


Just stop, please. Stop


“Never stop fighting for what you believe in” - Ana Amari


I think we should keep fighting for a revert. It bums me out that people gave up their hopes because of what Jeff said. Jeff also said we will never have deathmatch, but they obviously made that work out just fine. Just like they might change their mind and realize the rework was a failure…


i don’t like her that much anymore. she can’t do anything against burst damage.

zen is the way to go now.


Mercy should just have her old rez, but with the delay she has now.


i agree with you but…
i think she sould not wait for a 4 man or 5 man rez around a conner and steal a person hard work play of the game and i missed the old mercy i hope we see a buff for her in the future in the game :disappointed_relieved::sweat:

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… holy hell, how did I forget about the Deathmatch non sense

Also the no limits thing, the game was supposed to be no limits all the time and now we have the hero restrictions in the base game


Yes she needs a revert and they need to start from scratch with a rework.

I get that a rework was necessary but if this is what they call a “success”, I would hate to see what they actually admit a failure to be.

Probably when OWL collapses under its own weight. “It was a good experiment and a learning experience!”