[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

So where are the devs? Are they going to even acknowledge that this is an issue to so many people in this “mega thread?”


Pretty sure they made a megathread so they could ignore one thread with thousands of posts instead of 50 threads with 400 posts


I hate rez on E.

  1. Using it feels like being focused down by Mei
  2. It’s handed to you, whether or not you worked for it
  3. It’s a reminder of how rez is an empty shell of itself
  4. Personal skill is divorced from the equation. Using it succesfully relies almost entirely on how bad the enemy team is at focusing you down/how good your own team is at babysitting you.
  5. It hogs the E button, taking up valuable kit space that could have been spent on an ability to make Mercy more active and involved in the fight.

THANK YOU. does blizzard even care?

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They’re not going to do it. Jeff himself isn’t fan of the idea of reverting Mercy back. This is just so they can clump all the Mercy posts into one megathread so it’ll be easier to ignore everyone’s feedback. :angry:


I don’t have that much of a problem with Mercy’s nerfs. I actually feel like this brought her down to the level of the other supports. I do have an idea on how the overwatch team could handle her.

A lot of complaints came from her Rez and it’s understandable. I think instead of having Rez in general you should build mercy based on the thing she should be known for: THE BEST SINGLE TARGET HEAL IN THE GAME.

  • Remove Rez entirely.

This would also get rid of a lot of complaints about Rez and to justify removing Rez here is an idea for a replacement ability.

  • Burst Heal/Damage Boost

When Mercy is locked onto a target with her beam have her ‘e’ ability be a burst of energy. (Something like a orb coming out of her staff, following the beam path) Once it hits the target it will do an insane amount of single burst heal or damage boost. (The damage boost could be for like half a second or a second)

Example let’s say Rein is at 50 hp and Mercy just got to the battle. Instead of having rez which is meant to keep battles going by bringing back dead heroes have this new ability be a death prevention. She locks onto the 50 hp rein and uses her ability. After it hits say Rein goes up to 350 hp in that instant. This would help mercy a lot too with healing DPS since they enjoy moving around it’s not ideal to stand and wait to be healed all the way from 10 hp or so even if it isn’t that long of a wait but imagine this single burst heal bringing them immediately to full HP. The burst itself could do about 200-250 HP heal?

This is just me spit balling ideas but I feel like something like this could very well make mercy a FUN hero.

Currently it is really easy to counter so I don’t see this as a problem

Interesting but not plausible. I don’t want her to have any more changes, leave her alone once and for all there has been already too much for her.

She is fine as it is.

So YOU don’t consider her ‘‘fun’’ well she is pretty fun to me. And Fun =/= Balance

Honestly, with the addition of Brigitte, I see alot of Mercy’s supposed “problems” being fixed.

Brigitte could be an amazing bodyguard co-healer. The only issue I have with Mercy right now is her ultimate feeling lacklustre, everything else I see as being made better thanks to any future Brigitte mains ^.^


Sorry didn’t mean for that to sound like it’s an “OP ability” I think it’s just dull and they nerfed it so heavily that I don’t see why it should be in the game at this point when there could be better replacements.

It’s not plausible because you don’t want more changes for her is not a counter argument. It very much is plausible. The idea behind it is instead of Resurrecting dead allies you prevent them from dying in the first place.

Dull? It is a pretty unique ability that makes her so special, might as well take her iconic Caduceus Staff.

Her Caduceus Staff heals a lot and she is not supposed to Solo Heal which means she already brings a lot of heals to the table. Damage Boost is not strong as Nanoboost nor Supercharger that is the point of it. How much additional damage would you want it to add?

Nanoboost -50% damage boost

Mercy’s Damage boost - 30% damage boost

So you are asking for a mini-nano?

This ability would make her ult so much better. Imagine multi-burst heals to your entire team to keep them all live and keep team fights going on for longer. I don’t know about you but the most exciting moments when I play are long team fights.

It’s dull now after the nerfs.

A mini nano? 35-40% boost for half a second. If that’s a mini nano then yeah sure.

She is capable of solo healing. I think you’re acting very over dramatic at the sheer thought of rez being removed.

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You know, I broke down and have been giving the new Mercy a chance. I will admit that she is a little more balanced, and I really like the more consistent movement she has, but that ult is a real problem. If you are playing against a team that uses team work (a key feature of this game) you will either be killed or watch as everyone you are chain healing is killed one by one. I’m still blown away that an AOE rez ultimate can be considered too game changing, but a reaper team kill is balanced. I’m also a little confused about the rework because I thought this was supposed to eliminate the hide and heal aspect of Mercy, but I feel like that is the only thing I can now do to be effective for my team. To further emphasize this one question I have for Blizzard is: what is with the on fire counter for Mercy? It seems like the only way I can get on fire or get play of the game is with killing people with my pistol and, for Mercy at least, that is just about the worst thing you can do for your team aside from just running in and dieing. If Mercy is where Blizzard wants her to be I think the algorithm for on fire time and plays of the game should reflect that. I suppose if you dig in too deep here though they might find out that there isn’t enough about her that stands out to recognize her for…


To be honest from the get go the hide and res was an excuse, Jeff and team don’t know what they are talking about…


Oh, I agree. I just like to call people out for their smoke and mirrors. If you are going to complain that someone hid and rezed to undo your DPS ult, the person complaining is an amature DPS player. Part of this game is understanding the checks and balances. If you know the other team has a Mercy you have to make sure she either goes down with the ult or is killed before using your ult. Too many people think this game is Call of Duty and it never claimed to be. She used to be the counter to a dive comp, and now dive comps are almost unchecked.


feels much more balanced now, especially when only one team has a mercy.

It is more balanced, but less rewarding for the player. As a Mercy there is literally nothing I can do in an instant to feel like I was the one who made the difference for the team (unless I rez a DPS character who ults and wipes the other team). I think to make everyone happy here all they had to do was reduce the ult charge rate and possibly add either a channel or a line of sight requirement for the rez or why not do a similar thing to Mcrees ult where the longer she holds the ult the more health the characters will rez with. What they actually did was recreate the character to be barely more than a heal bot. I don’t actually think rez is that balanced as an E move and should remain an ult, but a shorter version of Valkarie would have been a great E ability.


RIP Mercy and Ana when Brigitte goes live?

we’ll see, I do think the new character might add a little more mobility options for Mercy which would be nice. She’s supposed to be a Defense character though, right? Does she have healing?


But still, Ana is more and more a niche hero nowadays.