[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

People underestimate the power of flight. Think about a Pharah vs a Junkrat or any projectile hero, it’s insanely hard to actually take Mercy out during Valkyrie because of her speed and regeneration. That lasts for 15 seconds, so how do you use it? To ensure that you don’t die in a teamfight, or atleast without the enemy team devoting a lot to do it.

The chaining is fine. You’re meant to use it when people are all grouped up so try coordinating with your team and inform then of your main anchor target, (Tanks work great for this, particularly Reinhardt and Orisa as both are anchor tanks!) I’ve had games before nerf where no one even died to ress because I had everyone grouping up to take advantage of the chaining, it’s really powerful when you use it right.

It’s not meant to counter or shut down an enemy ultimate, it generates really quickly and is supposed to be the first Ultimate to come out during a team fight and turn the tide since a Support becomes very difficult to kill.


Haha no worries. But yes, it’s rough to compare the two as they serve different purposes. And even discussing potential throughputs is futile as you wont ever see a trans doing 9k healing.

Valkyrie is a strong ultimate and if the team wants to buff mercy there are plenty of ways to do it outside of valk.

The issue most people have isn’t the strength, it’s how it feels to pull off. From what you said, the primary purpose of her Ultimate is to stay alive during a fight. Is that all you want from your Ult? There are heroes that have single abilities dedicated to that purpose, and can team kill on top of it. The chain healing is okay, but… it doesn’t really feel great to use, and there’s hardly any feedback to tell how well you’re doing in the first place.


What does it matter that I don’t die if everyone else does? All the enemy team has to do when I pop Valk is to pop any dps-ult and we are bound to be down by 1-2 persons and the push is over. The only dps-ult she can outheal is the angry monkey and blizzard.

Mercy isn’t a healer she is the healer. Her ult shouldn’t primarily be an initiation ult, it should be defensive. That’s what most of her players want, and I think it’s wrong of them to change such an huge part of how her ult is played. Make a new healer and let them have the long duration/low sustain and let Mercy’s Valk have a shorter duration with much higher impact, it wouldn’t make her more fun but at least people would find that aspect of her more fulfilling.


Apart from the lack of “fun” valk now brings, I completely agree with your point about feedback. If I pull off a trans I can see exactly how much healing I did with it, same with a coalescence from moira. Yet for some reason I can’t see what healing/dmg boosting my valk brought out in a teamfight.

It’s the same feeling I had back in the early seasons when you didn’t get any feedback on what your damage boosting actually did(which now shows).

It’d be an easy thing to fix to at the very least show you what your valk actually contributed to the fights.


It’s pretty good. You’re basically pocketing your entire team at once.

I think the problem is you get increased mobility with chain healing which feels counter intuitive. Why get all this extra mobility when you can just heal everyone at once?

I think they should remove the chain healing and double her healing/damage boost with the increased mobility.

This will make it so you have to fly around (increasing the skill cap) and it also feels more powerful because of the 120 hps and 60% damage boost.

It also makes it less annoying to play against since the entire team isn’t being pocketed by mercy.

I think the duration should be reduced to 10 seconds though.


In terms of balance, she is perfectly fine.
her ult is still strong and game changing, just not as flashy as it was with the insta rez.

Yea its different from before when you waited for at least one of your teammate to die, now you need to engage with that ult and use it in the right time.

If you don’t believe me go watch the pros playing with her sometime even without phara(in the recent pit championship), thing that didn’t happened even with mercy 1.0.
She is really viable, just not that god level hero as she was before.

About the fun part i wouldn’t argue, for me she was never fun to play.
But you can’t ask for change which buff her to make her more fun, because she is in the right spot right now.

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If everyone else dies they would have died without Valkyrie which means they clearly need more protection from some heroes. Valkyrie generates really quickly and should be the first ultimate to come out in a team fight.

I don’t see your point about why it should be more defensive than offensive. It does both and isn’t inherently better at doing one rather than another.


Only reason it was good was because of double rez + sustain. Now it’s just a poor man’s trans/ supercharger.


The jack of all trades but master of none. I would rather have a true impact than one that can barely be seen even by the Mercy herself. I have already suggested that one way to make Mercy feel better is to allow her to toggle between the branching beams and a single-target beam that gives her improved healing (120-200 hp/s), because currently the ult isn’t fun and she needs to be able to deal with focus fire. Even Moira without her ult can burst heal her team better than Mercy can in Valkyrie.


Honestly I don’t see why they reduced it to 15 seconds. Reducing guardian angel speed, okay it was a bit nuts. Reduced the rez because that’s what made it OP, but I did see why the time.


Mercy’s baseline kit is a jack of all trades master of none playstyle. Solid, consistent healing and good mobility.

Having the ability of being able to choose between branch and single target would be too good because you can just switch to it whenever you want to, which deflates the point that she is jack of all trades.

Fun is subjective, and she doesn’t need to be able to deal with focus fire, if you want that, then choose Ana, for the single target burst healing. Giving Mercy that ability is not only overpowered but just pushes another Support’s role aside.

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If you’re trying to use it like Zen’s Ult or Lucio’s ult, then yes, it’s bad. However if you’re going to use it to sustain the team fight and give your team a large advantage in a typical team fight for 15 seconds (more than enough time to win one) then it’s useful.

It’s not a defensive Ult, it’s a team buff.

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Because people demanded it.

Doesn’t matter if it was something that addressed the actual problem, it was a nerf for a disliked hero, so people just added it to the list.


I am a Mercy main and I seriously don’t know what her ultimate is now. I use it almost every time it’s available just to make my normal job easier and slightly faster. This ult helps in team fights but not that much. Zeny ult does it better.


However Mercy is much more difficult to take out (unless a Hitscan uses their ult in turn) and she can switch back and forth between healing and damage.

Mercy was being picked in over 90% of matches at the Pro level. A character that is, like it or not, low skill.

If that doesn’t scream SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE to you, then you are out of touch.

Now, I do think her ult should allow her the Instarez, but only the 1 use.

The duration wasn’t what was wrong.

Resurrection was, and it was addressed.

Well, good luck finding healers then. She does not feel good to play, and that will result in people either switching from support entirely or leaving the game altogether (I’ve basically done that). I can live without rez as an ult, but I can not continue playing her with an ult I don’t have fun with or feel has an impact at all.


Funny you should say that. Because I for one, as a Flex player am now MORE willing to play support because I don’t get forced into playing Mercy each and every time. All supports are now very viable (not necessarily optimal).