[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Why is it that a DPS or Tank can have the ability to wipe the entire enemy team with a Dva bomb, pulse bomb, deathblossom etc. while Mercy can’t resurrect her team and win a team fight? It’s practically the same thing as pressing Q to kill the enemy team. I know that the enemy team invested ultimates to wipe the Mercy’s allies, but other dps heroes can also pull off clutch ults like a 6 man deathblossom on Overtime on the second point of Temple of Anubis.

Characters like Dva and Sombra can completely shut down enemy ultimates, Zenyatta and lucio’s ults can provide huge utility for their team to survive through multiple ultimates etc.

I know that “it isn’t fair for a team to kill the whole enemy team for a Mercy behind a wall to just click Q to negate all the hard work”, but why didn’t the Overwatch team just try out a cast time to the resurrect with los in the first place.
There were just so many other ways the Dev team could have fixed Mercy, but now she is like this: Plain bland.
I just hope that they can fix her again.


You know there is a part of me that wants to post something insanely against the code of conduct just to test if anyone actually reads this thread. It’d be funny as all heck.

ON a more serious note, if we MUST try to fix valk Mercy then we need to nerf the duration and remove the bonus self healing. This alone would make it more enjoyable for me beause I hate popping valk due to how clunky it feels and how much harder it makes Mercy to kill (a hero who’s mobility is their only defence should not be that hard to kill in my opinion, especially for entire fights at a time)

And then we relocate the free’d up power budget. If the ult only lasted 8 seconds then it would actually be balanced if we merged the beams and buffed them slightly (120 HPS on everyone and 30% damage boost)
This would add the power back to the ult without being OP

Mercy’s Old Rez was one of the best things ever seen by Overwatch and then it was sadly removed so I just want to know does Jeff have any plans to ever Bring back her old Ultimate because no one clearly think mercy is a good hero now and if you did make her Huge rez her Normal ult the could just have a smaller Range on it and only be able Rez around 4 people. We want answers Jeff Cause you said we’d Love the new Mercy. Her new ult now pretty much just makes her Fly because of all the nerfs shes recently had.


I don’t remember Mercy 1.0 being a must pick in every situation and that certainly wasn’t why she was changed. She was barely played at higher levels and her Rez was usually used to pick up 2 or 3 people at a time.


Seriously when will this die? They didn’t like the playstyle, they didn’t like how it felt for either person. So it was changed. They noted it’s not coming back, period. Her ultimate making her fly is extremely powerful. Think how hard it is to hit Pharah as Junkrat, yeah, that on a Support for 15 seconds (usual teamfight duration) is incredibly powerful because it increases her survivability tenfold and not being able to focus down and take out Supports is something really difficult to push into.


Jeff stated in a post a couple weeks back on the old forums that the old Mercy rez is not coming back, sorry to disappoint you. If you do a little digging you can probably find it, I’m just too lazy to link it :slight_smile:


Really? I thought I heard the reason being something like that.

And I remember many people in the past complaining about how often they see Mercy and how OP rez was.

Well whatever, sorry for assuming

The old rez was indeed very cool and unique. A shame that they removed it because the SR system is shi*.


That’s the recent Valkyrie Mercy before the nerfs. Anyone saying Huge Rez Mercy 1.0 was broken and a must pick is completely wrong. She was barely played in higher ranks, but had an above average pick rate in lower tiers because of her consistent healing (can’t miss) and popularity as a character.


She was never a must pick. She was F-tier like now, but she had ONLY the 5 rez to be usefull for her team unlike others heroes that can attack etc.


No worries. Mercy has been chopped up and reworked a lot during this character crisis. It’s hard to keep track of all the changes they’ve done to her but it is important that we do so to prevent the original Mercy and “Heroes Never Die!” from being forgotten.


can you please just MOVE ON. I was fighting for the revert now but honestly this nerf is fine and we’ve been fighting for it since forever ago.


Oh yeah the original rez where you were locked into place with no invulnerability was the best form of it. Was usually a trade of Mercy for a few other heroes.

The addition of invulnerability during resurrect is what really kicked things off down this path. I do not want that back in the least.

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Plenty of people, myself included, think Mercy is a good hero. Many just think she’s “boring” and her ult is “unimpactful.”

And Jeff has already answered, they have no plans reverting/bringing back the old mass rez.

Sorry, but the only ones who think she’s F-tier are the ones who don’t understand her role. She wasn’t meant to be a rez-bot; having 1-2 instant rezzes while in Valk was damn OP and made her a 100% pick-rate. She has great mobility and the most consistent high heals. Moira and even Ana have the potential to surpass her, sure, but Mercy’s healing isn’t held back by a resource meter or reloading+aiming.

Can’t move on until they fix the mess they made. :frowning:


Its not a mess though. shes the most balanced shes been since the rework. shes not a must pick anymore and shes not useless.


I’ll agree that current Mercy is the most balanced she’s been since the rework crisis but her kit isn’t nearly as good as Mercy 1.0. They’ve got a lot of work to do before that can meet that level of fun and potential impact.


Resurrect does not belong in OW in any form.

I hope they remove it entirely.


I hope they bring it back in some form. It was the most satisfaction I’ve had in this game.


And it’s the most frustration everyone else had.