Fear for Tanks is Real.. (Super POV)

Horrible routing, but he was forced to take it due to Support positioning.

Blizzard stated This is intended for both Supports to pocket the Tank.

  1. Faster charging Defense Matrix
  2. Faster movement speed on Rocket Boosters
  3. More Primary Fire damage (?)
  4. More Defense Matrix range (?)
  5. More Defense Matrix uptime

Granted, these are only what I could notice from Super’s PoV for one match. There are three total maps played, where I presume we can see different Tanks.
This does not seem to be a “fear for tanks” thread, but a “fear for d.va” thread as per usual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OboMPGbfdP8

I’m just going to assume you didn’t see this, instead of assuming you didn’t care enough to consider it. The reason the professional players are playing these matches, is to figure out necessary buffs/nerfs for the heroes.

Also it is worth noting Super was going up against one of the most hard-hitting DPS in the game, Sombra, and Tracer, AND Zenyatta.

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