Farewell and Goodbye to tank duos

It is sad we are losing what made OW so unique at all. I know in most cases random teammates were never going to execute this stuff but it’s crazy to think that 5v5 suddenly improves game quality with 1 less tank for 90% of the player base when most of us here already don’t know how to play this game anyways.

Oh well, maybe one day they’ll realize all the mistakes and actually fix this game while bringing 6v6 back.

I would say “may the soil lie light upon it” but truth is tank duos are putrifying below a metric ton of leachate originated from the garbage landfil above.

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Rein isn’t a part of “double shield”. I see you preach about fundamentals and don’t know them. Some basic fundamentals too; with double shield (which is orisa sig) sigma actually fans out and controls other angles/lanes. Usually not too close to orisa.

He doesn’t understand what double shield is bro mentioned Reinhardt lmao

Don’t get me wrong I did enjoy some tank synergies but I got so tired of the lot of them after years. Orisa Sigma, Reinhardt Zarya, Ball Hog, just so tiring after a while.

However the concept of having two tanks defend the team is really nice and I’ll miss it.

As someone who likes playing sigma good riddance. Sucks to play zarya/hog with sigma. Sucks to get flamed for playing double shield when I get the one weirdo that plays orisa. There’s like no good winston/balls in plat either. There’s no winning.

Technically there was a Rein Orisa meta before Mei got 4-5 nerfs in rapid succession.

Since she could shut down Sigma really hard.

But then they just switched to Brig, instead of Mei.

Rip bozo subtanks who function as bloated dps.
I won’t miss any of them.


How can you play a dive tank and hold the front line to protect your supports?

Oh yea, they just DIE! HAHA

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Play OW2 like TDM and you’ll be hardstuck Silver

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TDM is how OWL players play. They don’t even play the payload most of the time, they play the team, not the objective.

What are you talking about.

Yeah, that’s how it plays in OW1 too. You gonna say OW1 is TDM as well?

The objective hasn’t been the main focus of OWL teamfights since Season 1. Well, maybe Season 2 because of GOATs, but the playoffs had 2-2-2.

OW1 is not TDM. It typically has a front, mid and backline. So two teams who come up against each other with tactics. OW2 is like both teams who have suddenly lost their main tank and everybody goes a bit crazy. But it’s constantly like that.

So basically I am saying it has no fighting structure, much less MOBA, much more TDM.

Yes, OW2 has this too.

Again, you approach the game like this, you will not have a chance of getting into any high rank. Fights still have a lot of structure, it just isn’t as apparent as it was before.

Except on Push sometimes. I personally like that, but I can see why some people wouldn’t.

Tank duos. AHH the thing i will miss the most because no matter how much one tank is strong, you would always have a feeling of missing something.

And here is some special treatment for double shield, and goats, drink this :fire: and go to hell! :partying_face:

Not typically, but you can certainly run him with double shields. I’ve done it, rarely, so don’t mistake an alternative way to use double shields for ignorance.

You see pros do one thing and assume that’s the only way its done. Stop that.

Pros do if it certain way because that’s the ideal way to do it. “Double shield” has always referred to as a composition sigma orisa bap. Simple as that.

Not even just pros. Get above masters. If you do rein orisa you’re throwing lmao.

This is the mindset that has held down Overwatch players from the start. Also, I just realized you’re saying all of this because you didn’t have a counter to me saying “its basic synergy”.

You didn’t know how two people using their shields to protect each other was basic synergy, and now you’re trying to act like you’re the expert on double shields. I’m more inclined to believe Rein Orisa COULD work just because you’re saying it couldn’t.

Oh, and stop putting so much faith into the pros. Its a bad look.

I love how you make this insane claim and don’t elaborate on it.

They don’t have synergy. Rein is a brawler, orisa doesn’t want to brawl. Literally opposite synergy.

That isn’t how you ideally play rein. That’s why you use sig. He can poke, and has more peel potential than rein. Simple.

Id be inclined to believe it, if you were even within 1000sr of my range on any role. But you aren’t. I wonder why.

They are better players than me. I’ve seen it time and time again. And they are incomprehensibly better than you could ever strive to be. So sit down.