Fan the Hammer buff - feedback from a McCree main

Fan The Hammer is scary now. I’m not a great McCree but it is much easier to secure kills with McCree’s right click than it was before. I think they are going to roll this one back.

Personally I think if they just gave him an added charge to his roll like they did with junkrat’s concussion mine, he’d be in the perfect place.

Just a quick note, Deathmatch became again a land of FlashFan users. It’s useless to play anything other than McCree because you have 7 people with a stun and instadeath searching for you.

Before the buff, many heroes could survive a flash+fan, by using a defensive ability the second you go out of stun (wraith form, deflect, etc), or survive because McCree only had 4 bullets left to fan. Right now, if you flash, you get a guaranteed kill, unless someone else McCeption and stun you.

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Then buff his left click to 75 dmg, and maybe change some other numbers around like firerate on fth or on right click.

With an ana and zen (the most common supports played in matchmaking), a nano boosted McCree firing on a discorded target can do 594 dmg with FTH. Did I mention he can roll and do it again instantly? 594 * 2 = 1188. Almost forgot he can reload with an ult cancel which makes FTH * 3 = 1782 dmg. New meta will be shield break and insta kill enemy tanks with FTH.

Which is why I thought the FTH buff would help him out? It’s only effective at close range, no one was using it pre-buff (because aiming was better), and it deals enough damage to make people back off of you, no?

I don’t main McCree, but I haven’t had an issue with him like this. Playing as him, or against him. I just notice people actually use the skill again.

Against a coordinated dive, mccree is a throw pick. This buff didn’t change that.

Are you on EU or NA?
I’m on EU.

Hellooooo, still waiting on ya. Or are ya’ chickening out?

I haven’t been online in about five days, but I didn’t have an invite the last time I was on. I’ll check tomorrow.

Guess this isn’t happening then. Wild guess is that you play on NA servers.

I’ve been too busy to be on. If you are in EU, then why are you posting on the US forums?

Ever been to the EU forums? It’s quite dead and the moderators are triggerhappy fools, banning people from something as little as an opinion, regarding some hero in the game.

PS. Surely you could spare 4 minutes from posting on the forums daily, to completing the challenge you yourself wanted.

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I haven’t been playing the game at all because a family member got into a major car crash and I haven’t had access to my computer. I can post on the forums from my phone.

I’ve won FFA DM games by spamming Moira orbs, kill stealing on Genji with dash, and just by picking Roadhog.

I don’t think ffa dm should be much of a factor when it comes to hero balance.

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Lots of fan posts on the forums. It would be nice to have a response from blizzard.

And thus Reaper became even less viable. Hurrah.

The ptr suggests otherwise

OW balance at its finest - a hitscan character has better potential at close range than at mid range, in the end isn’t that the whole reason OW has hitscan characters.

Agreed - I am not sure why people suddenly think he’s unskilled when using part of his kit that was always there. Right-click McCree play is useful for tanks and shields, etc, and its purpose is exactly for allowing people without exact aiming to still get value out of him, or close in firing primary and finish him off before dying. I really am amazed at the whining here about it. Nothing has substantially changed except a better chance at finishing off a tank or breaking a shield close in. It’s worth noting that it allows fledgling McCree players to ease into play with him while they slowly improve their left-click aiming, and not be a total liability to their team. Don’t you wish Widow had something like this? I won’t even touch on the parallels here to Storm Arrow and Spamzo… if it turns out to truly be unbalanced, then it deserves some kind of nerf, but given the rise in healing and power levels, it seems overdue frankly.

I agree with OP
A Flash, FtH, roll, FtH does 685 damage. Too much for a simple combo and skill less
The damage was fine, now its too much, mccree was a fine hero, now he is nooby and very much a pick that is considered by me as “you dont know how to play dps if you fan the hammer”