Tbh, I actually read the EULA. They have 30 days from the initial ticket date to fix this. I bought this game. I am playing it on disk still (it updates to 2). I have also spent a lot in game including the battlepass that just came out. They dont fix it, I am contacting BBB, my attorney, and their legal team. Ill sue them. You cant just sell someone a license and then revoke it without cause. That is illegal, and their EULA has no protections that say otherwise.
It is hard to sue someone who owes you on paper.
BBB is NOT a regulatory agency. The U.S. Federal Trade commission is. Just file a complaint and move on.
You are full and well welcome to file a lawsuit against a company and may do so as you wish. Being familiar with lawsuits you are going to have to hire an attorney and that means an entire LAWFIRM. Typically big dollars and lots of research are involved. Are you willing to pay those attorney fees?
Think 6 figures easy. Each one of those attorneys is going to want money in their pocket. Since this is a big company you are intending to do so. its about 400 DOLLARS per hour, and 100 percent you are going to get multiple HOURS of just spending money on their secretary to draw up the paperwork, and thats before you even get the complaint filed into court. You still have to build the case, and most of the time you need to find OTHER people willing to join in as well.
and dont say “pro bono” because nobody in California does pro bono work. and dont think civil rights attorneys. Unless some law enforcement agency used violence, they wont even touch the case.
Again, talk to a lawfirm. most will say “no” or if they say “yes” expect 750,000 dollars MINIMUM if you run at it yourself.
its also why legal fees being so expensive causes people just to beat one another up in the streets. and prior to lawsuits. people use to 'Duel" one another over disputes, (think, its high noon)…so the lawsuit system comes in place, and then soon after the system becomes wealth corruption oriented and that aspect goes away…
We have a lot of Pro Bono here in Indiana. You can file the lawsuit anywhere where the defendant lives or any districts where the events that led to the lawsuit occured, which happens to have been my bedroom.
If you can find an attorney that will do it pro bono. more power to you. I say do what you gotta do.
finding an attorney who understands digital rights and licenses would probably be the hardest part
Sorry, but the only thing you will get back from them is an automated response, a closing of the ticket and you being blacklisted from future support, which means any further tickets are either ignored or instantly closed.
They will never, ever give you proof.
That’s why I approached you with a bet lol.
I was pretty sure I knew I wasn’t griefing in Minecraft in 2011, unfortunately for me the server logs the mods were looking at disagreed.
Well like I said support is literally your only option.
If you get unbanned let us know. I’ll just assume a lack of a followup means it was justified though.
The game had 35mil unique logins, most likely more compounded since last year. If not one in 35mil unsatisfied players haven’t launched a lawsuit along the same lines that you’re facing, what makes your case different?
Sidebar, kinda cool seeing another Hoosier here, so cheers on that.
You can file a lawsuit anywhere, but it’ll likely be thrown out because you agreed to a binding arbitration clause when you fired up the game and started playing. You’ll likely need to file arbitration (which you’d want a lawyer for anyway).
Account boosting means cheating too.
good thing i was solo q
Actually they are very capable of doing that but I can tell you right now that they are not going to.
If they tell people how they caught them cheating and which instance of cheating it was that was discovered then the cheaters have info they can use to create better, harder to detect cheats. It’s in Blizzard’s best interest to not tell you how they came to their conclusion.
Maybe you cheated, maybe you didn’t but to be quite honest you probably did. I’ve seen somebody banned for something they didn’t do before, once. I’ve seen a hell of a lot more of people claiming innocence and then being slammed with proof. People lie, I think you are.
I wasnt asking you if I cheated or not. I am well aware of what I did/didnt do. Pish posh, your opinion goes in the trash. stay i explicitly said dont comment if your going to call me a liar.
When you come onto a public forum to state something, you can’t say “If your opinion is that I am wrong don’t comment” and expect people not to comment. That’s ridiculously out of touch behaviour.
It just so happens that people that cheat are also the same kind of people that lie. Weird how that works really.
And I never said you’re not aware of what you did or did not do, just that I think you lied about it. You knew you were lying.
It just so happens that the people who cheat just go and make new accounts rather than spending so much time talking about the problem and trying to make overwatch aware of the issue.
its a free game dude. Cheaters can just go make new accounts. anything else would be a waste of their time. thats why all the cheat accounts you see on hacker replays have only default skins. Very few have progressed accounts.
Yeah, but the thing is that people who lose their account also miss their shiny things and want them back. But they cheated, so they can’t have them.
So they come and lie about it to try and get it back, but nobody believes them because cheaters lie and liars cheat.
bro u didnt even read that. the cheaters dont have shiny things my guy. VERY RARELY do they have anything but vanilla skins and base game characters. Watch a hacker replay channel on youtube or something. these guys are practically all the same with the only difference being the effectiveness of their cheats and the strength of the aimbots.
That’s probably why most of them aren’t on here making posts about how they didn’t cheat, isn’t it?
You are though, so I’m guessing you had stuff to lose. So why did you do it?
get banned? trying to figure that out, just like you. my best guess so far is that I was using my platinum title from console in a silver lobby on pc. I just moved platforms between seasons. My guess is they mightve reported me for deranking. still, thats incredibly stupid and there needs to be a control in place for that. jumping into a new lobby after a taking time off or switching platforms should not result in a ban. period. being good at the game and being in the wrong rank is not a banable offense. As if i want to be stuck in silver… jesus my teammates down here are awful.
from what ive been told by other people though, this is entirely possible. apparently they send out the same email about hacking to people who are smurfs or deranked because they refuse to update the system.
You mean including the people who got banned for hacking simply because they played unpopular characters?