Fair vs Unfair 1shots

Earthshatter will only OHK if the hammer itself hits them, so I fail to see the issue as you shouldn’t be that close to Rein if you can help it in the first place, and if you survive, you’re not going to live much longer.

Hanzo’s arrows are I think the second smallest projectile in the game, and as a projectile, means it’s not only a matter of luck, but requires more aim than Widow by default. Most of your missed shots are going to be miscalculations or the enemy changing how they move just before you shoot/ hit them. If he was easier to aim with than Widow as you’ve implied, I’d be hitting over 60% of my shots (I hit probably 40-50 on Widow, 20-30 on Hanzo). I could make it to GM or beyond with that kind of accuracy. If they reduce the size, they’re increasing projectile and/ or draw speed by just as much. You want insane projectile sizes? Look at Orisa’s Javelin, it can’t OHK, but its hit box is person sized if they were sideways.

Hog’s OHK I can almost never get an actual OHK as I usually have to melee them to finish them, so I’m using him wrong, or it cannot OHK. Besides, nothing’s stopping Hog from using the alt fire, hooking, regular shot, THEN melee. That combo will kill most, if not everyone.

And Sojourn’s OHK is simple:

  • Remove charge build up on barriers.
  • Reduce or remove the slow on her 2nd ability.
  • Reduce build up on head shots.
  • Reduce or remove charge decay to compensate.

Fewer charge sources, fewer shots, requires more aim, problem solved.

So much I can agree and so much stuff that is also wrong in 1 thread… remarkably.

Most ults with 1-shot potential are fair, only exception is Sojourn, but she is busted and needs her 1-shot removed anyways, so we can move on.

Rein is the epitome of fair, shatter got nerfed so many times and its duration again for OW2 that it is almost meaningless, the only compensation was the buff to the slam itself being deadly. If you think its fair to die to a Reaper 1-shot the same should apply to Rein, who only can dish out damage in close range mind you.

Hog needs his 1-shot combo to be a threat, to create space. I can agree on that the hook range is potentially to long and some heroes with massiv hitboxes suffer a lot from this (Zenyatta is a great example), but otherwuse it’s pretty fair.

Now to the whole sniper discussion. Yes, Widow is fair for having a 1-shot, what isn’t that she ain’t fragile anymore. She does not need 200hp, she needs to be dive-able and other Damage heroes need the chance to burst her down. Also her potential against the solo tank is a head-scratcher for me, I mean Widow ain’t a bad pick vs. Roadhog or JQ at all.
Hanzo was always a problematic one, but without his potential to 1-shot, there is literally no point in playing him, his projectiles are fair, what isn’t are a lot of the hero hitboxes, for a number of different heroes, namely Zen, Symmetra, Tracer and almost every tank.

In conclusion: Rework hitboxes and make them more faithful to the ingame model, tune down Widowmakers critical dmg-multiplier to normal and reduce her hp, sledgehammer nerf Sojourn multiple times asap.

Idk why people feel the need to say this constantly. It kills you without time to react once he hooks you. It’s basically a once shot. Idgaf if it’s not the literal definition, it’s arguing semantics.
Once you are hooked you are dead.

People don’t even argue that it isn’t fair, just “But it isn’t a oneshot it’s a COMBO :clown_face:


The big difference is that you may not be able to do something during the combo but your teammates can.

Rein pin is a combo and your teammates can interrupt it during its duration to save you.

You cannot be saved from a true one shot outside of preventing it from hitting at all.

Ahahahahaha, the Ole “my opinion is the only one that matters because I’m the main character even if I have terrible takes”.


You missed Bastion’s

Its not “technically”. The insane amount of things you can do to Hog when you see him hooking someone literally makes that combo a miracle to pull off beyond Plat.

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like reaper your fault you got as close. hog hook is fair, all tanks have 1 shot combos, why can’t hog have one?

I don’t see Zen’s RMB on this list? If Hog’s combo counts as a 1-shot I feel like Zen’s should.

I’ve seen you a lot complaining about everything just saying it’s not fair. Genji, Zar, hog, you’re clearly and verbally very low elo. Not a flame, but something I can genuinely see.
actual :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Edit: If you see him on the forums, take him with a grain of salt

if you’re in range Imma be honest it’s kinda on you. is it annoying? For sure, but would you prefer flash+right click? they gotta make him relevant somehow.

The distinction is meaningful because it’s only a one-shot in a 1v1 context where you have no support (and really, you shouldn’t be putting yourself into 1v1 situations versus a tank). Thing is, once you establish that, there are lots of “one-shot combo” matchups. Wrecking ball slams you as Zen? Congratulations on not having air control and enjoy getting bursted down before you touch the ground. Hope ball was already almost dead because you aren’t killing him first. Slept by Ana? Shot/grenade/melee and you’re dead without any reaction. Were you hit by a McCree body-shot and aren’t playing someone with an invulnerability-style evade? See you on the respawn.

I’m not going to pretend like they aren’t one-shots (like the poster you replied to) because that’s disingenuous too, but there’s value in separating them because there’s a world of difference between being hooked by Roadhog and dying a second later, versus turning a corner and suddenly a hanzo arrow sends you directly to the spawn room.

I’d condsider one shot something that can be out dps a pocket heal, and hog can one shot with his shotgun which hog can pull you into so I’d consider it, and hog definitely shouldn’t have hit give him something else if a tank’s one shtick is annoying CC one shot then remove and give him something less frustrating and more fun,

I’d say Widow isn’t a fair one shot since this what i consider a fair one shot

  1. It’s reactable meaning that you can see it coming and do something about it like Dva’s ult or Doom’s.

  2. Something had to go really wrong or really right for it to happen like Rein pin where you had to right in between the slow big guy with a hammer and a wall in order to get one shot.
    or litterally shoving your face into Reaper’s barrel.

  3. it needs to be very rare or a big moment like Ults

Widow’s one shot doesn’t fall into any of these categories for me.

you could make a case for number 2 saying that she punished you for making the mistake of being “out of position”, but all that really means is making the grave mistake of her seeing you, and for a sniper in a game with open areas and less shields then ever, yeah that’ll happen all the time, and if it was true that she punishes bad positioning, then why does she do much better in the higher ranks, that’s where everyone has much better postioning so a character who’s suppose to punish that wouldn’t be doing so well and would be bad like OW1 Reaper

Fair: D.va, Riptire, Hog, etc.
Unfair: Sojourn, Widow & Hanzo (for me personally bc I can’t see squat)
???: Torb

To me, a fair one shot comes from the fact you can react to it/see it coming. Yes, I know sniping characters are made to kill stuff in one shot…it’s just frustrating for me personally because I don’t see the sniper at all.

And I’ve never seen a Torbjorn one shot.

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And you’re an insulting troll.
Doesn’t matter what elo someone is in, it’s unfun to play against and shouldn’t be in the game.

I don’t play comp either, just QP and Arcade, which has a very wide range of player skill.

It’s not like I’m the only person complaining about these things either so I don’t see your need to single me out and target and insult me. You also can’t say “Not a flame” and then continue to insult me.

Also Zarya was OP. It was agreed upon by nearly everyone.


Fair one-shots: ults
Unfair one-shots: anything that isn’t caused by an ult.

nahahahahah you’re the troll. You can’t give opinion when you’ve never done comp lmao. Arcade and QP do not give input because you have no idea what it’s like playing with people of the same rank. forget you bro.

Spammable one-shots, no bueno.

Widow, hanzo, sojourn.

Get that mess out of my game.

Personally all 1-shots that offer no reactive way to avoid them are unfair. This means every single sniper shot. I am completely fine being hooked and killed by a Hog for instance. However I am not at all fine with getting shot by a Widow I had no chance to know was even there, from a distance I have no way of retaliating from.

There are some fearfully good Ashe players in plat, who can 2-shot you from a very long distance who are also annoying. But that’s fair. It requires a far higher degree of skill to land 2 good shots, and even if it’s small, you have a window to react. You can for example make that small jump from cover to cover with full health and expect to survive.

I am also sick and tired of a single good Widow requiring the entire team to switch around it because it can wipe out everything except for the tank on its own. These widows also tend to be ridiculously strong even at close range. And needless to say, Sojourn needs to be fixed.

well that’s blatantly wrong, echo, genjis shuriken and hanzos arrow are the smallest projectiles in the game (together with orisa, dvas rockets, torbs primary and baps grenade)

and it arcs and is a projectile, you can literally sidestep it if you’re more than 30 meters away