Failed to earn Contenders Symmetra or Mercy skins? IMPORTANT UPDATE ANNOUNCED!

Who will be responsible for players’ claims? who will answer? maybe you will make a counter right on the site to know who has watched how many hours, as it used to be on twitch, I haven’t received a single skin yet

Just checking to see if there are updates.
Guess not.

It’s been 2 weeks I’m sorry but I don’t think there’s any hope of getting them


Except I didn’t get the sym one either :frowning:

Blizz should at least offer a new opportunity to earn the skin again for those affected by this bug.

If it’s gone forever / no chance of earning it again, that’s just poor customer service.


Still didnt get it, also not new months Torb skin of Nov.

"My name is Game Master […]. I hope that this message finds you well. I’ve read the previous tickets and reviewed the case. I understand that you’re looking for clarity regarding the rewards that were not granted to your account.

All of this is verified and handled by Overwatch League, Youtube, and the Contenders team. This is not something we in Customer Support directly provide support for. As all that verification is done by external sites, we’ve been asked to not get involved as CS, so it’s not that we aren’t wanting to provide details, it’s just that it’s not entirely up to us. There isn’t an additional team or anyone you can contact about this.

I’d also like to share our policy on interacting with GMs. Please read over the [link] page where Customer Support Interaction Policies are covered. We’ve provided all the information we’re able to provide so continuing to discuss will not go anyways. We are considering this matter to be closed. Please do not reopen about this issue."

Still want an answer about this. It seems like a lack of interest here by support.

that’s an amazing response

we know there’s a problem, we’ve been told not to help you and no-one else will either

now sod off

complete contempt for the customer

Still haven’t picked up Lucio’s yet though I’m certain I’m over 15 hours.

“We don’t care but thanks for pumping up our view numbers” -Blizzard


Yes but not really tho. We have earned it already. I refuse to watch 15 hours again for a skin that I watched more than enough hours for already.

Here’s a possible solutions:

1- Make sure you have disabled Ad-block
2 - Make sure you are connecting a Youtube account to your Blizzard account
3 - Make sure you don’t mute the streams and at least put the volume to 25 in your computer
4 - Don’t leave the site just leave it open
5 - Clear your cookies
6 - Use FireFox instead of Chrome sometimes Chrome is bugged
7 - Make sure you see a green dot under the stream
8 - It takes 48 hours for the skins to show up in your hero gallery
9 - The skins don’t show a notification that you’ve unlocked them when you’re logging into the game

I’ve been trying to contact someone other than CS or a GM, since the replies have all been the same, but the only responses that I’ve been getting are from CS/GM’s and nothing from Contenders. WyomingMyst seems to be the only one actually providing info, at least, which is helpful.

Hey guys hope everyone is doing well don’t mind me just making sure this post gets bumped

Has anyone gotten the new consoles if so how’s overwatch on them? I was hoping a family member near me got it just so I can see them in person but no luck

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We know all this. We are talking about a skin that should have dropped in October and didn’t for many people. Many of us tried those things already. But there is a problem with the Mercy Skin drop. And it would be nice if blizzard would take 30 seconds out of their day to let us know if they are gonna do something about it or not. Instead of leaving us hanging.


I swear I’ve watched more than 15 hours too and still got nothing

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Greetings, everyone.

I wanted to let you all know that I have not forgotten about all of you. The information that has been posted by a lot of you has been invaluable. I don’t want to reveal too many details on what I have researched on, because I don’t have the means to confirm anything on my own, but be assured that your participation in this thread has been critical to my research.

As always if I get news from Blizzard about this, I will share here. I just wish I could do more.


Really hoping on some stuff about getting missed skins or not received skins. Thanks for doing the effort!

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Much appreciated. Thanks for all the help so far.

Thanks, WyomingMyst. My last conversation on my ticket with Blizzard’s gone unresolved for over two days, so right now Blizzard’s hasn’t seemed to do anything right now to look into the issue, still wish that they could.