Failed to connect to server

from papa jeff

There is still no message or a warning that they are having issues with ranked. People still joining and loosing SR getting bans.
Atleast disable ranked so people dont get unfairly banned and lose SR.


it is our fault not theirs this is why there is no disable on rank

yep but its fine on other regions i think cuz asia was fine 4 hours ago right now or mainly Eu is rekt

yep our fault i know bruv

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but they are working on it so lets see

This happened to me aswell :frowning:

riptire ready to roll

welcome to the club of banned people because of bad pcs and internet connectiions

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I lost 50 sr and I’m diamond again I’d like to regain those points in order to end a season in master.

patience brotha so many in line already

Hiya I lost aprox 100 rank points because of the issues which has occured servers and got banned 2 times. I’m hoping OV support will read this posts and get it sorted for everyone who lost because of it Yesterday

Edit: Now aprox 150 and got suspended 3rd time(2 hours), wtf is going on

i try to find game on competive it found game but i can’t get in the server then i got ban and loss -50sr

you will get nothing in return

you can rant in the link below just put h in the beginning""""":

the problem is active for like 10+ hours and in the 8 first hours it was our problem since all the gamers have bad pcs and internet connections!!!

On this point I want to get it fixed 'cause it turns out I can’t play at all( I tried diffrent queues as well now)

the whole game is broken!

a reminder in the link i sent you can only post 3 times(freedom of speech and all!!!)

Its been 5 hrs and the problem is still on!!!