Face the facts.. OW is dead

this game has been gutted from what it once was to this fortnite wannabe system that it is now…they dont give a damn about you all! they sold us all out for $$.
quite literally everything that made this game fun is now gone


Interesting how many people equate them not enjoying or liking the game anymore to it being dead.

Fun it’s subjective. No one can make you enjoy it.

“Dead” is a factual event. It’s making money and plenty play it.


It is garbage atm and the real issues arent being worked on at all.
Its just become a money grab for the greedy.


Devs don’t know how to fix anything but they know how to buff Orisa so they just keep doing that instead


Tbf, the ult change to Orissa was needed. It’s now sometimes useable.

But, the answer was simple for them, nerf supports. Instead we got a dps passive and a ridiculous amount of power creep.

Soon, it’ll be more cc to keep people in check.

This game is anything but dying.
I started playing in mid-season 5 and became addicted. Now with the OWCS and Saudi government supporting the eSport sector the game is growing more and more in popularity.
Also Dubai is planning to support eSport and OW is one of the most popular games.

Maybe it’s ur personal opinion, but the facts are different.

Valuing a game on how much money it makes is exactly where Overwatch went wrong. It’s why the only fun games left these days are indies.

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I don’t. I value it on how much fun I have playing.

If fun - play more
If not fun - don’t play.

But a game “dying” is a factual event with measurable metrics. Total players, money made.

If a game has good number of players and is making good money. It isn’t dying. A sign of this is they beat their projected revenues by 130%. So based on their expectations it’s doing pretty well.

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Exteel is dead, Overwatch is very much so still alive.

A game being dead means that the servers have been shut down. A good example of a dying game would be Lost Ark or New World, but certainly not Overwatch.

If you’re not enjoying the game, there are plenty of other games out there. However, Overwatch is still rather lucrative and is still very much so alive.

Edit: When referring to Overwatch I mean Overwatch 2. Anything beyond that is semantics.


Ow is dead. Ow2 is live-service


Blizz is a shell of it self and the OW Devs are some of the worst in the industry.

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the point of being in business.


I’m having a lot of fun with it. Game is still promising.

She was terrible. I just Discord and she melts. She probably still does melt. I haven’t seen her in awhile.

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The game has been dead since Role Queue. After that flop (they’ll never admit it was the wrong way to handle GOATS), the plug has been all but pulled from a development perspective. Regular balances and adjustments will be made to keep up with the appearance of a living project, but it’s just spinning the wheels to farm the players for MTX.


Nearly 5 years since role queue was added. Not sure it has had the impact you think.

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Longer queues, more imbalanced matches, player exodus.

To combat queue times, developers have made tanks and supports more “DPS friendly” by committing more lethality to their kits and make the roles more appealing to the average player. If you recall, one of the biggest gripes with Open Queue (Although they used GOATS as their scapegoat, claiming it was a balancing issue) was that most people just wanted to play DPS. Ultimately this led to the removal of an entire team slot which did drastically reduce queue times across the board with the launch of OW2.

After the initial newness of OW2 wore off, the exodus continued, leaving us with queue times no dissimilar to what we experienced in 6v6 lobbies. Here we are, circling the drain of a dwindling playerbase and no solutions to the glaring issues that have exists for, as you pointed out, over 5 years.

Despite that, Overwatch does maintain a farmable playerbase because of how well polished and “rewarding” it can feel to play. And more and more of those players stop playing every day.

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The server data doesn’t back this up. It shows numbers increased after launch, then flatlined and have been roughly the same for a year.

Unless you have data that suggests otherwise.

Back to sleep for me.

Just couldn’t help yourself, huh? I get it. I’m hard to stay away from.

Feel free to share the server data. The available data is spotty because blizzard hasn’t been transparent with it. However, they did reveal in May 2018 that the player base at that time was over 40 million.

The player base is still sizeable at over 23 million, down from over 25 million in March of 2023. However, as I suggested, players continue to leave.

You still don’t need to tell people when you’re leaving. I promise, it’s not going to impact anybody.

There’s absolutely nowhere near 23 million players. Even in open queue without the role restrictions I see the same people day in day out, often seeing some of the very same players in the next match, or a couple of matches later.

If there were millions of players that just wouldn’t happen. Not when queue times are also long and rank range wide. That says to me the game has spent 2-3 minutes looking for players nearer in rank, given up and put some of the same players together again. You would expect that with an active pool of hundreds, if even that?

It’s accounts, not players. Based on their old mau calls, somewhere between 8 & 9 million unique players is the estimate they’ll work off.