[Extra HOT TAKE] A very small mercy nerf (Please don't crucify me)

Just hear me out. What If they tested out giving mercy 175HP on experimental card. These little mini health buffs and nerfs to squishy heroes have been pretty good imo. MeCree and Sym with 225 HP feels better. Now it doesn’t solve all those heroes issues but you have to admit it helped them. Widow going down to 175HP also made it a bit easier to contest her as a flanker. It didn’t kill her but made her feel a bit better to play against.

Mercy has a pretty small hitbox. She’s also arguably the most elusive hero in the game. And when she ults she becomes even harder to hit. In most games…even in higher tiers I notice players don’t even go for mercy that much because it’s a waste of time since it’s too hard, even for gm players to hit her. I could be totally wrong here but I think this would be a healthy change since it would make it a bit less frustrating to play against her and also not that big of a nerf to her.

I already know one common retort will be to just aim better. I know I’m bad at the game but that’s still no excuse to keep a very mobile hero unchecked. We don’t say the same things with heroes like Tracer, Genji, Echo, Ball, etc…so we shouldn’t with Mercy imo.

Again this is just a -25 HP nerf. No hps nerfs…no dmg boost nerf…not hitbox change…just -25HP.


I mean I see that it’d be the worst hero to drop health for. Being hard to hit isn’t the reason why heroes have more/less health. Zen’s hitbox, for example, is the size of the moon, he originally only had 150 health and was hot garbage.

Tracer and baby d.va remain the only two heroes with their original sub 200 HP total, WIdow was added to that list. Of the 3 originally made, Zen and Tracer could easily be called glass cannons- they’re very high damage, but canbe clapped quickly if you hit them. Baby D.va is only part of the character and she charges her call mech really fast.

Widow was added, and took out -25 health. Again, very high damage, and with mobility in all directions.

Mercy doesn’t really do any damage. In fact, they had to add the passive regen because of how bad she could be, as she’s unable to defend herself and heal her teammates at the same time. She’s forced to swap weapons.

This is a stone cold take mostly because it seems to not realize why certain characters have higher HP totals than others, and doesn’t take into account that mercy’s unique situation of being unable to defend herself aside from running away makes her pretty unsuitable for a nerf like this. If anything, I think reducing the HPS of her passive regen, or making it take longer for it to start would be a place to start, rather than making her that much more vulnerable to certain damage combos.

and at the end of the day, no tea and no shade, this change wouldn’t help the higher end’s current problem with her. While it’s mostly a matter of circumstance as her damage boost isn’t really better than any of the other ones in the game (seeing as it’s single target) and she just works really well with the meta tank (ball)… It feels like something to reward lower skilled players who cannot hit her rather than a way to fix the current situation in the game. High level players can hit her. If they’re being out played, the mercy is doing a really good job at being hard to hit and making herself a very slippery target. Alternatively, they simply cannot get to the mercy due to the power of long range damage in the game rn.

It feels like an argument from year 1 or 2 of overwatch, about slippery lucio’s contesting the payload.


just no

no crucifixions or other corporal punishment necessary

that is all


Tbh I think even this isn’t the way to go. I remember when Mercy’s health regen didn’t kick in for 3 seconds and honestly you spent a lot of time standing around, waiting to heal yourself.

Mercy doesn’t really need to be nerfed rn. She has a ton of synergy with Zen right now, so with his discord nerf, she’ll probably fall out of favor as well. It’s better to just wait and see than jump the gun with a nerf to her.


If it is just a small nerf, why implement it? :upside_down_face:.

Mercy is fine.


To be frank…it won’t change anything.

Sure it’s not terrible, but in the end, it’s not going to change really anything with her.

So it’d just be pointless.

I don’t think it would be pointless…but minimal. I don’t think she’s op at all. Just a little frustrating to play against sometimes. I think the other hp changes done recently were very good because they didn’t do too much but just enough to make the game a little better.

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I think this could be an interesting nerf if it was part of a greater power-shift, if she was also buffed to have higher output during the mid-game or at least during her ult. But without that, I really can’t see Mercy being enjoyable at 175 HP. That makes her very susceptible to one-shots, which is the very type of attack she should be counteracting with Resurrect, which itself would be even more difficult to execute and thus less reliable to get value from if Mercy is dying 25 HP sooner. Without a way to defend herself other than propelling to teammates, this just isn’t the nerf to weigh her down with, and I think the necessary buffs you’d have to give her to justify 175 HP would add more problems to the game.

Ana, however, is definitely a healer I’d like to see experimented with 175 HP – but that’s a different topic.


Mercy doesn’t need a nerf. She needs a rework.

Since you didn’t propose any kind of buff in return for this nerf… a simple No will suffice as my response.

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I mean if tracer is fine staying alive, why can’t a lot of these cheap heroes be at least 175 hp?

In other words, Mercy is fine.

I love how people are legitimately scared to ask for any mercy nerfs on this forums. Oh boy what this forum has become…


No. Just nerf dmg boost

This hot take froze me faster than subzero from mk11

Thats a No. She is squishy with 200Hp already. Some DPS would straight up eat her before breakfast, and what would be the compensation buff for it?

Not to forget, she cant fight back in 99% of the situations!

Mercys HP is certainly something not to be touched, if there is even room to be touched at all.


idk If it was yesterday but I remember a game on blizzard world where everyone left but a D.Va at the end.

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you aren’t allowed to suggest mercy nerfs here. Its against the law pretty much.


Don’t suggest nerfs to balanced heroes in general if you don’t want negative feedback

I’ll get annoyed at people who suggest nerfs to Ana or Lucio or D.va or Pharah or Winston or Genji too.

Like suggesting to nerf Mercy to 175 HP is basically making the hero flat out useless unless sitting still behind a wall right clicking a hitscan. Bye bye Mercy playstyle who plays as a teamwide support. Her mobility wouldn’t be a strength, it’d just be a liability.

Nope she’d be waaaaay too easy to shank. It’d be fun but that’s not balanced.

And this pretty much proves my point. Someone having a rant just cause I made a little joke about mercy.