[Extra HOT TAKE] A very small mercy nerf (Please don't crucify me)

As a person who plays lots of Mercy, I wouldn’t hate this (the HP reduction, let’s don’t nerf her regen). Pinning down Mercy is way harder than any other support. I don’t think it’s necessary but I get where your head’s at. Especially since more and more people are spamming super jump these days. If I’m not on hitscan, there’s not a lot I can do about that.

Couldn’t have said it better myself, Mercy has almost more ways of keeping herself alive than any other hero in the game. Between her incredible GA tech’s, to her self regen, to half of her ultimate’s worth being self preservation. There is plenty of room to make her more killable in ways that are more fair for everyone involved.

that is most definitely not a small nerf lol

Tracer has faster base movement speed, can move half-way across the map instantly, and has an ability that makes her invulnerable while healing her and getting her to safe positions.

If you can’t kill a mercy, that’s all on you. She’s relatively easy to kill.

Since when did Tracer have a faster base movement speed?

I can understand the thought process behind this. I think in practice, it’d hurt her far more significantly, though.

I mean, me pointing out that just making her squishier wouldn’t be a way to nerf her that would be fair to Mercy as a character isn’t the same as me saying she’s a target who should get nerfs.

She does no damage. She cannot protect herself without a delay to swap weapons. She can feasibly only run. And I also stressed that mercy isn’t unkillable. She’s actually a very big target when she’s using those wings of her. I know how easy a good hitscan can turn me into lunch.

I definitely think I said something at the end that was like "but mercy doesn’t even need nerfs and even if she did, why would they make her more like high DPS and/or a quickly generated ult to become a tank? IF I didn’t I should have and thats on me but, lol, she doesn’t need nerfs. She’s fine, and even her DB is incidentally used because she’s really good at working with ball. Baptiste is better than her and Zen’s DB is also much better than her’s because it’s team wide.

I definitely agree though, mercy’s only defense is her ability to run, that they gave her passive regen at all is a sign she needs help in that regard.

Since the beginning of the game Tracer and Genji have had 6 m/s movement speed while the rest of the cast have had 5.5.


HUH what??? I play both heroes… there’s no way? I searched up wiki, and they didn’t say anything about faster movement speed.

O_O you’re right LOL YOOOOOOOO I didn’t even notice LOL

I don’t understand. Why nerf anything on mercy?

Why does she even need a nerf?


I mean mercy became meta before zen?

It was ana mercy before, then zen took over past ana.

Zen leaving won’t change anything, especially when you take into consideration the brainless interaction mercy has with echo and cree still (2 top DPS picks that she HEAVILY benefits)

I knew they were faster since the game launched, still forget its there with how unnoticeable it is lol.

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Mercy is already incredibly fragile as it is, what?

I never had issues contesting Mercy as flanker. I thought the nerf would be like 25% damage boost or something but this is def not it. If i lose Mercy then Genji ceases existing so no thank you lol


There wasn’t an ana/mercy meta. Bap/Brig have been the meta, and now Zen is sliding in with Mercy.

And like. Why do you have to call it brainless? It’s a button press, sure, but it’s no different than any of the other button presses in the game…

Zen’s damage boost is ultimately ‘worse’ because the entire team can make use of it. Mercy’s is given instead of healing (not on top of) and can only be applied to one target. She also does NO DAMAGE herself.

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no nerf! instead buff her pew pew!
we need more pew pew!!! the world is better with pew pew!


Before bap got his matrix buffs it was literally mercy ana as the top 2 picks in GM lmfao.

Because it is?

You fly around, hold right click, and watch as your DPS does idiotic amounts of damage because of your right click. That 1 DPS does the work of 2 DPS, but as one person.

Can you quote where I said discord was somehow any less brainless?