EXPLORE PARIS. (Possible hero 30 hint hidden on the map) (Found unreachable area)

Hang on, found em. They were in the comment section of a ‘Master Ian Gamer’ video. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW_dMzZy_rjFpTe1yky18Eg

No videos, 4 subscribers and it’s been 4 hours since they made that comment and nothing has come from it.
They are most likely just a troll, sadly. (Though it would be a pretty interesting coincidence that both the song name and composer have been referenced in the lore.)

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unfortunate, i would still keep an eye on the channel for a day just to be safe. they could just have awful upload speeds or its hard to do the song. who knows :man_shrugging:

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I noticed that too but for me it was DF in the police station when I punched the elevator

There is a secret door when you play the piano as Soldier 76. A Youtuber already did it, I haven’t gotten to check it out as of yet tho sadly. He shows the door opening at around 2:20

… i really hope ur taking the mick cause if you dont know thats the attackers spawn then Gaga help your soul.


really sorry if this is old news, it’s hard to keep track of all the messages with how long this thread is, but someone was able to use the doomfist glitch to get in the omnic “we are watching you” room, if it’s not old news i’ll link it, if it is, sorry for the set back :sweat_smile:

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Yes people have made it into the room with a glitch and nothing is there

yeah, its old but thanks for bringing it up. i would rather hear the same thing multiple times than let any details slip through the cracks.

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Yeah, that was a joke. The door opening on the video is the attackers’ first spawn.


alright, just making sure!

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the contents might only be visible when the key is activated (as in the correct voiceline or piano keys) lets not forget that there is also a large space to the right of that door that cannot be entered by doomfists ult.

I know and what place to the right?

the building between attackers 1st spawn and the omnic door. its the same wall but there is a lot of evidence that there is something there considering that its impossible to get into from any angle. me and many others have tried.

What room? And what glitch?

I played the first four measures of the song discussed earlier and had no luck. I’ll mess around with it a little more, but it isn’t looking promising

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this is the only link i can share. (im not level 3)

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Doomfist can glitch through the map with his ult someone managed to get inside the room behind the omnic door but nothing was there

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As a side note, if you sit in the piano room for a while, you’ll hear like, high pitched boat horns. The two notes I’ve noticed are G# and A#

Yeah, I have watched the video. Doomfist can ‘walk’ over the rooftops.

Thanks, but how did people find this hidden room?